12.84.010: Motorbus Defined And Applicability Of Chapter
12.84.020: Owners And Drivers; Insurance Required
12.84.030: Signs Showing Destination And Ownership
12.84.040: Lights And Lighted Signs At Night
12.84.050: Licensed Drivers Required
12.84.060: Operating With Underage Drivers Prohibited
12.84.070: Allowing Passengers In Certain Areas Prohibited
12.84.080: Conversing With Driver Prohibited
12.84.090: Hand Baggage In Charge Of Passengers
12.84.100: Articles Left In Bus To Be Returned
12.84.110: Unlawful To Refuse To Transport Passengers; Exceptions
12.84.120: Running Past Other Buses Or Cars
12.84.130: Stopping Bus In Traffic Line
12.84.140: Soliciting Passengers By Unusual Noise Prohibited
12.84.150: Riding Outside Of Bus Prohibited
12.84.160: Unlawful For Bus Driver To Smoke
12.84.170: Unlawful For Driver To Drink Liquor
For the purpose of this chapter "motorbus" means and is defined as set forth in section 12.04.245 of this title, or its successor. Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed to apply to any vehicle of which the destination or route is under the direction of the passenger or passengers transported therein, such as taxicabs. (Ord. 75-08 § 3, 2008: prior code § 23-1-1)
In order to ensure the safety of the public, it is unlawful for the owner of any motorbus to drive or operate or permit the same to be driven or operated, or for any person to drive or operate a motorbus unless such owner, operator or driver shall have in force at all times which such motorbus is being driven or operated the public liability and property damage insurance or bond as required by state statute. (Prior code § 23-1-16)