12.76.010: Locations For Crossing Roadways
12.76.020: Pedestrian Rights; Obedience To Traffic Control Signals (Rep. by Ord. 62-02 § 27, 2002)
12.76.030: Right Of Way In Crosswalks; Vehicle Requirements (Rep. by Ord. 62-02 § 28, 2002)
12.76.040: Vehicle Stopped At Crosswalk; Passing Prohibited (Rep. by Ord. 62-02 § 29, 2002)
12.76.045: Yielding Right Of Way At Marked Or Unmarked Crosswalks; Driver And Pedestrian Duties
12.76.050: Precautions For Children, Blind And Incapacitated Persons
12.76.060: Walking Along Or Upon Roadway
12.76.070: Soliciting Rides Or Employment
12.76.080: Parent And Guardian Responsibilities
12.76.090: Pedestrians Obstructing Sidewalks Prohibited
12.76.100: Pedestrian Crosswalk Flag Fees
No pedestrian shall cross a roadway:
A. At any place other than in a crosswalk. If no crosswalk exists within a distance of seven hundred feet (700') of the desired point of crossing, a pedestrian may cross by the shortest straight route to the opposite curb after exercising due care and caution and yielding to all vehicular traffic;
B. Between adjacent intersections, at which traffic control signals are in operation, at any place except in a marked crosswalk;
C. At any place other than in a crosswalk upon any through street; or
D. Where a pedestrian tunnel or overhead pedestrian crossing is available. (Prior code § 46-17-267)