(A)   Purpose. The Limited Density Residential District (R-1) is established as a low density, detached, single-family residential district serviced by public water and sanitary sewer systems where physical conditions limit the suitability of servicing by on-site systems. The R-1 District is most appropriate in less developed portions of the village, serving as a transition between rural, predominantly agricultural areas and more developed areas.
   (B)   Permitted uses. Land and buildings in the Limited Density Residential District (R-1) shall be used only for the following purposes:
      (1)   Single-family detached dwellings;
      (2)   Accessory buildings and uses in association with a permitted dwelling;
      (3)   Home occupations in accordance with § 153.197; and
      (4)   Private kennels.
   (C)   Conditional uses. The following uses may be allowed in the Limited Density Residential District (R-1) subject to approval in accordance with § 153.042:
      (1)   Churches and other similar places of worship and parish houses, provided there are at least 100 seats or similar accommodations in the main assembly hall;
      (2)   Public uses: parks, playgrounds, recreation and community center buildings and grounds, golf courses, public swimming pools, tennis courts, and similar recreational uses, provided that any principal building or swimming pool used therefor shall be located not less than 150 feet from any lot in any residential district;
      (3)   Public and private schools;
      (4)   Home occupations associated with a principal use and in accordance with § 153.197;
      (5)   Rest homes, nursing homes, and children’s nurseries of day care centers;
      (6)   Customary agricultural operations, including the sale of produce raised on the premises, provided such operation is over ten acres in area and further provided that no storage of manure or odor or dust-producing substance or use of the housing of farm animals shall be permitted; and
      (7)   Accessory structures used as private kennels.
   (D)   Development standards.
      (1)   Lot and building requirements. The following lot and building requirements are minimum standards, except where noted, and shall apply in the Limited Density Residential District (R-1):
         (a)   Lot area: 25,000 square feet;
         (b)   Lot coverage (maximum): 30%;
         (c)   Lot width: 100 feet of frontage on an improved public right-of-way;
         (d)   Lot width on a curving street or cul-de-sac: 60 feet of frontage on an improved public right-of-way and lot width shall be 100 feet at the minimum building line;
         (e)   Front yard setback: 60 feet as measured between the street right-of-way line and the building setback line;
         (f)   Side yard setback: 25 feet with a minimum of ten feet on any one side; for a conditional use, the side yard setback shall be 25 feet;
         (g)   Rear yard setback: 40 feet as measured from the rear property line; an accessory building may be located in the rear yard no less than eight feet from the rear property line; and
         (h)   Dwelling dimensions: the following dwelling dimensions measured in terms of square footage apply to all residential structures:
Dwelling Type
Ground Floor Area (Sq. Ft.)
Finished Floor Area (Sq. Ft.)
2 story
1-1/2 story
1 story
Split level
      (2)   Supplemental standards. The following supplemental standards shall apply within the Limited Density Residential District (R-1).
         (a)   No building shall exceed 30 feet in height, nor more than two stories in height.
         (b)   Any building with a height in excess of one and one-half stories or 20 feet shall have a basement unless that building’s use is designed for 100 or more people.
         (c)   Applicable standards shall be met in corresponding provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 96-152, passed 10-7-1996; Ord. 98-159, passed 11-16-1998)
         (d)   Any building designed for the use of 50 or more people must be compliant with FEMA P-361 "Safe Rooms for Tornados and Hurricanes, Guidance for Community and Residential Safe Rooms", Third Edition or later. As an alternative, buildings designed for the use of 50 or more people can have a basement suitable for use as a tornado safe area.
(Ord. 96-152, passed 10-7-1996; Ord. 98-159, passed 11-16-1998; Ord. 2019-046, passed 9-3-2019)
   Accessory uses and structures, see § 153.200
   Ground satellite stations, see § 153.198
   Home occupations, see § 153.197
   Signs, see §§ 153.250 through 153.261
   Swimming pools, see § 153.190
   Yard and frontage modifications, see §§ 153.215 through 153.218
   Yard projections; fences, see § 153.216