5.8.8.   Compact Parking Spaces
   A.   Compact car off-street parking spaces with a minimum width of 8.5 feet and a minimum depth of 18 feet may be provided for up to 30 percent of the minimum parking requirements in Table 5.8.4.H, Minimum Off-Street Parking Requirements Table.
   B.   In no instance shall the minimum size of a compact parking space be further reduced through an alternative parking plan, administrative adjustment, conditional rezoning application, or other flexibility mechanism in this Ordinance.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
5.8.9.   Stacking Spaces
   A.   General. Uses with drive-through facilities and other auto-oriented uses where vehicles queue up to access a service shall provide adequate stacking spaces on-site for the uses or buildings in accordance with Table 5.8.9.A: Stacking Spaces Required.
Use of Activity
Minimum # of Stacking Spaces Required
Origin Point for Measurement
Use of Activity
Minimum # of Stacking Spaces Required
Origin Point for Measurement
Assisted living facility and nursing home
Building entrance adjacent to stacking spaces
Automated teller machine (drive through)
Teller machine
Automobile repair and servicing/automotive painting or body shop
1 per bay
Bay entrance
Car wash or automobile detailing
1 per bay for manual car washes, otherwise 3
Bay/wash process entrance
Child day care center
Building entrance adjacent to stacking spaces
Convenience store with gasoline sales
Each end of the outermost gas pump
Coffee shop with a drive through
Equipment and tool rental
Security gate
Financial services with a drive through
3 per lane
Agent window
Funeral-related service
Building entrance adjacent to stacking spaces
Gasoline sales, whether as a principal or accessory use
Each end of the outermost gas pump
Use of Activity
Minimum # of Stacking Spaces Required
Origin Point for Measurement
Use of Activity
Minimum # of Stacking Spaces Required
Origin Point for Measurement
Heavy equipment sales, rental, and repair
2 [2]
Security gate
Building entrance adjacent to stacking spaces
Hotel or motel
Building entrance adjacent to stacking spaces
Laundry and cleaning service with a drive through
Agent window or door intended for service to vehicles
Outpatient treatment facility
Building entrance adjacent to stacking spaces
Pharmacy with a drive through
3 per lane
Agent window
Post office
Each mailbox intended for access via automobile
Public convenience center/transfer station
Front edge of scale
Restaurant with a drive through
School (elementary, middle, or high school)
Building entrance adjacent to stacking spaces
Truck of freight terminal
1 [3]
Security gate
[1] Stacking spaces shall be provided in accordance with a stacking space needs study prepared for the specific use type proposed and in accordance with the business model and local experience of similar establishments and authored by professional engineer licensed by the State of North Carolina.
[2] The stacking space shall be of sufficient length to accommodate a trailer attached to a cab.
[3] Subject to the standards for gasoline sales if provided to individual passenger automobiles.
   B.   Design. Stacking spaces are subject to the following design and layout standards (see Figure 5.8.9.B: Stacking Spaces):
      1.   Size. Stacking spaces shall be a minimum of nine feet wide and 25 feet long.
      2.   Traffic Movements. Required stacking spaces shall not impede vehicular traffic movements or movements into or out of parking spaces, whether on-site or off-site.
      3.   Bicycle and Pedestrian Movement. Required stacking spaces shall not impede on-site or off-site bicycle or pedestrian traffic movements, whether on-site or off-site.
Figure 5.8.9.B: Stacking Spaces
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
5.8.10.   Bicycle Parking
Bicycle parking shall be provided in accordance with the following standards:
   A.   Applicability.
      1.   Bicycle parking facilities shall be provided on all new commercial, mixed-use, multi-family, and institutional use types served by 20 or more off-street parking spaces for vehicles.
      2.   Bicycle parking shall not be required for industrial use types.
   B.   Rate of Provision. Bicycle parking spaces shall be provided at a rate of one bicycle parking space for every 20 off-street parking spaces for automobiles. Nothing shall limit the provision of more bicycle parking spaces than are otherwise required.
