(a) It is the intent of this district to provide flexibility from conventional zoning regulations with increased public review for PD planned development district projects in order to:
(1) Encourage well planned, efficient development;
(2) Allow a planned and coordinated mix of land uses which are compatible and are harmonious, but previously discouraged by conventional zoning procedures;
(3) Encourage the redevelopment of contiguous large lot parcels into an integrated and orderly subdivision pattern, with particular attention to developing an efficient and coordinated network of internal streets;
(4) Promote the clustering of residential structures and other uses without increasing overall density of the development area in order to preserve unique and natural features such as woodlands, wetlands, natural drainage systems and scenic areas;
(5) Protect sensitive areas and areas with restrictive soil conditions within development areas through clustering of uses on land more suited for building;
(6) Reserve adequate public right-of-way within development areas for the eventual extension of arterial and collector streets, including proper width and spacing of those streets; and
(7) Improve communication and cooperation among the county, townships, land developers and interested residents in the development of agricultural land and redevelopment of existing areas.
(b) It is not the intent of the PD planned development district to accommodate or encourage the development of isolated small tracts where adjoining parcels are not considered within an overall development scheme.
(1992 Code, App. C, § 14.01) (Ord. 20-02, passed 3-18-2002)
(a) Initial development plan.
(1) When a petitioner wants to request a rezoning to the planned development district, it shall be submitted to the Minnehaha County planning department, showing the information specified in § 159.237, a minimum of 30 days prior to the joint meeting of the county and city planning commissions at which consideration is desired. After the planned development request has been reviewed, the planning commissions shall make a recommendation to the board of county commissioners and city council on the requested rezoning. The board of county commissioners and city council shall then act to approve or deny the request.
(b) Final development plan.
(1) Prior to construction on any lots in the planned development, the petitioner shall present a final development plan showing the information specified in § 159.238, to the planning commissions, who shall have the sole authority to approve, deny or amend the plan.
(2) The final development plan may be submitted in conjunction with the initial development plan for concurrent approval on any subareas the developer is ready to commit to a final plan. All the information required for both an initial and final development plan must be shown for the area submitted for concurrent approval, except that the developer may reference the requirements of one of the traditional zoning districts as the development standard for a particular subarea.
(c) Amendments.
(1) Major amendments. Major amendments to the initial and/or final development plan shall be required to be approved as an amendment to the zoning regulations, requiring the planning commissions’ review and board of county commissioners and city council approval.
(2) Minor amendments. Minor amendments to the initial and/or final development plan shall be required to be approved by the planning commissions at a hearing. Notice of the hearing shall be given by the posting of a sign on the property. Minor amendments to the initial development plan may also be made by the submission and approval of a final development plan which is changed from the approved initial development plan. Any amendments shall be shown as a change from the initial development plan on the final development plan, and further these changes shall be made on the initial development plan.
(3) Minimal amendments. Minimal amendments to the final development plan shall be submitted to the planning director on a reproducible development plan showing the requested changes. The planning director may then approve the change in writing, if he or she deems it appropriate.
(1992 Code, App. C, § 14.02) (Ord. 20-02, passed 3-18-2002)
Upon application for rezoning to the planned development district, the petitioner shall present an initial development plan to the planning commissions for review and to board of county commissioners and city council for their approval showing the following information:
(a) Project name and legal description;
(b) A preliminary subdivision plan; and
(c) The proposed development scheme showing the following information:
(1) The proposed land uses, including the number and type of proposed residential buildings, the proposed number of dwelling units per building, the number and type of any proposed nonresidential buildings and their square footage;
(2) The proposed maximum density of the development, which shall not exceed the density allowed in the traditional zoning districts for similar uses, except where unique physical, environmental or design characteristics make those densities undesirable;
(3) The proposed minimum setbacks which shall be no less than those required in the traditional zoning districts for similar uses, except where unique physical, environmental or design characteristics make the setbacks undesirable;
(4) The proposed maximum height which shall be no greater than that required in the traditional zoning districts for similar uses, except where unique physical, environmental or design characteristics make the heights undesirable;
(5) Proposed design features illustrating compatibility to the surrounding environment and neighborhood; and
(6) Anticipated subarea development sequence.
(1992 Code, App. C, § 14.03) (Ord. 20-02, passed 3-18-2002)
(a) Prior to construction on any lots in the Planned Development Zoning district, the petitioner shall present a final development plan to the planning commissions for their approval.
(b) The final development plan shall show the following information:
(1) The subdivision name, the legal description and the individual project name (if any);
(2) Boundaries of the subarea or subareas submitted for approval superimposed on the map of the initial development plan;
(3) A subdivision plat of the subarea or subareas submitted for approval;
(4) A scale drawing showing the following information will be required for everything except single-family detached dwelling subareas:
A. Size and location of proposed structures including height and number of units;
B. Calculated floor area for each structure and a generic listing of the uses within the structure;
C. Off-street parking lot arrangement designating all parking spaces, off-street loading spaces and any outdoor trash container spaces;
D. Any sidewalks, bikeways or other paths;
E. Landscaping plans showing the type and location of any walls or fences, the placement, size and species of any trees or shrubs, and berms in areas that will be sod or seeded;
F. All existing and proposed utilities, drainageways, watercourses and location of aboveground existing utilities on adjacent property;
G. Proposed final ground contours;
H. Existing and proposed uses adjacent to the area;
I. Documentation of the ownership and maintenance responsibility of any common open spaces, structures or facilities including private streets;
J. Any subareas proposed for multiple residential development will be required to provide an open area for recreation. The open spaces shall not be included in any required yard, but shall be located in the same subarea it is intended to serve;
L. Unless otherwise specified on the final development plan, all development standards shall be the same as those set forth in the traditional zoning districts, which shall be referenced for each subarea as a part of the final development plan. For example: townhouses on Block X shall be developed in conformance with the requirements of the RD residential district.
