(A)   All site plans must be approved by the Planning Commission except as provided in division (F) of this section. Site plans shall be submitted to the Director of Inspection and Engineering who shall review same for compliance with this chapter. Submittal shall be 45 days prior to the meeting date at which the plans will be reviewed by the Planning Commission accompanied by a fee as set forth in § 153.045.
   (B)   Final site plans to be submitted to the Planning Commission shall be based on a previously approved preliminary plan except where such requirement is waived by the Planning Commission for good cause.
   (C)   The Planning Commission shall act on site plans presented to it within a reasonable time and the developer shall be advised as to the decision of the Planning Commission by letter and/or legible markings and notes on the plan. The decision shall be final. Final approval shall be shown by the signature of the Director of Inspection and Engineering on the final plans.
   (D)   Prior to final approval of the site plan, the developer shall post any required bonds and shall present any dedication or easement plats for approval prior to recordation.
   (E)   Approval of a final site plan by the Planning Commission shall expire 12 months from the date of such approval unless building permits have been obtained for construction in accordance therewith. A single extension, not to exceed six months, may be given by the Planning Commission upon written request by the applicant.
   (F)   Site plans for commercial developments of less than 10,000 square feet of gross floor area and industrial developments of less than 32,000 square feet of gross floor area may be approved by the Director of Inspection and Engineering. Any person aggrieved by any decision of the administrative official whose decisions required pursuant to this chapter may, within ten days of the decision, appeal and have a determination made by the Board of Building and Zoning Appeals.
   (G)   Approval of the site development plan by the Director of Inspection and Engineering after bonding approval by the Engineer constitutes authorization to proceed with site improvements within the area proposed under the site plan.
   (H)   The Director of Inspection and Engineering or Planning Commission may attach conditions to the approval of the site development plan as may be reasonably required by the public health, safety, and welfare.
(Ord. 96-152, passed 10-7-1996)