Article I. General Provisions
12.04.010: Traffic Regulations Adopted; Title And Scope
Article II. Definitions
12.04.020: Definitions, Generally
12.04.030: Alley
12.04.040: Authorized Emergency Vehicle
12.04.050: Bicycle
12.04.060: Bus
12.04.070: Business District
12.04.075: Car Sharing Vehicle
12.04.080: Centerline
12.04.090: Central Traffic District
12.04.100: Corrosive Liquid
12.04.110: Crosswalk
12.04.120: Crosswalk Lines
12.04.130: Driver
12.04.140: Explosives
12.04.150: Fire Department
12.04.160: Fissionable Material
12.04.170: Flammable Liquid
12.04.180: Gross Weight
12.04.190: Guide Dog
12.04.200: Intersection
12.04.210: Lane Line
12.04.220: Laned Street Or Highway
12.04.230: Limited Access Street, Highway Or Roadway
12.04.235: Marked Crosswalk
12.04.240: Motorcycle
12.04.245: Motorbus
12.04.250: Motor Driven Cycle
12.04.260: Motor Vehicle
12.04.270: Neutral Zone
12.04.280: Owner
12.04.290: Park
12.04.300: Pedestrian
12.04.310: Pedestrian Stop Line
12.04.320: Person
12.04.330: Police Department
12.04.340: Police Officer
12.04.350: Private Road Or Driveway
12.04.360: Railroad
12.04.370: Railroad Sign Or Signal
12.04.380: Railroad Train
12.04.390: Residence District
12.04.400: Right Of Way
12.04.410: Roadway
12.04.420: Roadway Traffic Island
12.04.430: Safety Zone
12.04.440: School Bus
12.04.450: Sidewalk Area
12.04.460: Stop
12.04.470: Stop Or Limit Line
12.04.480: Stop, Stopping Or Standing
12.04.490: Street Or Highway
12.04.495: Sugar House Traffic District
12.04.500: Taxicab
12.04.510: Through Street Or Highway
12.04.520: Traffic
12.04.530: Traffic Citation
12.04.540: Traffic Control Devices
12.04.550: Traffic Control Signal
12.04.570: Traffic Lane
12.04.580: Traffic Markings
12.04.590: Truck
12.04.595: Unmarked Crosswalk
12.04.600: U-Turn
12.04.610: Vehicle
12.04.620: Violator
A. The following provisions, containing and consisting of this chapter through chapter 12.100 of this title, inclusive, together with the schedules therein referred to and attached and set out in chapter 12.104 of this title, are hereby enacted, adopted and designated by the city as the traffic code of Salt Lake City, and such code may be cited and designated as the traffic code of Salt Lake City and the sections thereof referred to as "section 12.04.010", "section 12.04.020", etc., respectively.
B. The code described in subsection A of this section is adopted in the interest of public convenience, safety and welfare. Every person shall comply with, observe and obey, when applicable to such person, all the provisions, requirements, regulations and orders of the traffic division and city transportation engineer issued in compliance herewith.
C. Every pedestrian shall be cautious, every police officer cooperative and every driver shall be considerate of the rights and welfare of others. (Prior code § 46-1-1)