(A)   Generally. The Director of Inspection and Engineering of the village, appointed by the Village Manager with the advice and consent of Village Council, shall serve as the chief administrative officer for the Zoning Code and is charged with enforcement of the related requirements and standards, as per this chapter.
   (B)   Certificate of zoning compliance. The Director of Inspection and Engineering shall issue the certificate of zoning compliance when the standards and requirements under §§ 153.031 through 153.045 have been fully met or as directed by the Planning Commission or Board of Zoning and Building Appeals and shall deny issuing zoning certificates in the event of noncompliance. The Director of Inspection and Engineering shall maintain a record of all applications and actions.
   (C)   Record keeping. The Director of Inspection and Engineering shall make and keep all records necessary and appropriate to the office, including record of the issuance and denial of all zoning certificates, zoning map amendments, variances, conditional use permits, certificates of appropriateness, certificates of design appropriateness, receipt, investigation, and enforcement of complaints of violations, and any other permit or certificate required herein. The Director of Inspection and Engineering shall prepare an annual summary of all records.
   (D)   Historic Preservation Board. The Director of Inspection and Engineering shall notify by certified mail respective property owners and those violating this Zoning Code of violations of the Historic Preservation Board provisions (see §§ 153.080 through 153.094) and all other pertinent regulations; shall issue stop work orders for the discontinuance of illegal work; and shall order in writing actions to correct the violations under the direction of the Historic Preservation Board. The Director of Inspection and Engineering shall take any other action authorized by the Historic Preservation Board in concurrence with the Law Director to ensure compliance, prevent violations, and to order remedial actions, including the issuance of certificates of appropriateness. Appeals of the Director of Inspection and Engineering’s orders directly related to the Historic Preservation Board’s jurisdiction and area of authority may be filed within ten days of receipt of the order with the Historic Preservation Board.
   (E)   Inspection and complaints.
      (1)   The Director of Inspection and Engineering shall inspect any building or land to determine whether any violations of this Zoning Code and other related ordinances have been committed or exist, and to receive and investigate complaints and notices of alleged violations. Written complaints of alleged violations shall be filed with the Director of Inspection and Engineering who shall investigate the complaints and prepare a report to be submitted to the Planning Commission and Law Director. The complaints shall be recorded.
      (2)   Regular inspections of the village shall be conducted by the Director of Inspection and Engineering to identify potential violations, situations of noncompliance, and any potentially illegal situations relative to this chapter. Necessary action shall be taken by the Director of Inspection and Engineering to ensure compliance with and enforce the Zoning Code and other related ordinances.
   (F)   Enforcement.
      (1)   The Director of Inspection and Engineering shall enforce this chapter and any related ordinances and take all necessary steps to remedy any condition found in violation by ordering by certified mail the discontinuance of the illegal uses or illegal work, and recommend to the Law Director appropriate action.
      (2)   The Director of Inspection and Engineering shall notify by certified mail the property owners and those violating this Zoning Code and any related ordinances of any noncompliance situations and shall order actions to correct or remedy the violations; shall order by certified mail the discontinuance of illegal uses of land, buildings, or structures in violation therein; shall order by certified mail in accordance with legal procedures the removal of illegal buildings and structures or illegal additions or structural alterations; shall order discontinuance by certified mail of any illegal work under way; and shall take any other action authorized by the Zoning Code, any related ordinance, and/or Law Director to ensure compliance and prevent violations, including issuance of and actions on any zoning permits or certificates and other similar duties. The Director of Inspection and Engineering shall notify in writing the Planning Commission and Law Director of all violations of this Zoning Code and any related ordinance.
      (3)   Appeals of the Director of Inspection and Engineering’s orders may be filed with the Board of Zoning and Building Appeals, Board of Housing Appeals, or Historic Preservation Board, as appropriate. A written appeal shall be filed with the Clerk of Council within ten days of receipt of order.
   (G)   Advisor to Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals.
      (1)   The Director of Inspection and Engineering shall advise the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning and Building Appeals of all matters other than routine duties pertaining to enforcement of this Zoning Code and any related ordinance, and shall transmit all applications and records pertaining to supplements and amendments therein.
      (2)   All questions relative to interpretation and enforcement of this Zoning Code shall first be presented to the Director of Inspection and Engineering for a decision. The Board of Zoning and Building Appeals may be appealed to for a determination relative to the Director of Inspection and Engineering’s decision.
(Ord. 96-152, passed 10-7-1996)
Statutory reference:
   Violation of zoning ordinances, see R.C. § 713.13