5.6.13.   Street Trees
Except for alleys and lawfully-established half-streets, all Town-maintained streets shall include street trees along both sides of the street.
   A.   Where Required. Street trees shall be located within tree pits or planting strips within the street right-of-way (see Figure 5.6.13: Street Tree Configuration).
   B.   Location.
      1.   Within Tree Pits. In cases where sidewalks, boardwalks, or paving are located in the right-of-way, street trees shall be located within tree pits, configured in accordance with the following standards:
         a.   Tree pits shall have a minimum planting area of at least 25 square feet per tree pit;
         b.   Tree pits shall be covered or configured with ground covering at the same general height as the pedestrian walkway to avoid being a tripping hazard; and
         c.   Tree pits shall include structural soils or screened backfill to ensure appropriate drainage and backfill.
      2.   Within Planting Strips. In cases where sidewalks are not present or where a portion of the right-of-way is not paved, street trees may be placed within planting strips, configured in accordance with the following standards:
         a.   Tree planting strips shall be configured parallel to the street;
         b.   Tree planting strips shall maintain a minimum width of five feet; and
         c.   Tree planting strips shall be raised above the sidewalk or include edging that prevents pedestrians from walking in the planting strip.
   C.   Tree Placement.
      1.   Street trees, when located within tree pits or planting strips, shall be located so that the trunk is at least two-and-one-half feet from the back of the curb or the edge of the pavement.
      2.   Street trees shall not be located within sight distance triangles (see Section 5.1.7, Sight Distance Triangles).
   D.   Types of Trees.
      1.   Except in areas underneath existing overhead utilities or upper story encroachments into the right-of-way, street trees shall be canopy trees that meet the standards in Section 5.6.6: Plant Material Specifications.
      2.   In areas beneath existing overhead utilities or upper story encroachments into the right-of-way, street trees shall be understory trees that meet the standards in Section 5.6.6: Plant Material Specifications.
   E.   On-Center Spacing.
      1.   Canopy trees shall be planted 45 to 50 feet on-center.
      2.   Understory trees shall be planted 20 to 25 feet on-center.
      3.   Grouping or clustering of street trees shall be prohibited, but on-center spacing may be reduced as necessary to avoid sight distance triangles, street furnishings, or other utility conflicts.
Figure 5.6.13: Street Tree Configuration
   F.   Compliance with NCDOT Standards. In cases where street trees are located within street rights-of-way maintained by the NCDOT, street tree configuration shall be in accordance with NCDOT standards in addition to the standards in this section. In the event the standards in this section conflict with applicable NCDOT standards, the NCDOT standards shall control.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)