(1992 Code, App. C, § 14.04) (Ord. 20-02, passed 3-18-2002)
(a) Major amendments. The following changes in an initial and/or final development plan are considered major amendments:
(1) Any change in the proposed land uses;
(2) Any major change in the street pattern; and
(3) An increase in density above that provided for in division (b)(5) below.
(b) Minor amendments. The following changes in an initial and/or final development plan are considered minor amendments:
(1) Any adjustment in the size or shape of the building envelope (increasing the height or reducing the building setback);
(2) Major decrease in density;
(3) Any decrease in the size of required open areas;
(4) A minor change in the street pattern.
(5) Any increase in density of a subarea:
A. Less than 25% for a subarea with less than eight units;
B. Less than 15% for a subarea with between nine and 20 units; and
C. Less than 8% for a subarea with 21 units or more.
(6) Any change in the number of parking spaces.
(c) Minimal amendments. The following changes in an initial and/or final development plan are considered minimal amendments:
(1) Any adjustment of a building within a previously established building envelope; and
(2) A minor reduction in density.
(1992 Code, App. C, § 14.05) (Ord. 20-02, passed 3-18-2002)
Planned development districts shall be as enumerated below.
(a) (PD-1) Willow Run Planned Development District. The regulations set forth herein or elsewhere in these regulations are the district regulations in the Willow Run Planned Development District:
(1) Subarea A.
A. Uses permitted. A building or premises shall be permitted to be used for the following purposes: up to and including six single-family attached units in any one structure.
B. Accessory uses. Accessory uses and buildings permitted are those accessory buildings and uses customarily incident to any permitted use in the district.
C. Parking regulations. Parking shall be regulated in conformance with the provisions of the RA-1 zoning district.
D. Sign regulations. Signs shall be regulated in conformance with the provisions of the RA-1 zoning district.
E. Density, area, yard and height regulations. The same requirements shall apply as in the RA-1 zoning district.
F. Other regulations. Other regulations for Subarea A shall be: private roads shall provide access to the development.
(2) Subareas B through E.
A. Uses permitted. A building or premises shall be permitted to be used for the following purposes: single-family dwelling
B. Accessory uses. Accessory uses and buildings permitted are those accessory buildings and uses customarily incident to any permitted use in the district.
C. Parking regulations. Parking shall be regulated in conformance with the provisions of the RR zoning district.
D. Sign regulations. Signs shall be regulated in conformance with the provisions of the RR zoning district.
E. Density, area, yard and height regulations. The same requirements shall apply as in the RR zoning district.
F. Other regulations. Other regulations of Subareas B through E shall be:
1. A second road access is needed to serve Subarea C and the impact on the township road due to development of the subarea must be addressed;
2. Private roads shall provide access to the developments; and
3. The development of Subareas D and E shall include a road circulation plan that addresses access to abutting property.
(3) Subarea F.
A. Uses permitted. A building or premises shall be permitted to be used for the following purposes: golf course.
B. Accessory uses. Accessory uses and buildings permitted are those accessory buildings and uses customarily incident to any permitted use in the district.
E. Setback and height regulations. The setback and height requirements for all structures shall be as follows:
1. Fifty feet from all public rights-of-way and seven feet from all other property lines; and
2. Maximum height shall be 35 feet.
F. Other regulations. Other regulations for Subarea F shall be: none.
(b) (PD-2) Thomas Planned Development District. The regulations set forth herein or elsewhere in these regulations are the district regulations in the Thomas Planned Development District.
(1) Uses permitted. A building or premises shall be permitted to be used for the following purposes:
A. Single-family dwelling; and
B. Agriculture limited to pasture and the production of crops.
(2) Accessory uses. Accessory uses and buildings permitted are those accessory buildings and uses customarily incident to any permitted use in the district and restricted as follows:
A. Accessory buildings limited to a total area of 2,500 square feet with each building not to exceed 1,250 square feet;
B. Livestock not to exceed a total of ten head;
C. Horses not to exceed one horse per family member; and
D. Dog kennel limited to ten adult dogs.
(3) Parking regulations. Parking shall be regulated in conformance with the provisions of the A-1 zoning district.
(4) Sign regulations. Signs shall be regulated in conformance with the provisions of the A-1 zoning district.
(5) Density, area, yard and height regulations. The same requirements shall apply as in the A-1 zoning district.
(6) Other regulations. Other regulations shall be: driveway access shall not enter onto County Highway 130.
(c) (PD-3) Willow Ridge Estates Planned Development District. The regulations set forth herein or elsewhere in these regulations are the district regulations in the Willow Ridge Estates Planned Development District.
