Every off-premises sign shall be maintained in good structural and aesthetic condition at all times. Any abandoned, unsafe or unsightly sign shall be removed or renovated within 60 days upon written notice. If the owner fails to remove or renovate the sign within the required time period, the county may remove the sign at the owner’s expense.
(1992 Code, App. C, § 17A.06) (Ord. 20-02, passed 3-18-2002)
Subject to the provisions of this subchapter, the lawful use of a premises existing immediately prior to the effective date of this subchapter may be continued although the use does not conform to the provisions hereof.
(1992 Code, App. C, § 18.02) (Ord. 20-02, passed 3-18-2002)
Whenever the use of a premises becomes a nonconforming use through a change in zoning ordinance or district boundaries, the use may be continued, although the use does not conform to the provisions thereof.
(1992 Code, App. C, § 18.03) (Ord. 20-02, passed 3-18-2002)
(a) If no structural alterations or additions are made, a nonconforming use may be changed to another nonconforming use of the same or a more restrictive classification. For the purposes of this subchapter, each of the following classifications shall be considered to be “more restrictive” than those it precedes:
RC | Recreation/conservation |
RR | Rural residential |
RS-1 | Residential |
RS-2 | Residential |
RD | Residential |
RA-1 | Residential |
C | Commercial |
I-1 | Light industrial |
I-2 | General industrial |
(b) Whenever a nonconforming use has been changed to a more restrictive use or to a permitted use, the use shall not thereafter be changed to a less restrictive use.
(1992 Code, App. C, § 18.04) (Ord. 20-02, passed 3-18-2002)
A nonconforming use shall not be enlarged, extended, converted, reconstructed or structurally altered unless the use is changed to a use permitted in the district in which the premises is located except that a conditional use permit may be authorized after the following criteria are given specific consideration:
(a) Effect on surrounding property values;
(b) The density of land use zoning for the subject and adjacent properties;
(c) The degree of hardship upon the applicant which would be caused by failure to grant the permit; and
(d) It can be demonstrated that it was the owner’s intent to use the entire premises for the use prior to the adoption, revision or amendment of this subchapter.
(1992 Code, App. C, § 18.05) (Ord. 20-02, passed 3-18-2002)