General Provisions
   152.001   Title
   152.002   Authority
   152.003   Jurisdiction
   152.004   Effective date
   152.005   Purpose and intent
   152.006   Relationship to existing subdivision ordinance
   152.007   Relationship to comprehensive planning
   152.008   Severability
   152.009   Platting required
   152.010   Conflicting ordinances
   152.011   Definitions
Application Procedure and Approval Process
   152.025   Application required
   152.026   Pre-application conference
   152.027   Submittal of preliminary plats
   152.028   Submittal of final plats
   152.029   Special procedures for minor subdivisions
Plat Requirements
   152.045   Plat requirements
   152.046   Preliminary plat requirements
   152.047   Final plat requirements
   152.048   Minor subdivision plats
Required Improvements
   152.065   Required improvements; construction and material specifications; plans
   152.066   Monuments
   152.067   Streets
   152.068   Street lighting
   152.069   Signs
   152.070   Water
   152.071   Sanitary sewers
   152.072   Drainage
   152.073   Bridges
   152.074   Erosion and sedimentation control
   152.075   Landscaping
   152.076   Subdivision information signs
   152.077   Hillside regulations
   152.078   Public sites and open spaces
   152.079   Sewage disposal and water supply
   152.080   Variances and revisions
   152.081   Easements
   152.082   Private utilities
   152.083   Protection of wells
   152.084   Protection of historic properties
Bonds, Deposits, and Insurance
   152.100   General requirements
   152.101   Bonding requirements
   152.102   Indemnity insurance
Administration and Enforcement
   152.115   Administration and enforcement generally
   152.116   Waivers
   152.117   Plat adjustments
   152.118   Testing
   152.119   Vacation of plats
   152.120   Violations and penalties
   152.121   Appeals
   152.122   Notices
   152.123   Fee schedule for subdivision submittals
   Building regulations, see Ch. 150
   Code Enforcement Officer, see § 31.02
   Comprehensive Plan adopted, see § 150.03
   Flood hazard regulations
      Generally, see Ch. 151
      Specific regulations for subdivisions, see § 151.052
   Right-of-way regulations, see Ch. 94
   Streets and sidewalks, see Ch. 94
   Utilities Rules and Regulations, see Ch. 50
   Zoning Code, see Ch. 153
Statutory reference:
   Planning and zoning, see R.C. Chapter 713
   Subdivisions and plats, see R.C. Chapter 711
§ 152.001 TITLE.
   (A)   This chapter shall be known and may be designated and cited as “The Village of Waynesville, Ohio, Subdivision Regulations”, and heretofore may be referred to as “the Subdivision Ordinance” or “Subdivision Regulations”.
   (B)   Unless otherwise provided in this chapter or by law or implication required, the same rules of construction, definition, and application shall govern the interpretation of this chapter as those governing the interpretation of the Ohio Revised Code.
(Ord. 96-106, passed 3-20-1996)
§ 152.002 AUTHORITY.
   This chapter is adopted pursuant to the authority contained in the R.C. Chapters 711 and 713 and the Village Charter.
(Ord. 96-106, passed 3-20-1996)