General Provisions
   153.001   Title
   153.002   Authority
   153.003   Jurisdiction
   153.004   Effective date
   153.005   Purpose
   153.006   Relationship to existing zoning ordinance
   153.007   Relationship to comprehensive planning
   153.008   No use or sale of land or buildings except in conformity with chapter provisions
   153.009   Severability
   153.010   Conflicting ordinances
   153.011   Amendments; effective date and referendum
   153.012   Definitions
   153.013   Relationship to public works and buildings
   153.014   Public right-of-way construction standards
   153.015   Demolition permits
   153.016   Certificates of occupancy
Administration and Enforcement
   153.030   Enforcement by Director of Inspection and Engineering
   153.031   Certificate of zoning compliance
   153.032   Application procedure
   153.033   Review procedure
   153.034   Issuance and expiration
   153.035   Violations; remedies
   153.036   Complaints
   153.037   Failure to act
   153.038   Technical Review Group
   153.039   Director of Inspection and Engineering
   153.040   Planning Commission; Board of Zoning and Building Appeals; Village Council
   153.041   Amendments
   153.042   Conditional uses
   153.043   Variances
   153.044   Nonconforming lots, uses, and structures
   153.045   Schedule of fees
Site Development Plans
   153.060   Purpose and intent
   153.061   Site development plans required
   153.062   Preparation
   153.063   Approval process
   153.064   Preliminary site plans
   153.065   Final site plans
   153.066   Required improvements
   153.067   Administration and enforcement
Historic Preservation Districts and Listed Properties
   153.080   Declaration of public policy and purpose
   153.081   Definitions
   153.082   Establishment of the Waynesville Historic Preservation District
   153.083   Establishment of the Historic Preservation Board
   153.084   Organization and procedure of the Board
   153.085   Duties of the Board
   153.086   Limitations on issuance of building, demolition and sign permits
   153.087   Issuance of certificate of appropriateness
   153.088   Criteria for evaluating application for certificate of appropriateness
   153.089   Exclusions
   153.090   Provisions of subchapter prevail in case of conflict
   153.091   Designation criteria for additional preservation districts and listed properties
   153.092   Procedure for establishing preservation districts and listing of properties
   153.093   Violations and enforcement
   153.094   Appeals procedures
Districts Established
   153.110   Division into districts
   153.111   Boundaries; zoning map
   153.112   Vacated street or alley
   153.113   Annexations
General Zoning Regulations
   153.130   Conformance required
   153.131   Prohibited uses
   153.132   Conversion to dwellings
   153.133   Accessory buildings without main building
   153.134   Required area or space cannot be reduced
   153.135   Unsafe buildings
   153.136   Pending applications for building permits
   153.137   Corner lot visibility
   153.138   Storage of construction materials
   153.139   Objectionable element or condition
   153.140   Platting required
   153.141   Building lines established
   153.142   Prohibition of mineral extraction
   153.143   Modification of development standards
   153.144   Corner lot setbacks
   153.145   One use per recorded lot
   153.146   Multiple commercial/manufacturing uses permitted
   153.147   Location of vending machines
   153.148   Vehicle sales
   153.149   Architectural design requirements and architectural review guidelines for nonresidential developments outside of historic districts
   153.150   Medical marijuana prohibition
District Regulations
   153.165   Limited Density Residential District (R-1)
   153.166   Low Density Residential District (R-2 and R-3)
   153.167   Medium Density Residential District (R-4 and R-5)
   153.168   Two-Family Residential District (R-6)
   153.169   Multi-Family Residential District (AR-1)
   153.170   Neighborhood Commercial District (NC)
   153.171   General Commercial District (GC)
   153.172   Suburban Office and Institution District (SO)
   153.173   Limited Manufacturing District (LM)
   153.174   Planned Districts (PRD, PCD, PID, PUD)
   153.175   Overlay Districts (LC and LR)
   153.176   Floodplain District (FP)
   153.177   Exceptional Use District (EU)
   153.178   Wellhead Protection District (WHP)
Supplemental Regulations
   153.190   Swimming pools
   153.191   Open storage and display of material
   153.192   Public nuisance regulations
   153.193   Land dedications and in-lieu fees
   153.194   Mobile homes, modular homes, recreational and camping vehicles
   153.195   Keeping of horses
   153.196   Fences and hedges
   153.197   Home occupations
   153.198   Satellite ground stations
   153.199   Wireless telephone facility regulations
   153.200   Accessory uses and structures
   153.201   Bed and breakfast inns
   153.202   Recreational equipment
Height, Area and Yard Modifications
   153.215   Height modifications
   153.216   Yard projections
   153.217   Lot area requirements; private sanitary facilities
   153.218   Assigned yards for arrangement of structures
Off-Street Parking and Loading
   153.230   Off-street parking generally
   153.231   Dimensions
   153.232   Schedule of parking spaces
   153.233   Development standards
   153.234   Access drives
   153.235   Off-street loading
   153.236   Limitations in residential districts
   153.237   Commercial parking in residential areas
   153.250   Purpose and scope
   153.251   General provisions
   153.252   Signs prohibited in all zoning districts
   153.253   Exemptions
   153.254   Regulations for signs in residential districts, Planned Residential District (PRD), Planned Unit District (PUD), and Limited Residential Overlay District (LR)
   153.255   Regulations in commercial and planned commercial districts
   153.256   Regulations in the Limited Manufacturing District (LM)
   153.257   Temporary signs
   153.258   Legal nonconformity
   153.259   Removal and disposition of signs
   153.260   Permits, fees and inspections
   153.261   Violations, penalties and appeals
Landscaping and Screening
   153.275   Purpose
   153.276   Development standards
   153.277   Landscape standards
   153.278   Submittal requirements
   153.279   Installation and maintenance
   153.280   Woodlands
   153.281   Public spaces
   153.999   Penalty
   Citizen Participation Plan Guidelines adopted, see § 37.03
   Code Enforcement Officer, see § 31.02
Statutory reference:
   Municipal planning and zoning, see R.C. Chapter 713
   Violation of zoning ordinances, see R.C. § 713.13