   C.   Configuration.
      1.   Bicycle parking should be accessible to the primary entrances of the development and located in a visible, well-lit area (see Figure 5.8.10: Bicycle Parking).
Figure 5.8.10: Bicycle Parking
      2.   Bicycle parking shall be served by a pedestrian walkway connecting the bicycle parking to the closest primary building entrance.
      3.   Bicycle parking shall be located where it does not interfere with pedestrian traffic and is protected from conflicts with vehicular traffic.
      4.   Bicycle parking may be accommodated within street setback areas.
      5.   A bicycle rack or other device shall be provided to enable bicycles to be secured.
   D.   Shared Parking Spaces. Nothing shall limit uses on the same block face from establishing shared or consolidated bicycle parking spaces in central or mid-block locations, provided there are sufficient bicycle parking spaces for all uses sharing the required bicycle parking.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
5.8.11.   Parking Alternatives
Development may deviate from the off-street parking requirements in this section through the requirements and procedures in Section 2.2.1, Administrative Adjustment, and Section 2.2.21, Variance, or through approval of an alternative parking plan accepted by the Planning Director and configured in accordance with the following:
   A.   Deviation from Required Minimum. An applicant may propose a reduced rate of provision for off-street parking less than that specified in Table 5.8.4.H, Minimum Off-Street Parking Requirements Table, in accordance with a parking study prepared by a professional engineer licensed by the State of North Carolina. The parking study shall document why fewer spaces than required will be adequate while still protecting the public's health, safety, and welfare.
   B.   Provision over the Maximum Allowed. An applicant proposing development subject to the standards in Section 5.8.4.C, Off-Street Parking Space Maximum, may propose a total number of off-street parking spaces that exceeds the maximum allowed only through the provision of a parking study prepared by a professional engineer licensed by the State of North Carolina. The parking study shall document why the provision of off-street parking spaces beyond the maximum authorized is necessary for the public's health, safety, or welfare.
   C.   Off-Site Parking. Up to 50 percent of off-street parking space requirements for an existing building may be met by locating required parking in an off-site location, in accordance with the following standards:
      1.   The off-site parking is located within 1,000 feet from the use it serves, as measured from the entrance of the use to the nearest off-site parking space.
      2.   A sidewalk or paved pedestrian walkway is provided to the off-site parking area from the use.
      3.   In cases where the off-site parking is located on land under separate ownership from the use it serves, the off-site parking shall be subject to a written agreement executed by the owners involved and filed with the Planning Director prior to the use of off-site parking facilities. The agreement shall guarantee the long-term availability of the off-site parking in question.
      4.   Should an off-site parking agreement cease, then the use shall be considered a nonconformity subject to the standards in Article 7: Nonconformities, unless the use is brought into compliance with the minimum off-street parking requirements of this section.
   D.   Shared Parking. The required off-street parking for a use may be met with shared use of the required off-street parking spaces of another use, only in accordance with the following standards:
      1.   The use of shared off-street parking spaces shall be subject to a shared parking agreement executed by the landowners of the uses involved, approved by the Planning Director, and recorded in the office of the Wake County Register of Deeds.
      2.   The shared parking agreement shall guarantee the long-term availability of the shared parking spaces in question. Nothing shall limit the percentage of required off-street parking spaces that may be provided through a shared parking agreement.
      3.   The shared parking is located within 1,000 feet, as measured from the entrance of the use to the nearest shared parking space.
      4.   A sidewalk or paved pedestrian walkway is provided to the shared parking area from the use.
      5.   The uses served by the shared parking must have different peak parking demands, differences in hours or days of operation, or otherwise operate such that the uses sharing parking have access to the required minimum number of off-street parking spaces when in operation.
