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The City shall review and approve the size, number and location of vehicular accesses to the properties. No changes to the approved accesses shall be allowed without the required review and approval. The City shall permit vehicular access to public streets if the access meets the following criteria:
   A.   Driveway Width:
      1.   Residential Zones:
         a.   Single-family and duplex lots:
            (1)   Shall have a minimum drive approach and driveway width of nine feet (9') and a maximum width of thirty two feet (32') for each driveway allowed, except that in no case may the combined width of all driveways cover more than fifty percent (50%) of the lot width; and
            (2)   May not have more than fifty percent (50%) of the front yard area covered by hard surface material.
         b.   Three (3) to four (4) units on a lot shall have a minimum access and driveway width of sixteen feet (16') and a maximum of thirty two feet (32') or fifty percent (50%) of the lot width, whichever is less.
         c.   More than four (4) units on a lot shall have a minimum access and driveway width of twenty four feet (24') and a maximum of thirty five feet (35').
      2.   Commercial And Manufacturing Zones:
         a.   The minimum access and driveway width shall be twenty-four feet (24') wide with a maximum of thirty-five feet (35').
         b.   For entrances designed to be used solely for or in combination with tractor trailers the minimum width shall be thirty-five feet (35') and maximum width fifty feet (50').
         c.   The driveway width on State administered highways may be wider or limited as required by the Utah State Department of Transportation.
         d.   In downtown commercial zones, the driveway width shall be the minimum width allowed above that still will provide safe access.
   B.   Number Of Accessways:
      1.   Single-family or duplex lots shall be allowed one accessway onto the public street for each lot.
         a.   One additional access may be permitted for single-family homes if it is used to service a circular driveway or an accessory vehicle parking slab.
         b.   For corner lots with more than two hundred fifty feet (250') of combined street frontage a third access for circular drives is allowed.
         c.   A circular driveway allowed under this section must meet the following requirements:
            (1)   Circular driveways shall not be used to satisfy the required parking;
            (2)   The arched portion of the driveway closest to the street shall be set back at least twenty feet (20') from the front property line at the mid-point of its arch;
            (3)   Each driveway connection to the street shall be no more than fourteen feet (14') in width;
            (4)   The area between the driveway and the property line shall be landscaped at a minimum with shrubs, trees, and approved ground covers; and
            (5)   The total pavement area between the front of the house and the public right-of-way may not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the front yard.
      2.   All other uses shall have not more than one accessway to a public street per one hundred feet (100') of street frontage (i.e., less than 100 feet frontage - 1 approach, 100 feet - 199 feet frontage - 2 approaches, etc.).
      3.   No more than two (2) driveways will be permitted per parcel fronting on any collector or arterial street as defined on the adopted street plan for the City.
         a.   In parcels accommodating twenty (20) or more parking spaces, driveways must be separated by at least two hundred fifty feet (250').
         b.   In parcels with less than twenty (20) parking spaces, driveways must be separated by at least one hundred feet (100').
      4.   A minimum twenty foot (20') wide separation is required between access drives for all developments except single-family homes. Driveways for all uses except single-family homes shall not be closer than eight feet (8') to an adjacent interior property line and shall be set back a minimum of eighty feet (80') from the intersection of two (2) arterial streets and fifty feet (50') from any other street classification intersection.
      5.   Lots are encouraged to have a shared access guaranteed by a recorded reciprocal access easement. If shared access occurs, the driveway width maximum may be increased by ten feet (10') in commercial and manufacturing zones, and the ten foot (10') setback from the interior property line is waived on the side the shared access exists in all zones.
      6.   In addition to the requirements above, driveway accesses in downtown zones shall meet the requirements in Table 15-12-11.1
Table 15-12-11.1: Access Requirements in Downtown Zones
Maximum Number of Driveways per Block Frontage
See Graphic 15-12-11.1A
None on 25th Street, 2 on side streets. See Graphic 15-12-11 .1B
See Graphic 15-12-11.1A
Table 15-12-11.1: Access Requirements in Downtown Zones (cont.)
Maximum Number of Driveways per Lot Frontage
1, except 2 where lot extends full block length
None on 25th Street, 1 on side streets
1, except 2 where lot extends full block length
Minimum Separation Between Driveways
100 feet along Washington Blvd., 20 feet elsewhere
No driveways shall be permitted on 25th Street. 100 feet along all side streets. See Graphic 15-12-11.1B
20 feet
   C.   Exceptions: The city engineer may approve exceptions to the above standards as provided in chapter 6 of title 7.
(Ord. 2018-28, 10-16-201 8; amd. Ord. 2023-16, 4-11-2023)