A. The following provisions, containing and consisting of this chapter through chapter 12.100 of this title, inclusive, together with the schedules therein referred to and attached and set out in chapter 12.104 of this title, are hereby enacted, adopted and designated by the city as the traffic code of Salt Lake City, and such code may be cited and designated as the traffic code of Salt Lake City and the sections thereof referred to as "section 12.04.010", "section 12.04.020", etc., respectively.
B. The code described in subsection A of this section is adopted in the interest of public convenience, safety and welfare. Every person shall comply with, observe and obey, when applicable to such person, all the provisions, requirements, regulations and orders of the traffic division and city transportation engineer issued in compliance herewith.
C. Every pedestrian shall be cautious, every police officer cooperative and every driver shall be considerate of the rights and welfare of others. (Prior code § 46-1-1)
"Authorized emergency vehicle" means vehicles of the fire department, police vehicles, and such ambulances and emergency vehicles of municipal departments, public service corporation or private ambulance companies as are designated or authorized as such by the chief of police of this city, and such ambulances and emergency vehicles of the United States and state government as may be operated on the streets of Salt Lake City. (Prior code title 46, art. 1 § 3)