A. Commercial or manufacturing loading and unloading facilities shall be designed to be to the rear or side of the building and not visible from the public street. In a manufacturing zone, if the lot dimensions together with the building layout will not allow the necessary loading facility to be placed in the rear or side and there are no other means of access to the rear portion of the building, loading facilities may occur along the front or side facing a street, provided that the building is set back a sufficient distance so that all maneuvering of trucks can occur on the property and not the public right-of-way. Buildings which were constructed prior to 1999 in the DDR Zone and are located on 600 West, 700 West, 800 West, 930 West, 1000 West and 1070 West may maintain the existing docks without modification; however, such docks may be remodeled only if:
1. The resulting dock will not project closer to the street right-of-way than the original construction; or
2. The docks are reconfigured to create an angled dock design and sufficient distance will exist between the dock and street right- of-way so that trailers parked at the dock will not project into the street right-of-way.
B. Loading areas shall be paved with concrete, asphalt or other approved hardened surface.
C. Loading areas shall be sized to accept the largest delivery vehicle that will serve the use, and include turnaround areas or be designed to allow continued forward movement of the vehicle through the site.
(Ord. 99-38, 10-19-1999; amd. Ord. 2003-72, 12-16-2003)
A. Residential Weight Restrictions: Off street parking spaces for residential uses shall be used only by vehicles up to, but not exceeding, one ton manufacturer's capacity rating.
B. Storage Of Vehicles In Required Spaces: Required off street parking spaces and access to the required spaces shall not be used for the parking or storage of automobile trailers, boats, detached campers or any other object that will render the parking space unusable according to the intent and purpose of this chapter.

C. Sale Or Repair Uses: No off street parking space shall be used for the commercial sale, repair, dismantling or servicing of any vehicle, equipment, material, or supplies.
D. Residential Privately Owned Land: Privately owned land within any residential zone shall not be used as access for commercial or manufacturing zoned uses.
(Ord. 2018-28, 10-16-2018)
The owner of a lot with a single family dwelling may install a parking area for an accessory vehicle or a recreational vehicle, including a boat, trailer, or detached camper, in compliance with this section.
A. Inapplicability To Non-Conforming Dwellings: This section does not apply to the installation of additional parking in accordance with subsection 15-6-2B4 of this title for a single-family detached dwelling nonconforming as to the number of properly located off street parking spaces.
B. General Requirements:
1. A recreational vehicle or accessory vehicle is permitted within the accessory parking area if the dwelling unit has at least one parking space in a private garage or in any area properly located for a future garage.
2. No parked recreational vehicle shall be used for storage of goods, materials, or equipment other than those which are customarily associated with the recreational vehicle.
3. Recreational vehicles may not be occupied as a dwelling while parked on the property.
C. Location And Design: Recreational or accessory vehicle parking shall be located in one side yard setback or rear yard subject to the following conditions:
1. The parking area and driveway must be at least eight feet (8') wide and of sufficient length, which may not be less than eighteen feet (18'), to accommodate the accessory or recreational vehicle with no portion of the vehicle extending forward of the front face of the dwelling;
2. The space above any parking area constructed within a side yard setback must remain open and unobstructed to the sky;
3. All stormwater runoff from a hard surface must be directed to prevent drainage onto adjacent properties or across the sidewalk;
4. No parking area is permitted within the twenty foot (20') required side yard facing a street on a corner lot;
5. Access to the accessory parking area shall be provided by either;
a. Widening the approach from the street to match the width of the new driveway provided the other provisions of this Code can be met; or
b. A driveway taper from the sidewalk at no less than a forty five degree (45°) angle with the remnant area in the front yard setback landscaped with a minimum of shrubs and an approved ground cover, provided that this option is not allowed if the remnant landscaped area is less than forty five (45) square feet or if curb, gutter and sidewalk are not present.


D. Surface Materials: The portion of the driveway providing access to the accessory parking area and the accessory parking area itself shall be constructed with:
1. An approved hard surface material or drive strips as described in subsection 15-12-8G4 of this title; or
2. A gravel or crushed concrete surface, provided:
a. The gravel or crushed concrete is at least four inches (4") deep, compacted, and is sized between 1/2 inch to 11/2 inch;
b. A poured concrete or masonry border with a minimum four inch (4") width and four inch (4") depth is constructed on all exterior sides of the surface with masonry being limited to either brick, stone or precast concrete;
c. Road-base or other materials shall not be substituted for gravel or crushed concrete; and
d. The surface material is properly maintained, kept free of weeds or other vegetation and is kept fully contained within the allowed area.

