12.68.010: City Regulations Applicable
12.68.020: Parking Permit; Required
12.68.030: Parking Regulations
12.68.040: Operator's License Required
12.68.050: Persons Under Eighteen; Parental Permission Required
12.68.060: Parking Permit; False Information Prohibited
12.68.070: No Parking Areas
12.68.080: Illegally Parked Vehicles; Police Authorized To Move
12.68.090: Parking Permit; Revocation For Abuse Of Privilege
A. It is unlawful for either a high school student or faculty member to park a motor vehicle in any of the high school parking lots in the Salt Lake City school district, without first obtaining each year a parking permit for parking at a particular high school from said district. The permit shall be obtained from the principal of the school at which parking is desired. The permit must be placed in the rear window or in a conspicuous place at the rear of the vehicle for which the permit was obtained and which is parked on such high school property. Such permits are not transferable, and possession of a parking permit does not guarantee a specific parking lot or space on said high school property.
B. All parking and nonparking areas shall be designated, with the approval of the city transportation engineer, marked, and maintained by the Salt Lake City school district. (Prior code § 28-2-1)
It is unlawful for either students or faculty to park a motor vehicle in areas marked and designated for visitors, or in other areas than where allowed by their respective permit, and it is unlawful for visitors to park in areas other than those marked or designated for parking by visitors. It is unlawful for any person without a student or faculty parking permit for persons with disabilities to park a motor vehicle in any parking space marked or designated for persons with disabilities. Delivery vehicles may park in designated delivery areas for a period not to exceed thirty (30) minutes. (Ord. 20-06 § 1, 2006: prior code § 28-2-3)