(A)   Purpose. Bed and breakfast inns are unique semi-commercial operations that adapt a residential environment into a lodging concept limited in scope and operation. The regulations presented here provide a systematic set of requirements to ensure that such operations, if compatible for a residential or commercial area, will not adversely impact adjacent uses as a result of the commercial aspects of the facility. Bed and breakfast inns shall be subordinate to the principal use of a single-family dwelling. The intent is not to provide an opportunity for the establishment of an intensive commercial lodging business. An intensive commercial lodging business would be permitted within a traditional commercial or planned commercial zoning district.
   (B)   Definition. For the purpose of this chapter, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      BED AND BREAKFAST INN. An owner-occupied residential single-family, detached structure wherein lodging and breakfast only are provided to transient guests for compensation in accordance with the development standards of this chapter. The provision of lodging and breakfast shall be subordinate to the principal use of the structure.
   (C)   Submittal requirements. 
      (1)   A bed and breakfast inn is included as a permitted or conditional use in those zoning districts where noted in this chapter.
      (2)   As a permitted use, an application for a certificate of zoning compliance will be required and the applicant shall provide a site plan showing existing improvements, floor plan illustrating the proposed operation, a site plan indicating all new improvements, and any additional information as required by the Zoning Director. As a conditional use, the applicant will be required to follow the conditional use requirements of § 153.042.
      (3)   In submitting an application for conditional use permit, the applicant shall provide a site plan showing existing improvements, floor plan illustrating the proposed operation, a site plan indicating all new improvements, and any additional information as required by the Planning Commission.
   (D)   Development standards.
      (1)   Single-family, detached dwelling. Bed and breakfast inns shall only be permitted as a conditional use in single-family, detached dwellings.
      (2)   Guest rooms. There shall be no more than four separate guest rooms within a single-family dwelling that are utilized by bed and breakfast guests nor more than 25% of a dwelling’s net floor area, whichever is greater. A guest room shall contain no less than 100 square feet of living space, not including closets, for two guests and 30 square feet for each additional guest up to a total of four guests per room.
      (3)   Owner/operator. The owner/operator of the bed and breakfast shall live full-time on the inn’s premises. Such owner/operator shall be the owner of record of no less than 50% interest of the property in question.
      (4)   Approval of fire and health officers. Written approval from fire and health officers shall be required for each conditional use application requesting approval for a bed and breakfast inn. Each guest room shall contain a separate installed smoke detector alarm approved by the fire officer. No premises shall be utilized for a bed and breakfast inn unless there are at least two separate exits to the outdoors.
      (5)   Meals. No more than one meal shall be served to each paying guest of the bed and breakfast inn and that meal shall be breakfast.
      (6)   Consecutive nights. A paying guest may stay at a bed and breakfast inn for not more than seven consecutive nights at any single visit nor more than a total of 28 nights in any given year.
      (7)   Kitchen facilities. Only one kitchen facility shall be permitted per structure for which a conditional use is granted to operate a bed and breakfast inn. No cooking facilities shall be permitted in individual guest quarters.
      (8)   Bathrooms. A minimum of one full bathroom, including shower, toilet, and sink, shall be required for every two guest rooms to be available for the exclusive use of bed and breakfast paying guests. Bed and breakfast inns shall be serviced by public sanitary sewer and water service.
      (9)   Guest register. A guest register listing the name, address, phone number, and dates of stay of all paying guests shall be maintained by the owner/operator and shall be made available for inspection by village officials.
      (10)   Special gatherings. Rental of the bed and breakfast inn for special gatherings such as wedding receptions and parties shall be prohibited in all residential zoning districts or properties adjacent to a residential zoning district.
      (11)   Business license. A business license shall be required to be obtained from the village.
      (12)   Public nuisance. Bed and breakfast inns shall not be permitted and a conditional use shall be revoked or suspended by Village Council whenever the operation has been found by the Director to conflict with or violate public nuisance regulations under § 153.192.
      (13)   Employees. No more than two individuals who are nonresidents of the dwelling may be employed in the operation of a bed and breakfast inn, whether or not compensated.
(Ord. 96-152, passed 10-7-1996)
   Conditional use permits, see § 153.042
   Off-street parking requirement, see §§ 153.230 through 153.237
   Signs, see §§ 153.250 through 153.261