(1) Subarea A.
A. Uses permitted. A building or premises shall be permitted to be used for the following purposes: single-family dwelling.
B. Accessory uses. Accessory uses and buildings permitted are those accessory buildings and uses customarily incident to any permitted use in the district. No accessory building shall exceed 1,200 square feet in area.
C. Parking regulations. Parking shall be regulated in conformance with the provisions of the RR zoning district.
D. Sign regulations. Signs shall be regulated in conformance with the provisions of the RR zoning district.
E. Density, area, yard and height regulations. The same requirements shall apply as in the RR zoning district.
F. Other regulations. Other regulations for Subarea A shall be: subdivision roads shall be hard surfaced.
(2) Subarea B.
A. Uses permitted. A building or premises shall be permitted to be used for the following purposes: single-family dwelling.
B. Accessory uses. Accessory uses and buildings permitted are those accessory buildings and uses customarily incident to any permitted use in the district. No accessory buildings shall exceed 1,200 square feet in area.
C. Parking regulations. Parking shall be regulated in conformance with the provisions of the RR zoning district.
D. Sign regulations. Signs shall be regulated in conformance with the provisions of the RR zoning district.
E. Density, area, yard and height regulations. The same requirements shall apply as in the RR zoning district.
F. Other regulations. Other regulations for Subarea B shall be:
1. Subdivision roads shall be hard surfaced; and
2. Lots within the subarea shall not have driveway approaches directly onto Highway 38.
(3) Subarea C.
A. Uses permitted. A building or premises shall be permitted to be used for the following purposes: park and recreation facilities.
B. Sign regulations. There shall be no on-premises or off-premises signs permitted in the subarea.
C. Other regulations. Other regulations for Subarea C shall be: natural features in the subarea shall be retained to the greatest extent possible.
(d) (PD-4) Powder House Road Planned Development District.
(1) Generally. The regulations set forth herein or elsewhere in these regulations are the district regulations of the Powder House Road Planned Development District.
(2) Subarea A.
A. Uses permitted. A building or premises shall be permitted to be used for the following purposes:
1. Convenience store with gas dispensing facilities;
2. Bank with drive-through;
3. Office; and
4. Personal and custom services such as barber shop, beauty salon, dry cleaning.
B. Accessory uses. Accessory uses and buildings permitted are those accessory buildings and uses customarily incident to any use permitted in division (d)(2)A. above.
D. Sign regulations.
2. Exception: On-premises freestanding signage shall be monument style and be limited to one sign per frontage and a maximum sign area totaling 100 square feet, and six feet in height.
3. A detailed sign plan shall be submitted as part of the final development plan review.
E. Density, area, yard and height regulations. The maximum height and minimum lot requirements shall be as follows.
Density | Lot Area (Sq. Ft.) | Req’d. Lot Width | Req’d. Front Yard | Req’d. Side Yard | Req’d. Rear Yard | Maximum Height |
– | – | – | 50 ft. | 25 ft. | 25 ft. | 35 ft. |
F. Other regulations. Other regulations for Subarea A shall be:
1. The developer shall agree to connect to the city water and sewer when available for the property;
2. Prior to building permit application, an access plan shall be approved by the county highway and city engineering departments and the state department of transportation;
3. Total building area not to exceed 7,500 square feet;
4. Surface water runoff from the parking and vehicle service areas shall remain on-site;
5. Prior to development of the gas dispensing use, an approved spill containment plan shall be approved by Minnehaha County and the city;
6. Shoebox style lighting shall be used when illuminating structures, including canopies and parking areas. All lighting systems shall be designed to reduce glare and light trespass on to adjacent land uses;
7. Outdoor product display or storage is prohibited;
8. Outdoor trash dumpster areas shall be screened;
9. Off-premises signs are prohibited;
10. A landscaping plan shall be submitted as a part of the final development plan;
11. All wastewater shall drain to holding tanks for disposal off-site. No on-site absorption fields shall be allowed;
12. The petitioner’s development guidelines, dated July 5, 1995, shall be adopted as part of the final development plan review process;
13. All driveways and parking areas shall be hard surfaced; and
14. A deceleration lane shall be provided for northbound traffic accessing the driveway onto Powder House Road.
(e) PD-5 Wheatstem Meadows Planned Development District. The regulations set forth herein or elsewhere in these regulations are the district regulations of the Wheatstem Meadows PD Planned Development District.
(1) Subarea A. This subarea is intended to provide for well designed commercial and general business office/technology, including research and development buildings, and light manufacturing uses accommodating management, research, design, marketing and production needs of enterprises in the planned development district. Uses shall generally be commercial and office, combined with the light manufacturing uses and warehousing of products or materials associated with the primary use. An emphasis will be put on the quality of the development with regard to its landscaping, setbacks and site arrangements.
A. Uses permitted. A building or premises shall be permitted to be used for the following purposes:
1. Those uses allowed as permitted special and conditional uses in the C-4, planned commercial district, including on-sale alcohol establishment as an accessory use;
2. General business office/technology uses, including associated research and development buildings and light manufacturing uses, provided all storage is placed indoors; and
3. Except telecommunications towers are not allowed.
B. Accessory uses. Accessory uses and buildings permitted are those accessory uses and buildings customarily incident to any permitted use in this district.