(Ord. 2018-28, 10-16-2018)
A. On-Site Parking Design: The purpose of these standards is to ensure parking design supports the overall character and attractiveness of the downtown, rather than detracting from it. Parking standards identify critical setbacks and access limitations that ensure safety of pedestrians and bicyclists.
1. Parking Setbacks: Table 15-12-15.1 outlines the parking setback required for all downtown zones. Setback areas must be landscaped and parking areas screened in accordance with this code.
2. Location And Parking Frontage Maximums: Parking may not be located between the building and front lot line. Where parking is located to the side of the building, the parking, including access aisles, may not extend along the lot frontage more than the maximum parking frontages shown in Table 15-12-15.1
a. On corner lots or through lots where the building is within thirty feet (30') of the street side lot line, parking shall not be located between the street side lot line and the building.
b. On corner lots or through lots where the building is thirty feet (30') or more from the street side lot line, the parking, including access aisles, may not extend along the street side frontage more than the maximum parking frontages shown in Table 15-12-15.1.
c. The parking setbacks apply to lots with no building. The parking frontage requirements apply to lots with no building except public parking lots.
Table 15-12-15.1: Downtown Parking Setbacks and Maximum Parking Frontage Requirements | ||||||
C-MU | C-ENT | H25 | C-9 | R-MFV | R-MFH |
Table 15-12-15.1: Downtown Parking Setbacks and Maximum Parking Frontage Requirements | ||||||
C-MU | C-ENT | H25 | C-9 | R-MFV | R-MFH | |
Parking Setbacks | ||||||
Minimum setback from front and street side property line | 15 feet | 15 feet | 15 feet | 15 feet | 15 feet | 15 feet |
Minimum setback from side and rear property line | 0 feet, except 3 feet adjacent to residenti al zone | 0 feet, except 3 feet adjacent to residenti al zone | 0 feet, except 3 feet adjacent to residenti al zone | 0 feet, except 3 feet adjacent to residential zone | 3 feet | 3 feet |
Maximum Parking Frontage | 35% (See Graphic 15-12-1 5.2A) | 35% (See Graphic 15-12-15 .2A) | 0% along 25th Street; 35% on other streets (See Graphic 15-12-1 5.2B) | 35% (See Graphic 15-12-15. 2A) | 20% (See Graphic 15-12-15.2C) | |
Maximum Parking Street Side Frontage | 50% | 50% | 0% along 25th Street; 35% on other streets | 50% | 50% | |

B. Garages For Single-Family Rowhouse, Multiple-Family And Mixed-Use Dwelling Units: Garages for individual single-family rowhouse, multiple-family and mixed-use dwelling units shall be accessed from the side or rear of the dwelling from internal driveways and not directly from the street. The planning commission may approve an exception if no other access is possible.
C. Parking Structures: For parking structures providing access to five (5) or more parking spaces the following standards apply:
1. Where possible, the parking structure shall be accessed via an alley or internal driveway and not directly from the street. The structure shall not be accessible directly from any arterial or collector street.
2. Where the only option is to access the parking structure directly from the street, the access shall be designed to allow exit onto the street without backing, queuing at the entry without blocking the sidewalk, exiting vehicles to avoid conflicts with pedestrians on the abutting sidewalk and vehicles traveling on the abutting street. The decision maker may require setbacks, signage, or other conditions to achieve this objective. At a minimum, the access shall provide:
a. A queuing area of at least twenty feet (20') between the sidewalk and any entry gate or door; and
b. A clear vision area of at least twenty feet (20') on each side of the driveway, extending at least twenty feet (20') from the curb toward the property.
3. The parking structure shall not occupy the ground floor storefront area. The ground floor storefront area extends from the front or side street side of the building to a minimum depth of sixty feet (60') within the building. The storefront area may only be occupied by otherwise allowed sales, service, institutional, residential, or entertainment uses. The planning commission may grant an exception to this standard provided all of the following:
a. The commission finds allowing the structure to front the street does not unduly disrupt the adjacent pedestrian environment along the street;
b. If the parking is open at ground level along the street, the structure and any surface parking do not together exceed the parking frontage requirements of Table 15-12-15.1;
c. If the parking is walled off at ground level, the wall fronting the street is designed to the same standard as required for other buildings, including fenestration and pedestrian entrances. False entrances are allowed.
4. Parking is allowed on the second floor but must be hidden from view from street with a building wall. No glazing is required, but all other building material and articulation standards apply. Parking is allowed on all floors above the second, with screening in downtown commercial zones.
(Ord. 2023-16, 4-11-2023)