Title and Purpose
   159.001   Title
   159.002   Purpose
Districts and Boundaries
   159.015   Boundaries of joint jurisdiction
   159.016   Districts designated
   159.017   Incorporated by reference
   159.018   Boundaries of districts, maps
   159.019   Rules where uncertainty as to boundaries arises
   159.020   Vacation of streets and roads
   159.021   Classification of land coming within the joint zoning jurisdiction
A-1 Agricultural District
   159.035   Intent
   159.036   Permissive uses
   159.037   Permitted special uses
   159.038   Conditional uses
   159.039   Accessory uses
   159.040   Parking regulations
   159.041   Sign regulations
   159.042   Density, area, yard and height regulations
RR Rural Residential District
   159.055   Intent
   159.056   Permissive uses
   159.057   Permitted special uses
   159.058   Conditional uses
   159.059   Accessory uses
   159.060   Parking regulations
   159.061   Sign regulations
   159.062   Density, area, yard and height regulations
RS-1 Residential District
   159.075   Intent
   159.076   Permissive uses
   159.077   Permitted special uses
   159.078   Conditional uses
   159.079   Accessory uses
   159.080   Parking regulations
   159.081   Sign regulations
   159.082   Density, area, yard and height regulations
RS-2 Residential District
   159.095   Intent
   159.096   Permissive uses
   159.097   Permitted special uses
   159.098   Conditional uses
   159.099   Accessory uses
   159.100   Parking regulations
   159.101   Sign regulations
   159.102   Density, area, yard and height regulations
RD Residential District
   159.115   Intent
   159.116   Permissive uses
   159.117   Permitted special uses
   159.118   Conditional uses
   159.119   Accessory uses
   159.120   Parking regulations
   159.121   Sign regulations
   159.122   Density, area, yard and height regulations
RA-1 Residential District
   159.135   Intent
   159.136   Permissive uses
   159.137   Permitted special uses
   159.138   Conditional uses
   159.139   Accessory uses
   159.140   Parking regulations
   159.141   Sign regulations
   159.142   Density, area, yard and height regulations
C Commercial District
   159.155   Intent
   159.156   Permissive uses
   159.157   Permitted special uses
   159.158   Conditional uses
   159.159   Accessory uses
   159.160   Parking regulations
   159.161   Sign regulations
   159.162   Density, area, yard and height regulations
I-1 Light Industrial District
   159.175   Intent
   159.176   Permissive uses
   159.177   Permitted special uses
   159.178   Conditional uses
   159.179   Accessory uses
   159.180   Parking regulations
   159.181   Sign regulations
   159.182   Density, area, yard and height regulations
I-2 General Industrial District
   159.195   Intent
   159.196   Permissive uses
   159.197   Permitted special uses
   159.198   Conditional uses
   159.199   Accessory uses
   159.200   Parking regulations
   159.201   Sign regulations
   159.202   Density, area, yard and height regulations
RC Recreation/Conservation District
   159.215   Intent
   159.216   Permissive uses
   159.217   Permitted special uses
   159.218   Conditional uses
   159.219   Accessory uses
   159.220   Parking regulations
   159.221   Sign regulations
   159.222   Density, area, yard and height regulations
PD Planned Development District
   159.235   Intent
   159.236   Procedure
   159.237   Initial development plan
   159.238   Final development plan
   159.239   Amendments
   159.240   Planned development districts
WS Water Source Protection Overlay District
   159.255   Intent
   159.256   Boundaries of district
   159.257   Conditional uses
   159.258   Standards
   159.259   Prohibited uses
RRC Red Rock Corridor Overlay District
   159.270   Intent
   159.271   Boundaries of district
   159.272   Development standards
   159.273   Variance
Additional Use Regulations
   159.285   Fences
   159.286   Adult uses
   159.287   Wind energy conversion systems
   159.288   Home occupations
   159.289   Mineral exploration and development
   159.290   Mobile homes/manufactured homes
   159.291   Accessory building and uses
   159.292   Salvage operation or junkyard
   159.293   Traffic visibility
   159.294   Additional yard regulations
   159.295   Additional height regulations
   159.296   Airport approach zones
   159.297   Rock, sand and gravel extraction
   159.298   Telecommunications towers, antenna support structures and wireless communications facilities
   159.299   Broadcast tower
   159.300   Temporary uses
   159.301   Vehicles and equipment restrictions
   159.302   Solar energy conversion system
   159.303   Vacation home rental/short- term rental
Parking and Loading Regulations
   159.315   Location
   159.316   Off-street parking requirements
   159.317   Rules for computing parking spaces
   159.318   Minimum improvement and maintenance standards
   159.319   Off-street loading requirements
On-Premises Signs
   159.330   Intent
   159.331   Permitted signs and sign area
   159.332   Regulations and limitations of permitted signs
   159.333   Special situations
   159.334   Exemptions
   159.335   Illumination
   159.336   Temporary and portable signs
   159.337   Prohibited signs
   159.338   Maintenance and removal
Off-Premises Signs
   159.350   Purpose and intent
   159.351   General regulations
   159.352   Conditional uses
   159.353   Exceptions
   159.354   Prohibited signs
   159.355   Maintenance and removal
Nonconforming and Nonstandard Uses
   159.370   Purpose and intent
   159.371   Continuation of nonconforming uses
   159.372   Use becoming nonconforming by change in law or boundaries
   159.373   Change in nonconforming use
   159.374   Extension or enlargement
   159.375   Restoration after damage