D. Sign regulations. On-premises sign types shall be limited to ground mounted monument style, building identification signs and campus identification signs and be regulated in conformance with §§ 160.570 et seq. of this Code, on-premises sign regulations for the C-4, planned commercial district, and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) for traffic control. A maximum of one campus identification sign, located along Sixtieth Street at Saffron Trail intersection may be allowed and be a maximum of 18 feet in height and 64 square feet in size.
E. Density, area, yard and height regulations.
Density | Lot Area (Sq. Ft.) | Req’d. Lot Width | Req’d. Front Yard | Req’d. Side Yard | Req’d. Rear Yard | Maximum Height |
All uses same as the C-4 planned commercial district.* | ||||||
* Exceptions: | ||||||
Lots abutting Kiwanis Avenue shall have a minimum building setback of 93 feet from the Kiwanis Avenue centerline. | ||||||
Maximum building height shall be 35 feet. |
F. Other regulations. Other regulations for Subarea A shall be:
1. Development shall be preceded by annexation and completion of proper municipal street, sanitary sewer, water and storm water drainage improvements;
2. Prior to development, a water and sanitary sewer service and systems improvement plan shall be designed for the entire property and approved by the city. The developer shall agree to connect to city water and sewer when available for the property.
3. Development shall be coordinated with traffic signalization plans and future street improvements on Kiwanis Avenue and Sixtieth Street North;
4. The right-of-way for Reuben Goertz Boulevard be 100-foot minimum width;
5. Curb cuts be limited to three on Kiwanis Avenue and three on Sixtieth Street North, as depicted on the initial development plan;
6. A 30-foot wide minimum landscape setback shall be established along Kiwanis Avenue, Sixtieth Street East and Reuben Goertz Boulevard; and
7. An avigation easement, acceptable to the city’s airport authority, shall be filed with the county register of deeds prior to any building development.
(2) Subarea B. This subarea is intended to provide for well designed business and technology buildings, accommodating management, research, design, marketing and production needs of enterprises in the planned development district. Uses shall generally be office, institutional and light manufacturing uses, combined with warehousing of products or materials associated with the primary use. An emphasis will be put on the quality of the development with regard to its landscaping, setbacks and site arrangements.
A. Uses permitted. A building or premises shall be permitted to be used for the following purposes:
1. Those uses allowed as permissive, permitted special and conditional uses in the O Office and S institutional districts;
2. General business office/technology uses, including associated research and development buildings, and light manufacturing uses, provided all storage is placed indoors; and
3. Except telecommunications towers are not allowed.
B. Accessory uses. Accessory uses and buildings permitted are those accessory uses and buildings customarily incident to any permitted use in this district.
D. ign regulations. On-premises sign types shall be limited to ground mounted monument style, building identification signs and campus identification signs and be regulated in conformance with §§ 160.570 et seq. of this Code, on-premises sign regulations for the O office district, and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) for traffic control.
E. Density, area, yard and height regulations.
Density | Lot Area (Sq. Ft.) | Req’d. Lot Width | Req’d. Front Yard | Req’d. Side Yard | Req’d. Rear Yard | Maximum Height |
All uses same as the O office district.* | ||||||
* Exception: Lots abutting Kiwanis Avenue shall have a minimum building setback of 93 feet from the Kiwanis Avenue centerline. |
F. Other regulations. Other regulations for Subarea B shall be:
1. Development shall be preceded by annexation and completion of proper municipal street, sanitary sewer, water and storm water drainage improvements;
2. Prior to development, a water and sanitary sewer service and systems improvement plan shall be designed for the entire property and approved by the city. The developer shall agree to connect to city water and sewer when available for the property;
3. Development shall be coordinated with traffic signalization plans and future street improvements on Kiwanis Avenue and 60th Street North;
4. The right-of-way for Reuben Goertz Boulevard be 100-foot minimum width;
5. Curb cuts be limited to three Kiwanis Avenue, as depicted on the initial development plan. The proposed Saffron Trail and Kiwanis Avenue intersection, however, shall be aligned with the main roadway for the Redstone Village PD Planned Development District located to the west, across Kiwanis Avenue;
6. A 30-foot wide minimum landscape setback shall be established along Kiwanis Avenue and Reuben Goertz Boulevard; and
7. An avigation easement, acceptable to the city’s airport authority, shall be filed with the county register of deeds prior to any building development.
(3) Subarea C. This subarea is intended to provide for well designed business and technology buildings, accommodating management, research, design, marketing and production needs of enterprises in the planned development district. Uses shall generally be limited commercial, office, institutional and light manufacturing uses, combined with warehousing of products or materials associated with the primary use. An emphasis will be put on the quality of the development with regard to its landscaping, setbacks and site arrangements.
