In accordance with chapter 2, "Information Technology Master Plan", of this title, an Information Technology Steering Committee has been established. The purpose of this committee is to:
A. Provide IMS the guidance, direction and financial oversight needed to effectively use technology to enhance the goals and objectives of the City and better serve the public.
B. Increase efficiency and effectiveness by looking at the technology needs of the City as a whole.
C. Ensure the security of the City's networks and information.
D. Eliminate duplication of systems.
E. Ensure technology decisions meet the needs of the department and the City as a whole.
F. Ensure compatibility with the strategic Information Technology Master Plan of the City.
G. Plan for IT projects requiring a significant capital investment. (2019 Compilation)
The committee consists of:
A. Thirteen (13) members.
B. The Department Director or Chief of each department. At the Department Director/Chief's discretion, he or she may delegate this responsibility to a qualified member of their staff.
C. The Mayor's Chief of Staff or his or her designee.
D. The Chief Information Officer.
E. The Executive Director of City Council or his or her designee is also invited to fill a position on the committee.
F. The Executive Director of the Library or his or her designee is also invited to fill a position on the committee. (2019 Compilation)
A. Chair: The Chief Information Officer shall serve as the Chair of the committee. The Chair of the committee is responsible for the following:
1. Schedule meetings in accordance with the policies and procedures.
2. Approve the agenda for the meeting.
3. Conduct the meeting.
B. Vice Chair: The Vice Chair of the committee shall be appointed by the committee.
1. The Vice Chair shall serve for the period of one calendar year, January through December.
2. The Vice Chair is responsible for the following:
a. Ensure meeting minutes are complete and accurate.
b. Conduct the meeting in the absence of the Chair. (2019 Compilation)