It shall be the intent of this district to provide for a vigorous agricultural industry by preserving for agricultural production those prime agricultural lands beyond the area of planned urban development. It is recognized that because of the nature of both agricultural activities and residential subdivisions, that these two uses are generally poor neighbors and therefore the concentration of housing in the A-1 agricultural district shall be discouraged.
(1992 Code, App. C, § 3.01) (Ord. 20-02, passed 3-18-2002)
A building or premises shall be permitted to be used for the following purposes in the A-1 agricultural district:
(a) Agriculture. A building for the storage of agricultural equipment or products shall be allowed provided the following conditions have been met:
(1) The parcel(s) consists of not less than 40 acres of unplatted land; and
(2) The property’s principal use is devoted to agriculture.
(b) A single-family dwelling if the following provisions for building eligibility are met. Each quarter-quarter section shall have one building eligibility when all the following conditions are met:
(1) There are no other dwellings on the quarter-quarter section;
(2) The building site shall be a minimum of one acre;
(3) Approval has been granted by the appropriate governing entity for access onto a public road; and
(4) The remaining portion of the quarter-quarter section is retained as agricultural land or in its present use.
(c) Historical sites;
(d) Church;
(e) Neighborhood utilities; and
(f) Antenna support structure.
(1992 Code, App. C, § 3.02) (Ord. 20-02, passed 3-18-2002; Ord. 34-04, passed 3-15-2004; Ord. 134-06, passed 10-16-2006)
(a) A building eligibility may be used within a farmstead provided:
(1) The building eligibility exists on property contiguous to and under the same ownership as the farmstead;
(2) There will be no more than two dwellings within the farmstead; and
(3) The residential structure may be a single-family dwelling, manufactured home or mobile home.
(b) Cemetery, subject to, the cemetery shall contain an area of 20 acres or more or be an expansion of an existing cemetery;
(c) Pet cemetery, subject to, a minimum area of two acres;
(d) Wind energy conversion system in conformance with § 159.287;
(f) Greenhouses and nurseries provided there is no retail sale of products conducted on the premises;
(g) A single-family dwelling located on a lot of record in accordance with the following:
(1) A lot of record consisting of less than 80 acres and containing no other dwellings shall have one building eligibility;
(2) A lot of record consisting of 80 acres or more shall qualify for building eligibility as follows:
A. The acreage of the lot of record shall be divided by 40 acres. The resulting whole number minus the number of existing dwellings on the parcel shall represent building eligibility; and
B. If there is more than one building eligibility, each additional building site shall be required to obtain a conditional use permit.
(3) Approval must be granted by the appropriate governing entity for access onto the public road; and
(4) Any parcel conveyed from a lot of record must be a minimum of one acre. The remaining portion of the lot shall be retained as agricultural land or in its present use.
(h) Telecommunications tower, subject to:
(1) A minimum distance of 300 feet from the telecommunications tower to any residential zoning district, existing residential use except a farmstead, or future residential area designated on the adopted land use plan, measured from the base of the telecommunications tower to the property line;
(2) A minimum distance of one-half mile between telecommunications towers measured from the base of one telecommunications tower to the base of another; and
(3) Stealth design approved by the county planning director.
(1992 Code, App. C, § 3.03) (Ord. 20-02, passed 3-18-2002; Ord. 34-04, passed 3-15-2004)
(a) Rock, sand and gravel extraction in conformance with § 159.297;
(b) Mineral exploration in conformance with § 159.289;
(c) Airport/heliport;
(d) A single-family dwelling on a parcel which is not a lot of record provided:
(1) The deed to the land or the agreement to convey the parcel was recorded with the register of deeds prior to September 27, 1988;
(2) There are no other dwellings located on the parcel, except a parcel of 80 acres or more shall have building eligibility determined as follows:
A. The acreage of the parcel shall be divided by 40 acres. The resulting whole number minus the number of existing dwellings on the parcel shall represent the building eligibility; and
B. Each building site shall consist of a minimum of one acre.
(3) The building site shall not conflict with other existing or potential land use activities or the prevailing pattern of development;
(4) The soil conditions are acceptable for a building site; and
(5) Approval has been granted by the appropriate governing entity for access onto a public road.
(e) Group day care;
(f) Private campground;
(g) Garden center;
(h) Kennel;
(i) Stable;
(j) Produce stand exceeding 400 square feet in area;
(k) Fireworks sales provided the length of sales does not exceed nine days;
(l) Golf course, golf driving range;
(m) Recreation facility;
(n) Trap shoot, rifle range, pistol range;
(o) Sanitary landfill, solid waste transfer station, rubble dump, commercial compost site;
(p) Livestock sales barn;
(q) Concentrated animal feeding operation;
(r) Electrical substation;
(s) Public utility facility;
(t) Agriculturally related operations involving the handling, storage and shipping of farm products;
(u) The transfer of building eligibility from one parcel to another parcel when all the following conditions are met:
(1) The transfer of building eligibility shall occur only between contiguous parcels under the same ownership;
(2) Suitability as a building site based on the following factors:
A. Agricultural productivity of the soil;
B. Soil limitations; and
C. Orientation of the building site(s) with respect to road circulation and access to public rights-of-way.
(3) The minimum lot size shall be one acre but a larger area may be required when soil conditions warrant;
(4) The parcel from which the eligibility is transferred shall continue as agricultural land or remain in its present use; and
(5) Approval has been granted by the appropriate governing entity for access onto a public road.
(v) Public facility owned and operated by a governmental entity;
(w) Bed and breakfast establishment;
(x) Broadcast tower;
(y) Farmer’s market;
(z) Solar energy conversion system; and
(aa) Vacation home rental/short-term rental in accordance with § 159.303.
(1992 Code, App. C, § 3.04) (Ord. 20-02, passed 3-18-2002; Ord. 34-04, passed 3-15-2004; Ord. 76-09, passed 8-17-2009; Ord. 37-14, passed 6-24-2014; Ord. 98-23, passed 10-24-2023)