(a) Initial development plan.
(1) When a petitioner wants to request a rezoning to the planned development district, it shall be submitted to the Minnehaha County planning department, showing the information specified in § 159.237, a minimum of 30 days prior to the joint meeting of the county and city planning commissions at which consideration is desired. After the planned development request has been reviewed, the planning commissions shall make a recommendation to the board of county commissioners and city council on the requested rezoning. The board of county commissioners and city council shall then act to approve or deny the request.
(b) Final development plan.
(1) Prior to construction on any lots in the planned development, the petitioner shall present a final development plan showing the information specified in § 159.238, to the planning commissions, who shall have the sole authority to approve, deny or amend the plan.
(2) The final development plan may be submitted in conjunction with the initial development plan for concurrent approval on any subareas the developer is ready to commit to a final plan. All the information required for both an initial and final development plan must be shown for the area submitted for concurrent approval, except that the developer may reference the requirements of one of the traditional zoning districts as the development standard for a particular subarea.
(c) Amendments.
(1) Major amendments. Major amendments to the initial and/or final development plan shall be required to be approved as an amendment to the zoning regulations, requiring the planning commissions’ review and board of county commissioners and city council approval.
(2) Minor amendments. Minor amendments to the initial and/or final development plan shall be required to be approved by the planning commissions at a hearing. Notice of the hearing shall be given by the posting of a sign on the property. Minor amendments to the initial development plan may also be made by the submission and approval of a final development plan which is changed from the approved initial development plan. Any amendments shall be shown as a change from the initial development plan on the final development plan, and further these changes shall be made on the initial development plan.
(3) Minimal amendments. Minimal amendments to the final development plan shall be submitted to the planning director on a reproducible development plan showing the requested changes. The planning director may then approve the change in writing, if he or she deems it appropriate.
(1992 Code, App. C, § 14.02) (Ord. 20-02, passed 3-18-2002)
Upon application for rezoning to the planned development district, the petitioner shall present an initial development plan to the planning commissions for review and to board of county commissioners and city council for their approval showing the following information:
(a) Project name and legal description;
(b) A preliminary subdivision plan; and
(c) The proposed development scheme showing the following information:
(1) The proposed land uses, including the number and type of proposed residential buildings, the proposed number of dwelling units per building, the number and type of any proposed nonresidential buildings and their square footage;
(2) The proposed maximum density of the development, which shall not exceed the density allowed in the traditional zoning districts for similar uses, except where unique physical, environmental or design characteristics make those densities undesirable;
(3) The proposed minimum setbacks which shall be no less than those required in the traditional zoning districts for similar uses, except where unique physical, environmental or design characteristics make the setbacks undesirable;
(4) The proposed maximum height which shall be no greater than that required in the traditional zoning districts for similar uses, except where unique physical, environmental or design characteristics make the heights undesirable;
(5) Proposed design features illustrating compatibility to the surrounding environment and neighborhood; and
(6) Anticipated subarea development sequence.
(1992 Code, App. C, § 14.03) (Ord. 20-02, passed 3-18-2002)
(a) Prior to construction on any lots in the Planned Development Zoning district, the petitioner shall present a final development plan to the planning commissions for their approval.
(b) The final development plan shall show the following information:
(1) The subdivision name, the legal description and the individual project name (if any);
(2) Boundaries of the subarea or subareas submitted for approval superimposed on the map of the initial development plan;
(3) A subdivision plat of the subarea or subareas submitted for approval;
(4) A scale drawing showing the following information will be required for everything except single-family detached dwelling subareas:
A. Size and location of proposed structures including height and number of units;
B. Calculated floor area for each structure and a generic listing of the uses within the structure;
C. Off-street parking lot arrangement designating all parking spaces, off-street loading spaces and any outdoor trash container spaces;
D. Any sidewalks, bikeways or other paths;
E. Landscaping plans showing the type and location of any walls or fences, the placement, size and species of any trees or shrubs, and berms in areas that will be sod or seeded;
F. All existing and proposed utilities, drainageways, watercourses and location of aboveground existing utilities on adjacent property;
G. Proposed final ground contours;
H. Existing and proposed uses adjacent to the area;
I. Documentation of the ownership and maintenance responsibility of any common open spaces, structures or facilities including private streets;
J. Any subareas proposed for multiple residential development will be required to provide an open area for recreation. The open spaces shall not be included in any required yard, but shall be located in the same subarea it is intended to serve;
L. Unless otherwise specified on the final development plan, all development standards shall be the same as those set forth in the traditional zoning districts, which shall be referenced for each subarea as a part of the final development plan. For example: townhouses on Block X shall be developed in conformance with the requirements of the RD residential district.
(1992 Code, App. C, § 14.04) (Ord. 20-02, passed 3-18-2002)