      6.   Should the shared parking agreement cease, then the use(s) formerly served by shared parking shall be considered a nonconformity subject to the standards in Article 7: Nonconformities, unless the use(s) is brought into compliance with the minimum off-street parking requirements of this section.
   E.   Alternative Surfacing. The use of pervious or semi-pervious parking area surfacing materials—including, but not limited to, "grass-crete," "turfstone," cellular reinforced paving systems, porous concrete, crushed stone, or recycled materials such as glass, rubber, used asphalt, brick, block, and concrete—may be proposed for required off-street parking spaces, drive aisles, or vehicular surface areas on a site, provided such areas are properly maintained. Where possible, such materials should only be used in areas proximate to and in combination with on-site stormwater control mechanisms or tree protection measures.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
5.8.12.   Off-Street Loading
   A.   Loading Facilities Required. Every application for a non-residential use shall ensure that adequate off-street loading facilities are provided so that loading vehicles do not occupy required off-street parking spaces, block vehicular access, or prevent appropriate on-site maneuvering.
   B.   Minimum Off-Street Loading Space Requirements.
      1.   A minimum number of off-street loading spaces is not established; however, if off-street loading spaces are provided, they shall be provided and maintained in sufficient numbers to adequately handle the needs of a non-residential use.
      2.   Failure to provide or maintain off-street loading spaces when they are necessary to serve the development is a violation of this Ordinance.
      3.   In no instance shall an off-street loading space occupy a required off-street parking space or interrupt the safe operation of vehicles or circulation of pedestrian or bicycles.
      4.   Each off-street loading space shall be designed with an appropriate means of vehicular access to a street or alley in a manner that will least interfere with traffic circulation.
   C.   Location. No off-street loading space shall be located within a required setback or within 30 feet of a street intersection.
   D.   Dimensional Standards for Loading Spaces. When off-street loading spaces are provided, they shall comply with the following minimum requirements (see Figure 5.8.12.D: Off-Street Loading Spaces):
      1.   Except for loading spaces used by semi-tractor trailers, off-street loading spaces shall be at least 10 feet wide and at least 30 feet long.
      2.   Off-street loading spaces used by semi-tractor trailers shall be at least 70 feet long.
      3.   Overhead clearance for an off-street loading space shall be at least 15 feet.
      4.   Off-street loading spaces shall be designed so that no backing onto or from a public street is necessary.
Figure 5.8.12.D: Off-Street Loading Spaces
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
5.9.1.   Purpose and Intent
This section is proposed to ensure that the Town's planning jurisdiction includes areas of mature tree canopy cover during and after development. These standards are further intended to:
   A.   Promote sequestration of carbon dioxide through the establishment of new trees or the retention of existing trees on lots following the development process;
   B.   Protect species diversity and habitat through the establishment of connected or linked areas of protected urban forest;
   C.   Encourage the retention of existing trees during the development process through accelerated credit towards landscaping requirements; and
   D.   Establish tree protection requirements for trees voluntarily proposed for retention during the development process.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
5.9.2.   Applicability
Unless exempted in accordance with Section 5.9.3, Exemptions, the standards in this section shall apply to all lands and development, including subdivisions of land for single-family detached residential dwellings, in the Town's planning jurisdiction.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
5.9.3.   Exemptions
The following activities are exempt from the standards of this section:
   A.   Activity on a bona fide farm;
   B.   Tree removal associated with normal forestry activity that is conducted:
      1.   On land taxed on the basis of its present-use value as forestland pursuant to Chapter 105, Article 12 of the North Carolina General Statutes; or
      2.   In accordance with a forest management plan prepared or approved by a forester registered in accordance with Chapter 89B of the North Carolina General Statutes;
   C.   Development or redevelopment within the DTC and DTP districts;
   D.   Development or redevelopment within the LHO district;
   E.   Construction of an individual single-family detached home on its own lot; and
   F.   Construction of an individual duplex dwelling on one or two individual lots.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)