A. Uses permitted. A building or premises shall be permitted to be used for the following purposes:
1. Those uses allowed as permissive, permitted special and conditional uses in the O Office and S institutional districts, except telecommunications towers are not allowed;
2. General business office/technology uses, including associated research and development buildings, and light manufacturing uses, provided all storage is placed indoors;
3. Hotel/motel, including on-sale alcohol establishment as an accessory use;
4. Light manufacturing, provided all manufacturing and storage takes place indoors;
5. Warehouse or mini warehouse, provided all storage must be indoors;
6. Wholesale trade or merchandising;
7. Antenna support structure, subject to stealth design approved by the director of planning and building services;
8. Farm/feed store; and
9. Wind energy conversion systems.
B. Accessory uses. Accessory uses and buildings permitted are those accessory uses and buildings customarily incident to any permitted use in this district.
D. Sign regulations. On-premises sign types shall be limited to ground mounted monument style, building identification signs and campus identification signs and be regulated in conformance with §§ 160.570 et seq. of this Code, on-premises sign regulations for the O office district, and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) for traffic control. A maximum of two campus identification signs, located along 60th Street at Reuben Goertz Boulevard and Thyme Drive intersections may be allowed and each campus id sign being a maximum of 18 feet in height and 64 square feet in size.
E. Density, area, yard and height regulations.
Lot Area Density (Sq. Ft.) | Req’d. Lot Width | Req’d. Front Yard | Req’d. Side Yard | Req’d. Rear Yard | Maximum Height |
All uses same as the O office district. |
F. Other regulations. Other regulations for Subarea C shall be:
1. Development shall be preceded by annexation and completion of proper municipal street, sanitary sewer, water and storm water drainage improvements;
2. Prior to development, a water and sanitary sewer service and systems improvement plan shall be designed for the entire property and approved by the city. The developer shall agree to connect to city water and sewer when available for the property;
3. Development shall be coordinated with traffic signalization plans and future street improvements on Kiwanis Avenue and Sixtieth Street North;
4. The right-of-way for Reuben Goertz Boulevard be 100-foot minimum width;
5. Curb cuts be limited to three on Sixtieth Street North as depicted on the initial development plan;
6. A 30-foot wide minimum landscape setback shall be established along Sixtieth Street East and Reuben Goertz Boulevard; and
7. An avigation easement, acceptable to the city’s airport authority, shall be filed with the county register of deeds prior to any building development.
(f) PD-6 Resurrection Planned Development District. The regulations set forth herein or set forth elsewhere in these regulations are the district regulations of the Resurrection Planned Development District.
(1) Subarea A.
A. Uses permitted. A building or premises shall be permitted to be used for the following purposes:
1. Mortuary/funeral home;
2. Crematory;
3. Mausoleum;
4. Columnbarium;
5. Private lake(s);
6. Parking lot;
7. Naturalized tree, prairie and wetland plantings;
8. Service building; and
9. Manager/caretaker residence.
B. Accessory uses. Accessory uses and buildings permitted are those accessory uses and buildings customarily incident to any permitted use in this district.
D. Sign regulations.
2. Exception: On-premises freestanding signage shall be limited to one monument style building identification sign 48 square feet maximum in size and six feet maximum in height. Traffic signs shall be regulated in conformance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) for traffic control.
3. Concurrent with the first final development plan submittal, a master signage plan for Subarea A shall be submitted for the planning commission’s review and approval. Directional and building identification wall signs shall be permitted in accordance with the master signage plan adopted as part of the Resurrection Planned Development District subarea regulations.
E. Density, area, yard and height regulations.
Density | Lot Area (Sq. Ft.) | Req’d. Lot Width | Req’d. Front Yard | Req’d. Side Yard | Req’d. Rear Yard | Maximum Height |
– | 5,000 | – | 50 ft. | 10 ft. | – | 35 ft. |
F. Other regulations. Other regulations for Subarea A shall be:
1. Prior to development, a water service, system improvement and fire protection plan shall be approved by Minnehaha County and the City of Sioux Falls. The developer shall agree to connect to city water when available for the property;
2. Prior to development, a sanitary sewer and systems improvement plan shall be approved by Minnehaha County and the City of Sioux Falls. An approved private septic system may be utilized on a temporary basis. Embalming fluids from the funeral home shall be kept in a holding tank and disposed of properly. The developer shall agree to connect to city sanitary sewer service when available for the property;
3. When possible, natural storm water drainage shall be preserved. Storm water shall be retained on-site in either existing or new wetlands or retention pond;
4. A final development plan shall not be required for the naturalized tree, prairie and wetland plantings;
5. A 50-foot wide landscape setback along 267th Street must be established during the initial construction phase. A site landscape improvement plan for Subarea A shall be submitted concurrent with the first final development plan and include wetlands, ponds and plant material selections and locations for trees, shrubs, hedges and fencing for county and city review and approval; and
6. An access control plan for 267th Street shall be submitted concurrent with the first final development plan for county and city review and approval. The funeral home may use a temporary approach from the highway until the permanent gated main entrance is developed during the first phase of cemetery construction. The main gated entrance road shall be hard-surfaced.
(2) Subarea B.
A. Uses permitted. A building or premises shall be permitted to be used for the following purposes:
1. Cemetery;
2. Chapel;
3. Private lake(s);
4. Parking lot;
5. Mausoleum;
6. Columnbarium;
7. Music tower;
8. Naturalized tree, prairie and wetland plantings;
9. Service building; and
10. Manager/caretaker residence.
B. Accessory uses. Accessory uses and buildings permitted are those accessory uses and buildings customarily incident to any permitted use in this district.
