(A)   As an alternative method of determining the minimum requirement of yard space for the arrangement of two or more structures on the same lot or the arrangement of structures on separate lots of the same ownership or with agreement between owners, the following requirements may be used:
      (1)   Determination of assigned yards. The assigned yard (typically diamond-shaped) shall be the area bounded by lines passing through points that are located by the following procedure:
         (a)   The outline of the structure shall be a quadrangle described by lines established by the projection of the outermost faces of the structure.
         (b)   If a wing, bay, or other section of the structure is 25% or less of the linear dimension of a projected face or is of ten feet or more difference in height, then a quadrangle and/or height as determined above may be described separately. If a face of the structure is other than straight, then the projection of such a face shall be a line through the outermost point of the face, such line being parallel to the projection of the structure’s front face.
         (c)   The points shall be established on a perpendicular bisector of each side of the quadrangle at a distance from such side equal to the sum of the length of the side and height of the structure divided by two.
      (2)   Relationship of assigned yards. The assigned yard of a structure shall not be occupied by any other structure, except accessory structures on the same lot.
   (B)   Structures adjacent to property of another ownership shall comply with the yard requirements prescribed in relation to the lot line except that if the adjacent property is developed or its proposed structure is determined and with written consent of the adjacent property owner, then assigned yards may be used to establish the arrangement between the structures.
   (C)   The assigned yard shall not extend into a street right-of-way, except that if a street is abutted by property of the same ownership or with agreement between owners for its full extent between intersections, then the assigned yard may be extended to the centerline of the right-of-way, except that the structure shall not be closer than ten feet to the existing or proposed right-of-way, whichever is greater.
(Ord. 96-152, passed 10-7-1996)