12.52.010: Safe Operation And Control By Driver
12.52.020: Driver To Keep Proper Lookout
12.52.030: Driver Seating Restrictions
12.52.040: Locations For Passengers
12.52.050: Obstructing Driver's View Or Driving Mechanism
12.52.060: One Arm Driving
12.52.070: Passengers Not To Obstruct Driver's View Or Control
12.52.080: Television Sets In Vehicles
12.52.090: Standing On Seats
12.52.100: Opening Vehicle Doors In Traffic
12.52.110: Quiet Zones Designated; Vehicle Operation Restrictions
12.52.120: Backing Of Vehicles; Conditions
12.52.130: Headlights; Use Of High Beams Prohibited
12.52.140: Bicycle Lanes; Vehicle Restrictions
12.52.145: Operation Of Motor Vehicle Near Bicycle Prohibited
12.52.150: Hazardous And Congested Places; Operation Restrictions
12.52.160: Driving Through Safety Zones Or Dividing Sections
12.52.170: Use Of Horn
12.52.180: Unusual Noise And Excessive Smoke Or Oil
12.52.190: Increasing Muffler Noise Prohibited (Rep. by Ord. 31-00 § 22, 2000)
12.52.200: Prohibition Against Allowing Unlicensed Person To Drive; Vehicle Loan Or Rental Requirements
12.52.210: Vehicle Businesses; Record Keeping Requirements
12.52.220: Dealers In Used Or Wrecked Vehicles Or Parts; Records To Be Kept
12.52.230: Following Fire Apparatus
12.52.240: Driving Over Fire Hose Prohibited
12.52.250: Funeral Procession; Identification And Right Of Way
12.52.260: Funeral Procession; To Keep To Right
12.52.270: Funeral Procession; Driving Through Prohibited When
12.52.280: Driving Or Riding On Sidewalks
12.52.290: Driving On New Pavement Prohibited
12.52.300: Destructive Or Injurious Materials On Street
12.52.310: Interfering With Safe Operation Of Vehicle Prohibited
12.52.320: Tampering With Vehicles Prohibited
12.52.330: Attaching Sleds Or Toboggans To Vehicles Prohibited
12.52.340: Negligent Operation Causing Collision Prohibited
12.52.350: Reckless Driving; Prohibited
12.52.355: Negligent Operation Causing Personal Injury Or Death
12.52.360: Reckless Driving; Penalty
A. No driver shall engage in any activity that interferes with the safe control over the driving mechanism of the vehicle.
B. No person shall operate a motorcycle or motor driven cycle while carrying any package, bundle or other article which prevents such person from keeping both hands on the handlebars.
C. No operator shall carry any person, nor shall any person ride, in a position that will interfere with the operation or control of the motorcycle or motor driven cycle, or the view of the operator. (Prior code title 46, art. 15 § 233)