D. Sign regulations.
2. Exception: On-premises freestanding signage shall be limited to one monument style sign along each street frontage, measuring 48 square feet maximum in size and eight feet maximum in height. Traffic signs shall be regulated in conformance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) for traffic control.
3. A master signage plan for Subarea B shall be submitted for the planning commission’s review and approval. Cemetery identification and cemetery directional signs shall be permitted in accordance with the master signage plan adopted as part of the Resurrection Planned Development District subarea regulations.
E. Density, area, yard and height regulations.
Density | Lot Area (Sq. Ft.) | Req’d. Lot Width | Req’d. Front Yard | Req’d. Side Yard | Req’d. Rear Yard | Maximum Height |
– | 1 acre | 150 ft. | 50 ft. | 15 ft. | 25 ft. | 35 ft. |
F. Other regulations. Other regulations for Subarea B shall be:
1. Prior to development, a water service, system improvement and fire protection plan shall be approved by Minnehaha County and the city. The developer shall agree to connect to city water when available for the property;
2. Prior to development, a sanitary sewer and systems improvement plan shall be approved by Minnehaha County and the city. The developer shall agree to connect to city sanitary sewer service when available for the property;
3. When possible, natural storm water drainage shall be preserved. Storm water shall be retained on-site in either existing or new wetlands or retention pond;
4. A final development plan shall not be required for the naturalized tree, prairie and wetland plantings;
5. A 50-foot wide landscape setback along 267th Street must be established during the initial construction phase. A site landscape improvement plan for Subarea B shall be submitted concurrent with the first phase of cemetery development and include wetlands, ponds and plant material selections and locations for trees, shrubs, hedges and fencing for county and city review and approval; and
6. An access control plan, including traffic control from 267th Street and 467th Avenue, shall be submitted for county and city review and approval. The main gated entrance road shall be hard-surfaced.
(3) Subarea C.
A. Uses permitted. A building or premises shall be permitted to be used for the following purposes:
1. Recreation center;
2. Educational facilities;
3. Retreat center;
4. Conference center;
5. Private lake(s);
6. Parking lot;
7. Tree farm/orchard;
8. Church;
9. Office;
10. Naturalized tree, prairie and wetland plantings;
11. Caretaker’s residence; and
12. Statue gardens/stations of the cross.
B. Accessory uses. Accessory uses and buildings permitted are those accessory uses and buildings customarily incident to any permitted use in this district.
D. Sign regulations.
2. Exception: On-premises freestanding signage shall be limited to one monument style sign along 467th Avenue frontage, measuring 32 square feet maximum in size and six feet maximum in height. Traffic signs shall be regulated in conformance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) for traffic control.
3. A master signage plan for Subarea C shall be submitted for the planning commission’s review and approval. Cemetery identification, cemetery directional and building identification signs shall be permitted in accordance with the master signage plan adopted as part of the Resurrection Planned Development District subarea regulations.
E. Density, area, yard and height regulations.
Density | Lot Area (Sq. Ft.) | Req’d. Lot Width | Req’d. Front Yard | Req’d. Side Yard | Req’d. Rear Yard | Maximum Height |
– | 5,000 | – | 50 ft. | 10 ft. | 55 ft. |
F. Other regulations. Other regulations for Subarea C shall be:
1. Prior to development, a water service, system improvement and fire protection plan shall be approved by Minnehaha County and the city. The developer shall agree to connect to city water when available for the property;
2. Prior to development, a sanitary sewer and systems improvement plan shall be approved by the city. The developer shall agree to connect to city sanitary sewer service before development of this subarea;
3. When possible, natural storm water drainage shall be preserved. Storm water shall be retained on-site in either existing or new wetlands or retention ponds;
4. A final development plan shall not be required for the naturalized tree, prairie and wetland plantings and statue gardens/stations of the cross;
5. A site landscape improvement plan for Subarea C shall be submitted for county and city review and approval and include wetlands, ponds and plant material selections and locations for ponds, trees, shrubs, hedges and fencing; and
6. An access control plan, including traffic control from 467th Avenue, shall be submitted for county and city review and approval. The gated entrance road shall be hard-surfaced.
(g) Reserved.
(h) Reserved.
(i) (PD-9) Emerald Pines Planned Development District. The regulations set forth herein or elsewhere in these regulations are the district regulations in the Emerald Pines Planned Development District:
(1) Uses permitted. A building or premises shall be permitted to be used for the following purposes:
A maximum of one (1) primary structure not to exceed 8,000 square feet. The following uses are permitted within the primary structure: weddings, hosting wedding receptions, prewedding events and dinners, photography office/business, events space rental, and law office.
(2) Accessory uses. Accessory uses and buildings permitted are those accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to any permitted use allowed in the A-1 Agricultural District.
(3) Parking regulations. Parking shall be regulated in conformance with the provisions of the Parking and Loading Regulations.
(4) Driveway regulations. The first 100 feet of driveway off of Maple St. shall be at least 20 feet wide and hard surfaced.
(5) Sign regulations. Signs shall be regulated in conformance with the provisions of the On-Premise Sign Regulations.
