(A)   Every sign hereafter erected in any zoning district of the village shall require a permit and the payment of a fee as hereinafter stipulated.
   (B)   All signs not specifically allowed by § 153.253 shall be erected only after issuance of a permit by the Director.
   (C)   A sign permit shall be obtained and a sign permit fee paid whenever:
      (1)   A sign is erected where no sign existed before;
      (2)   A business changes signs after a change in business ownership;
      (3)   The size; shape; location; lighting; colors; or text of a sign is changed, whether for an existing business or a new business; and
      (4)   The sign is altered from the conditions specified in the original permit issued for the sign by the village.
   (D)   Every application for a sign permit shall include the following:
      (1)   Name and address of the owner of the sign;
      (2)   Street address or location of the property on which the sign is to be located, along with the name and address of the property owner;
      (3)   The type of sign or sign structure to be permitted, as defined in this chapter;
      (4)   A site plan showing the proposed location of the sign along with the types, locations, and square footage areas of all existing signs on the same premises;
      (5)   Specifications and scale drawings showing the materials, design, dimensions, structural supports, electrical components, and other pertinent design features and components of the proposed sign;
      (6)   An approved certificate of appropriateness from the Historic Preservation Board for properties located within a designated historic district; and
      (7)   Any other information the Director determines to be necessary for proper review of the sign permit application.
   (E)   Applications for sign permits shall be accompanied by a fee as established by Village Council (see § 153.045).
(Ord. 96-152, passed 10-7-1996)