12.100.010: Grade Crossings; Automatic Signal Devices Required Where
12.100.020: Automatic Signal Devices; Types And Specifications
12.100.030: City Rights Reserved
12.100.040: Speed Limits; Established
12.100.050: Speed Limits; Restrictions
12.100.060: Bell To Be Rung
12.100.070: Trains Crossing Other Railroad Tracks
12.100.080: Vehicles Passing Railroad Trains
12.100.090: Driving Vehicles Over Railroad Tracks
12.100.100: Trains Not To Obstruct Streets Or Sidewalks
12.100.110: Obstructing Streets For Longer Than Five Minutes
The Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company is required to construct at its own expense and to maintain in continuous operation automatic mechanical warning devices for the purpose of warning pedestrians, drivers of vehicles and others crossing its tracks of the approach of its engines and cars:
A. At Second South Street between Fifth West Street and Sixth West Street, where its tracks cross Second South Street;
B. At Sixth South and Fifth West Streets, where its tracks cross Sixth South Street; and
C. At Eighth South Street and Fifth West Street, where its tracks cross Eighth South Street. (Prior code § 35-2-6)
A. The automatic mechanical warning devices at Second South Street and Fifth West Street and at Eighth South Street and Fifth West Street shall consist of cantilever style railroad crossing signals which extend an arm with a flashing light overhead on either side of the roadway into the intersection when rail traffic is approaching the crossing.
B. The automatic mechanical warning devices at the crossing at Sixth South Street and Fifth West Street shall consist of automatic flashing light signals to be located on both sides of the roadway adjacent to the railroad tracks of the said railroad company.
C. The signals at each of such crossings shall be so constructed as to be automatically actuated by engines and cars on the tracks of the railroad company, and shall be located and adjusted so as to adequately and safely provide warning of the approach of all rail traffic at such crossings. (Prior code § 35-2-7)
The rights of regulating the kind of power to be used in the city in propelling cars on and along railroads, and the speed of the same, together with the price of the license or tax to be paid therefor, shall not, by virtue of any grant or contract, be construed to mean that such right passes to the grantee; but such rights, together with all other powers vested in the mayor or city council for the regulating, controlling or removing of railroads within the city are expressly retained and reserved. (Prior code § 35-2-8)