(6) Density, area, yard, and height regulations. Density, area, yard, and height shall be regulated in conformance with the provisions of the A-1 Agricultural District.
(j) (PD-10) Laurel Ridge Planned Development District. The regulations set forth herein or elsewhere in these regulations are the district regulations in the Laurel Ridge Planned Development District:
(1) Subarea A.
A. Uses permitted. A building or premises shall be permitted to be used for the following purposes.
1. Banquet/reception hall and events facility.
B. Accessory uses. Accessory uses and buildings permitted are those buildings and uses customarily incidental to the permitted uses.
C. Parking regulations. Parking shall be regulated in conformance with the provisions of Article 16.00 of the Revised Joint Zoning Ordinance for Minnehaha County and the City of Sioux Falls. No parking shall be allowed on Slip Up Creek Road.
D. Sign regulations. Signs shall be regulated in conformance with the provisions of Article 17.00 of the Revised Joint Zoning Ordinance for Minnehaha County and the City of Sioux Falls.
E. Density, area, yard, and height regulations. The same requirements shall apply as in the C Commercial zoning district.
F. Other regulations. Other regulations for Subarea A shall be:
1. Subdivision roads shall be private and privately maintained.
2. A property association shall be created and include all property within the subarea to assure maintenance of the private roads and common areas.
3. That all connections onto the Mapleton Township road system must be approved by Mapleton Township.
4. The hours of operation shall be between 8 a.m. and midnight with the exception of New Year's Eve, which must be between 8 a.m. and 1 a.m.
5. No outdoor music shall be allowed after 10 p.m.
6. All outdoor lighting shall be of a full cutoff and fully shielded design to prevent direct spillage of light beyond the property boundaries.
7. Dust control shall be applied by the applicant from the approach west to the pavement on Slip Up Creek Road.
G. Final develop plan.
1. Prior to construction in Subarea A, a Final Development Plan shall be presented to the Planning Commissions for their approval.
(2) Subarea B.
A. Uses permitted. A building or premises shall be permitted to be used for the following purposes:
Those uses permitted in the A-1 Agricultural zoning district.
B. Accessory uses. Accessory uses and buildings permitted are those detached accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to any permitted use in the A 1 Agriculture zoning district.
C. Parking regulations. Parking shall be regulated in conformance with the provisions of the A-1 Agricultural zoning district.
D. Sign regulations. Signs shall be regulated in conformance with the provisions of the A-1 Agricultural zoning district. One business sign for the events facility not exceeding 200 square feet.
E. Density, area, yard, and height regulations. The same requirements shall apply as in the A-1 Agriculture zoning district.
F. Other regulations. Other regulations for Subarea B shall be:
1. Subdivision roads shall be private and privately maintained.
2. A property association shall be created and include all property within the subarea to assure maintenance of the private roads and common areas.
3. That all connections onto the Mapleton Township road system must be approved by Mapleton Township.
G. Final develop plan.
1. Prior to construction in Subarea B, a Final Development Plan shall be presented to the Planning Commissions for their approval.
(k) (PD-11) Perry Planned Development District. The regulations set forth herein or elsewhere in these regulations are the district regulations of the Perry Planned Development District:
(1) Subarea A.
A. Uses permitted. A building or premises shall be permitted to be used for the following purposes:
Those uses permitted as permissive uses in the RC Recreational/Conservation zoning district, except for single-family dwelling.
B. Accessory uses. Accessory uses and buildings permitted are those accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to any use permitted in subsection (k)(1)A. above.
C. Parking regulations. Parking shall be regulated in conformance with the provisions of Sections 159.315–159.319.
D. Sign regulations. Signs shall be regulated in conformance with the provisions of Sections 159.330–159.338.
E. Yard and height regulations. The maximum height and minimum yard requirements shall be the same as the RC zoning district.
(2) Subarea B.
A. Uses permitted. A building or premises shall be permitted to be used for the following purposes:
1. Agriculture.
2. Single-family dwelling.
3. Park.
4. Historic site.
5. Greenhouse and nursery provided there is no retail sale of products conducted on the premises.
B. Accessory uses. Accessory uses and buildings permitted are those accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to any use permitted in subsection (k)(2)A. above.
E. Yard and height regulations. The maximum height and minimum yard requirements shall be the same as the RR zoning district.
F. Other regulations. Other regulations for Subarea B shall be:
1. The residential density shall not exceed two dwelling units for the subarea. Location of the building sites shall be included in the final development plan and situated in such a manner to pose the least impact on access to the park in Subarea A.
2. No dwelling shall be located within the 100-year floodplain as shown on the county's flood insurance rate map.
(3) Subarea C.
A. Uses permitted. A building or premises shall be permitted to be used for the following purposes:
1. Agriculture.
2. Park.
3. Greenhouse and nursery provided there is no retail sale of products conducted on the premises.
B. Accessory uses. Accessory uses and buildings permitted are those accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to any use permitted in subsection (k)(3)A. above.
E. Yard and height regulations. The maximum height and minimum yard requirements shall be the same as the A-1 zoning district.
(4) Subarea D and E.
