12.08.010: Traffic Division; Powers And Duties
12.08.020: Traffic Violation Record Keeping Requirements
12.08.030: Traffic Accidents; Investigation
12.08.040: Traffic Accidents; Location Studies
12.08.050: Traffic Accidents; Report Filing; Confidentiality
12.08.060: Driver's Files; Contents; Use By Traffic Division
12.08.070: City Transportation Engineer; Office Established; Authority
12.08.080: Traffic Control Devices; Standards And Placement
12.08.090: Transportation Engineers; Powers And Duties
12.08.100: Traffic Speed And Traffic Signals
12.08.110: Signs, Markings And Traffic Islands
12.08.120: Crosswalks, Safety Zones, Traffic Lane Markings
12.08.130: Hazardous Or Congested Places; Traffic Restrictions
12.08.140: Emergency And Experimental Regulations
12.08.150: Traffic School Permitted
It shall be the duty of the traffic division, with the aid of other members of the police department:
   A.   To enforce the street traffic regulations of the city and all the state vehicle laws applicable to street traffic in the city;
   B.   To make arrests for traffic violations;
   C.   To investigate accidents meeting parameters set by the chief of police;
   D.   To cooperate with the city transportation engineer and other officers of the city in the administration of the traffic laws and in developing ways and means to improve traffic conditions; and
   E.   To carry out those duties specifically imposed upon the division by the ordinances of the city. (Ord. 5-95 § 1, 1995: prior code title 46, art. 2 § 60)
   A.   The police department shall keep a record of all local violations of the traffic ordinances of the city, or of the state vehicle laws, of which any person has been charged, together with a record of the final disposition of all such alleged offenses. Such record shall be maintained as to show all types of violations and the total of each. Said record shall accumulate during at least a five (5) year period and from that time on the record shall be maintained complete for at least the most recent five (5) year period.
   B.   All forms for records of violations and notices of violations shall be serially numbered. For each month and year a written record shall be kept available to the public showing the disposal of all such forms.
   C.   All records and reports shall be public records. (Prior code title 46, art. 2 § 61)