   159.376   Discontinuance of nonconforming use
   159.377   Effect on use which is illegal under prior law
   159.378   Continuation of nonstandard uses
Conditional Use Regulations
   159.390   Application to the county
   159.391   Fees
   159.392   Site plan
   159.393   Hearing by planning commissions
   159.394   Appeal of decision of planning commissions
   159.395   Hearing by board of county commissioners and city council
   159.396   Expiration
   159.397   Conditional use criteria
   159.398   Reapplication
   159.399   Revocation
Amendments to the Regulations
   159.410   Application to county for zoning amendment
   159.411   Fees
   159.412   Hearing by planning commissions
   159.413   Hearing by board and city council
   159.414   Reapplication
Zoning Board of Adjustment
   159.425   Establishment
   159.426   Operational procedure
   159.427   Appeals
   159.428   Variances
   159.429   Application to county for variance
   159.430   Fees
   159.431   Hearing
   159.432   Appeals from decision of board
   159.433   Limitations
   159.434   Jurisdiction to hear requests or grant variances
   159.445   General regulations
   159.446   Change of zone
   159.447   Planned development district
   159.448   Major amendment
   159.449   Minor amendment
   159.450   Conditional use
   159.451   Board of adjustment
   159.452   Zoning permits
General Provisions
   159.465   General regulations
   159.466   Building permits required
   159.467   Enforcement and administration
   159.468   Site plan
   159.469   Violation and penalty
   159.470   Warning and disclaimer of liability
   159.471   Interpretation, abrogation and severability
   159.472   Saving clause
   159.473   Purpose of catch heads
   159.474   Effective date
   159.485   Purpose
   159.486   Definitions
   159.999   Penalty
   Building, see ch. 150
   Floodplain management, see ch. 156
   Planning, see ch. 154
   Subdivisions, see ch. 157
   Zoning, see ch. 160
State law reference:
   Municipal planning and zoning, see SDCL ch. 11-4
   Power to adopt zoning ordinance, see SDCL 9-12-13
§ 159.001 TITLE.
   These regulations shall be referred to as the Revised Joint Zoning Ordinance for Minnehaha County and the City of Sioux Falls.
(1992 Code, App. C, § 1.01) (Ord. 20-02, passed 3-18-2002; Ord. 100-03, passed 10-20-2003; Ord. 94-17, passed 9-26-2017)
§ 159.002 PURPOSE.
   These regulations have been based upon the Sioux Falls, Comprehensive Plan adopted by the board of county commissioners on March 28, 2017, and the city council on October 11, 2016, amended by the city council on April 18, 2017, and are in conformance with SDCL chapters 11-2, 11-4 and 11-6. These regulations shall establish a common working relationship between the city and Minnehaha County to carry out the goals and objectives of the plan as adopted by the city and county, but especially to lessen congestion in the streets; to secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers; to promote health and the general welfare; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent the overcrowding of land; to avoid undue concentration or scattering of population; and to encourage a distribution of population or mode of land utilization that will facilitate the economical and adequate provisions of transportation, roads, water supply, drainage, sanitation, education, recreation or other public requirements. The regulations are intended to preserve and protect existing property uses and values against adverse or unharmonious adjacent uses by zoning land outside the corporate boundaries of the city but not to exceed three miles from the city limits.
(1992 Code, App. C, § 1.02) (Ord. 20-02, passed 3-18-2002; Ord. 94-17, passed 9-26-2017)
   (a)   The land within the joint zoning jurisdiction shall be contained within the following boundaries:
   Beginning along the south boarder of Section 32 (T101N R50W) approximately 1,090 feet east of the SW corner of Section 32-T101N-R50W, thence west to the SW corner of Section 31, thence north to the NW corner of the S1/2 of the N1/2 of Section 18, thence east to the NE corner of the S1/2 of the NW1/4 of Section 17, thence north to the NW corner of the NE1/4 of Section 29 (T102N R50W), thence east to the NE corner of the NW1/4 of Section 28, thence north to the NW corner of the S1/2 of the SE1/4 of Section 21, thence east to the NE corner of the S1/2 of the SE1/4 of Section 21, thence north to the SW corner of the NW1/4 of Section 22, thence east to the SE corner of the NW1/4 of Section 22, thence north to the NE corner of the NW1/4 of Section 22, thence east to the NE corner of the NW1/4 of Section 23, thence north to the NW corner of the SE1/4 of Section 14, thence east to the NE corner of the SE1/4 of Section 14, thence north to the NW corner of Section 13, thence east to approximately 821 feet east of NE corner of the Section 17 (T102N R49W), thence south to the S1/2 section line of Section 16, thence east to the NE corner of the S1/2 of Section 15, thence north to the NE corner of Section 15, thence east to the NE corner of Section 18 (T102N R48W), thence south to the SW corner of Section 8 (T101N R48W), thence east along the centerline of Madison Street to the intersection with SD Highway 11, thence south to the SE corner of Section 33, thence west along the county line to the point of beginning.
   (b)   Before any territory may come under the jurisdiction of these regulations, the boundary of the joint jurisdiction shall be amended by ordinance adopted by the county commission and city council in compliance with South Dakota Compiled Laws.
(1992 Code, App. C, § 2.01) (Ord. 20-02, passed 3-18-2002; Ord. 100-03, passed 10-20-2003; Ord. 26-05, passed 3-14-2005; Ord. 94-17, passed 9-26-2017)