A building or premises may be used for the following purposes in the RD residential district in conformance with the conditions prescribed herein or by obtaining a conditional use permit for that use in conformance with the requirements of §§ 159.390 through 159.399:
   (a)   Churches:
      (1)   One of the principle frontages of the premises shall abut on an arterial or collector street; and
      (2)   The main building shall be set back 25 feet from the side lot lines.
   (b)   Elementary and high schools:
      (1)   One of the principle frontages of the premises shall abut on an arterial or collector street; and
      (2)   The main building shall be set back 25 feet from the side lot lines.
   (c)   Antenna support structure, subject to, stealth design approved by the county planning director.
(1992 Code, App. C, § 7.03) (Ord. 20-02, passed 3-18-2002)