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5.5.14.   Finished Side
All fences or walls shall be configured so that the finished side faces outwards. For the purposes of this section, the finished side does not include any supporting members or bracing (see Figure 5.5.14: Finished Side).
Figure 5.5.14: Finished Side
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
5.5.15.   Maintenance
   A.   Any fence or wall which, through neglect, lack of repair, type or manner of construction, method of placement or otherwise, constitutes a hazard or endangers any person, animal, or property is in violation of this Ordinance.
   B.   When a fence or wall is in violation of this Ordinance, the Planning Director shall require the owner or occupant of the property upon which the fence or wall is located to repair, replace, or demolish the fence or wall in accordance with all applicable standards in this Ordinance.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
5.6.1.   Section Organization
These landscaping standards are organized into three main groups of related standards:
   A.   Applicability and configuration provisions in Subsections 5.6.3 through 5.6.8;
   B.   The standards for the five types of required landscaping (parking lots, perimeter buffers, foundation plantings, streetscape buffers, and street trees) in Subsections 5.6.9 through 0; and
   C.   The flexibility, maintenance, and replacement standards in Subsections 5.6.14 through 5.6.18.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
5.6.2.   Purpose and Intent
The purpose of these provisions is to establish minimum requirements for the provision and maintenance of functionally adequate, attractive screening and buffering of buildings, site features, and off-street parking areas. These standards are intended to:
   A.   Promote and increase design compatibility between different land uses, while ensuring attractive views from streets and adjacent properties;
   B.   Assist in delineating separations of spaces, structures, uses, and activities on a site, or between adjacent sites;
   C.   Shield adjacent properties from potentially adverse external impacts of adjacent land uses and activities;
   D.   Abate glare and moderate temperatures of impervious areas;
   E.   Help filter air of fumes and dust;
   F.   Provide shade;
   G.   Reduce noise;
   H.   Reduce the visual impact of large expanses of pavement;
   I.   Promote energy conservation;
   J.   Reduce the amount and rate of stormwater runoff and erosion;
   K.   Improve stormwater runoff quality;
   L.   Increase in the capacity for groundwater recharge; and
   M.   Enhance the appearance and value of both residential and non-residential development.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
5.6.3.   Applicability
The standards in this section apply to the following forms of development:
   A.   New Principal Buildings or Uses. New principal buildings or open uses of land, including publicly-owned buildings or sites, constructed, reconstructed, or established after January 1, 2020.
   B.   Improvements and Expansions. All improvements, including expansions or remodeling of principal buildings, parking areas, or open uses of land that exceed 3,000 square feet in area shall comply with these standards, subject to the requirements in Section 7.4, Nonconforming Sites.
   C.   Multi-Phase Development. Multi-family, non-residential, and mixed-use development that is planned and developed in phases shall be required to install landscaping that is associated with the active phase or phases only, unless an alternative arrangement is otherwise agreed to by the Planning Director and the developer. An active phase of a development is the one that is subject to permitted and on-going development activity.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
5.6.4.   Exemptions
The following forms of development are exempted from these standards.
   A.   Changes to an existing or development of a new proposed single-family detached or duplex dwelling on a residentially-zoned lot.
   B.   Routine maintenance of existing vegetation, such as watering and fertilizing.
   C.   The removal of dead trees and shrubs, or trees and shrubs that have been diagnosed and determined to be diseased beyond treatment, provided the screening function of the landscaping is maintained or re-established. Failure to maintain the screening function of a required landscaping area is a violation of this Ordinance.
   D.   Pruning of vegetation, provided the screening function of the required landscaping is maintained. Severe pruning is a violation of this Ordinance, and shall require replacement of required vegetation.
   E.   Repaving or restriping of a parking lot, provided there is no increase in parking lot size or the number of parking spaces.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)