12.24.010: Driver Licensing Requirements
12.24.011: Operating A Motor Vehicle Without License
12.24.012: Violation Of Restricted License
12.24.013: Prohibited Uses Of License Certificate
12.24.014: Violation Of Class Of License
12.24.016: Vehicle Owner Driving Without Owner's And Operator's Security
12.24.018: Driving Without Owner's And Operator's Security
12.24.020: Drivers With A Disability; License Plates And Parking
12.24.030: Incompetent Drivers Designated And Prohibited
12.24.040: Permitting Incompetent To Drive Prohibited
12.24.050: Incapable Drivers Designated And Prohibited
12.24.060: Permitting Incapable Drivers To Drive Prohibited
12.24.070: Drinking Alcoholic Beverages In Vehicles
12.24.080: Intoxicated Persons In Or About Vehicles
12.24.090: Permitting Use Of Vehicle By Habitual Drinker Or Drug User
12.24.100: Driving Under The Influence Of Drugs And Intoxicants Prohibited; Penalties
12.24.110: Chemical Tests As Evidence
12.24.115: Nonalcohol And Noncontrolled Substance Related Driving Prohibited While Driving Privilege Denied, Suspended, Disqualified, Or Revoked
12.24.120: Class B Misdemeanor; Alcohol And Controlled Substance Related Driving Prohibited While Driving Privilege Denied, Suspended, Disqualified, Or Revoked; Penalty
It is unlawful, and shall constitute a class C misdemeanor, for any person, having been issued a valid operator's license issued by the state or by such person's home state or country, if such operator's license is required of such person under the laws of his or her home state or country, and which license has not been revoked or suspended, to drive a motor vehicle upon the streets of the city unless such person has in his or her immediate possession such license and displays the same upon demand of a police officer of this city; provided, however, that it shall be a defense to any charge under this section that the person so charged produce in court an operator's license as above required theretofore issued to such person and valid at the time of such person's arrest. (Ord. 21-03 § 2, 2003: Ord. 31-00 § 8, 2000: prior code title 46, art. 6 § 114)
A. It is unlawful, and shall constitute a class C misdemeanor, for any person, having never been issued a valid operator's license issued by the state or by such person's home state or country, if such operator's license is required of such person under the laws of his or her home state or country, to operate a motor vehicle upon the streets of the city.
B. It is unlawful, and shall constitute a class C misdemeanor, for any person, having never been issued a commercial driver license as required by title 53, chapter 3, part 4, Utah Code Annotated, or its successor, to operate a commercial motor vehicle as defined by section 53-3-102, Utah Code Annotated, or its successor, upon the streets of the city. (Ord. 21-03 § 2, 2003: Ord. 31-00 § 9, 2000)
A. It is unlawful, and shall constitute a class C misdemeanor, for any person to drive a motor vehicle upon the streets of the city in any manner in violation of the restrictions imposed in a restricted operator's license or a temporary learner permit granted to such person by the state or by such person's home state or country.
B. It is unlawful, and shall constitute a class C misdemeanor, for any person to drive a commercial motor vehicle as defined by section 53-3-102, Utah Code Annotated, or its successor, upon the streets of the city in any manner in violation of the restrictions or endorsements imposed in a restricted commercial driver license or temporary learner permit granted under title 53, chapter 3, part 4, Utah Code Annotated, or its successor. (Ord. 21-03 § 2, 2003: Ord. 62-02 § 11, 2002: Ord. 31-00 § 10, 2000)