(A)   Building lines established. Along every street right-of-way, a building line shall be established from the existing right-of-way or proposed right-of-way as indicated in the village’s Thoroughfare Plan, as amended, whichever is greater in width, that shall constitute the required front yard setback as established in the applicable zoning district.
   (B)   Required setback defined. The required setback is that distance between the established building line and the actual or proposed right-of-way. No structure or other use of land, except parking as defined in division (C) of this section, shall locate in the required setback. In no case shall the required setback be less than the minimum required in the applicable zoning district.
   (C)   Parking within the required setback. Open parking or loading spaces shall be permitted to extend toward the street right-of-way from the established building line a distance equal to 40% of the required setback distance as measured from the actual or proposed right-of-way. In no case shall any part of a parking area be closer than 15 feet to any established or proposed right-of-way.
   (D)   Platted setback. No structure or other use, including parking, shall be located between the street right-of-way and the platted building line as shown on an approved and recorded subdivision plat.
   (E)   Reduced setback. If existing structures or uses on lots adjacent to each side of a lot have a setback less than the setback line established by these regulations, the setback on the center lot shall be the average setback established on the adjacent lots.
   (F)   Display in front setback prohibited. Within the front building setback and side building setbacks adjacent to public right-of-way, there shall be no storage or display of any materials, equipment, inventory, merchandise, or wares. This provision is applicable in all NC, GC, SO, and LM Zoning Districts
(Ord. 96-152, passed 10-7-1996) Penalty, see § 153.999