12.80.010: Licensing For Owners
12.80.020: Dealer Licensing
12.80.030: Police Licensing Powers And Duties
12.80.035: Bicycle Inspections; Upon Request Of Officer
12.80.040: Bicycle And Device Propelled By Human Power Subject To Title; Exception
12.80.050: Parent Responsibility For Children
12.80.060: Brakes, Lights And Other Equipment (Rep. by Ord. 2-06 § 12, 2006)
12.80.061: Bicycle; Prohibited Equipment; Brakes Required
12.80.065: Bicycles; Lamps And Reflective Material Required
12.80.070: Riding Rules And Regulations; Unlawful Acts (Rep. by Ord. 2-06 § 15, 2006)
12.80.075: Carrying More Persons Than Design Permits Prohibited; Exception
12.80.085: Persons On Bicycles, Skates And Sleds Not To Attach To Moving Vehicles; Exception
12.80.095: Operation Of Bicycle On And Use Of Roadway; Duties, Prohibitions
12.80.105: Bicycles And Human Powered Vehicles Or Devices To Yield Right-Of-Way To Pedestrians On Sidewalks, Paths, Or Trails; Uses Prohibited; Negligent Collision Prohibited; Speed Restrictions; Rights And Duties Same As Pedestrians
12.80.110: Bicycles; Carrying Bundle; One Hand On Handlebars
12.80.120: Bicycles; Parking On Sidewalk, Roadway; Prohibitions
12.80.130: Bicycles; Turns; Designated Lanes
12.80.140: Bicycles; Turn Signals; Exceptions
12.80.150: Operation Of Bicycle On One-Way Roadway (Rep. by Ord. 14-09 § 2, 2009)
12.80.160: Central Traffic District Bicycle Riding Restriction
12.80.170: Bicycle Racing; When Approved; Prohibitions; Exceptions; Authorized Exemptions From Traffic Laws
12.80.180: Alteration Of License Or Frame Number Prohibited
12.80.190: License; Suspension Or Revocation When; Impoundment
12.80.200: Violation; Penalty
A. It is unlawful for any person to operate or ride a bicycle upon any of the streets, alleys, sidewalks or public ways of this City:
1. If such bicycle has not been licensed; or
2. If the license for such bicycle has been duly suspended or revoked.
B. Any license issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be valid until either:
1. The transfer of ownership of the bicycle; or
2. The suspension or revocation of the license.
C. No fee will be charged to license a bicycle through the Salt Lake City Police Department.
D. Owners may license a bicycle through the bicycle licensing link on the Salt Lake City Police Department's website at Licensing will require the following information:
1. Name and address of bicycle dealer where bicycle purchased, if available;
2. Name and address of owner;
3. Make and model year of the bicycle;
4. General description of the bicycle; and
5. Frame and/or serial number of the bicycle. (Ord. 14-18, 2018)
All dealers required to obtain a license pursuant to the provisions of section 5.18.020 et seq., of this Code, or successor sections, will, at the time of sale of a new or used bicycle, license such bicycle in accord with the provisions of section 5.18.030 of this Code, or its successor. (Ord. 14-18, 2018)
The Chief of Police is authorized and directed to prepare and issue regulations governing the inspection and licensing of bicycles required to be licensed but not validly licensed by dealers as above required; provided, that any such license so issued or heretofore issued by the Police Department shall, unless revoked or suspended, be valid for the life of such bicycle or until the transfer of ownership thereof. No fee will be charged to license a bicycle under the provisions of this section. (Ord. 14-18, 2018)