(A) Surfaced off-street automobile parking constructed in accordance with the standards set forth in this chapter, subject to § 153.233, shall be provided on any lot on which any of the following uses are hereafter established and are intended for use by the public, whether as customers, employees, or residents of a use or uses. Off-street loading and vehicle storage space shall be provided for the handling of materials and products of commercial and industrial uses. Such off-street parking, loading, and vehicle storage spaces shall be provided with vehicular access to a publicly dedicated street or alley.
(B) Off-street parking facilities as required by this chapter shall be used solely for the parking of motor vehicles in operating condition by patrons, occupants, or employees of the premises.
(C) Such required facilities, additional space provided, and access drives thereto, including required curb-cuts, shall be sloped and constructed to provide adequate drainage of the area; surfaced as required herein; free of weeds, debris, and overgrowth and maintained in such a manner that no dust will be produced by continuous use. The design and construction of all such facilities shall be subject to approval by the Village Engineer.
(Ord. 96-152, passed 10-7-1996)
Nonconformance, see § 153.044
Parking within the required setback, see § 153.141
Subdivision regulations, see Chapter 152
Statutory reference:
Off-street parking facilities, see R.C. §§ 717.05 et seq.
(A) Parking spaces. Minimum area and dimensions exclusive of driveways and aisles as follows:
Type of Parking Space | Minimum Width (Ft.) | Minimum Length (Ft.) | Minimum Area (Sq. Ft.) |
90-degree parking | 9 | 18 | 162 |
Parallel parking | 9 | 23 | 207 |
60-degree parking | 9 | 18 | 162 |
45-degree parking | 9 | 18 | 162 |
Handicapped accessible | 11* | 18 | 288 |
* 11 feet wide plus required adjacent five-foot wide aisle |
(B) Parking aisles. Minimum widths as follows:
Type of Parking | Minimum Aisle Width (Ft.) |
90-degree parking | 22 |
Angle parking | 18 |
Parallel parking on one-way drive | 14 |
Handicapped accessible requires an adjacent five-foot side aisle |
(Ord. 96-152, passed 10-7-1996)