A. Uses permitted. A building or premises shall be permitted to be used for the following purposes:
1. Agriculture.
2. Single-family dwelling.
3. Park.
4. Greenhouse and nursery provided there is no retail sale of products conducted on the premises.
B. Accessory uses. Accessory uses and buildings permitted are those accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to any use permitted in subsection (k)(4)A. above.
E. Yard and height regulations. The maximum height and minimum yard requirements shall be the same as the RR zoning district.
F. Other regulations. Other regulations for Subareas D and E shall be:
1. The residential density shall not exceed one dwelling unit for Subarea D and two dwelling units for Subarea E.
2. The driveway approach serving Subarea E shall not directly access 481st Ave.
3. No dwelling shall be located within the 100-year floodplain as shown on the county's flood insurance rate map.
(5) Subarea F.
A. Uses permitted. A building or premises shall be permitted to be used for the following purposes:
1. Convenience store with gas dispensing.
2. Restaurant with drive-thru.
3. Bank with drive-thru.
4. Office.
5. Personal services including barber shop, beauty salon, dry cleaning, coin- operated laundry, photographic and art studio, and shoe repair.
6. Custom services including woodworking, hobby, and craftmaking.
7. Garden center, greenhouse, and nursery.
8. Group day care and day care center.
9. Veterinarian clinic provided there is not outside kenneling of animals.
10. Retail sales and trade, wholesale, personal services, communication facilities, and warehousing provided:
a. There is no storage of a regulated substance.
b. The building contains 10,000 square feet of area or less.
B. Accessory uses. Accessory uses and buildings permitted are those accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to any use permitted in subsection (k)(5)A. above.
E. Yard and height regulations. The maximum height and minimum yard requirements shall be the same as the C zoning district.
F. Other regulations. Other regulations for Subarea F shall be:
1. All parking areas and driving lanes shall be hard surfaced.
2. Outdoor product display is prohibited.
3. Outdoor storage of parts, equipment, supplies, or similar material is prohibited.
4. Outdoor trash dumpster areas shall be screened.
5. Off-premise signs are prohibited in all cases except for:
Multi-Tenant Signs in Commercial Centers:
a. One multi-tenant sign shall be allowed within a commercial center to act as a directory for the businesses located within the commercial center.
i. The sign area shall not exceed 200 square feet.
ii. The maximum height shall be 30 feet.
iii. No part of the sign face or structure shall be located in or overlap into the required side or rear yard setbacks or public right-of-way.
6. The light from any illuminated sign shall be so shielded, shaded, or directed so that the light intensity shall not adversely affect surrounding or facing premises or the safe vision of operators of vehicles on public roads.
7. Access and landscaping plans shall be submitted as part of the Final Development Plan.
(6) Subarea G.
A. Uses permitted. A building or premises shall be permitted to be used for the following purposes:
1. Single-family dwellings.
2. Horse stable, private recreation facility.
B. Accessory uses. Accessory uses and buildings permitted are those accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to any use permitted in subsection (k)(6)A. above.
E. Yard and height regulations. The maximum height and minimum yard requirements shall be the same as the RR zoning district.
F. Other regulations. Other regulations for Subarea G shall be:
1. Accessory buildings shall not be issued a building permit prior to approval as specified by the restrictive covenant of record.
2. The horse stable and private recreation facilities shall be for the use of subarea residents only.
3. A berming plan shall be submitted as part of the Final Development Plan for the south side of the three lots in the southeastern portion of the subarea.
(l) (PD-12) Mapleton Golf Planned Development. The regulations set forth herein or elsewhere are the district regulations in the Mapleton Golf Planned Development District. (In Sections 23, 25, & 26 T102N-R49W):
(1) Subarea.
A. Uses permitted. A building or premises shall be permitted to be used for the following purposes:
1. Golf Course.
2. Golf Clubhouse including restaurant, bar, golf shop and other normal golf club related operational uses.
3. Overnight Lodging Accommodations, limited to a total of 24 bedroom units, for rent to golf club members and golf club sponsored guests.
4. Maintenance Facility.
5. Golf Cart Storage Facility.
6. Comfort station.
7. Agriculture production limited to crops and pasture.
B. Accessory uses. Accessory uses and buildings permitted are those accessory buildings and uses customarily incident to permitted uses in subsection A. listed above.
C. Parking regulations. Parking shall be regulated in conformance with the provisions of the C zoning district.
D. Sign regulations. Signs shall be regulated in conformance with the provisions of the C zoning district.
E. Density, area, yard, and height regulations. The same requirements shall apply as in the C zoning district.
F. Other regulations. Other regulations shall be:
1. Only one driveway access shall be allowed onto Slip Up Creek Road.
2. The driveway access onto Slip Up Creek Road requires approval from Minnehaha County Highway Department.
3. The hours of operation for the bar shall be between 7:00 a.m. to and 1:00 a.m.
4. All outdoor lighting shall be of a full cutoff and fully shielded design to prevent direct spillage of light beyond the property boundaries.
(1992 Code, App. C, § 14.06) (Ord. 20-02, passed 3-18-2002; Ord. 96-18, passed 10-23-2018; Ord. 18-19, passed 2-26-2019; Ord. 68-19, passed 6-25-2019;Ord. 71-22, passed 6-28-2022; Ord. 51-23, passed 6-27-2023 )