A. When measurements determining number of required parking spaces result in a fractional space, any fraction up to one-half (1/2) shall be disregarded, and fractions including one-half (1/2) and over shall require one parking space. The off street parking space required for two (2) or more uses shall be the sum of the standards of all the various uses.
B. Unless otherwise noted in section 15-12-3 of this chapter floor areas used in calculating the required number of parking spaces shall be gross floor areas of the building calculated from the exterior outside wall without regard to specific inside use(s). In mixed use facilities calculations shall be based on gross square footage of each identifiable use within the building and the total square footage of each identifiable use shall be the same as the gross floor area calculated from outside wall to outside wall.
(Ord. 99-38, 10-19-1999)
A. Requirements: The applicant's plans shall show the location, size and dimensions of all such facilities. The plans shall follow the stacking space schedule and shall demonstrate that such facilities will not result in the stacking of vehicles on public rights of way, and that an adequate area is reserved for the safe transfer of the motor vehicle between any parking attendant or valet and the driver of the vehicle. In no event shall parking attendants, paid parking collection devices, drive- throughs or areas associated with such uses be located in a public street or right of way, or interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic on a public street, sidewalk or other right of way.
1. Drive-through facilities shall be located in side or rear locations that do not interrupt direct pedestrian access along connecting pedestrian frontage.
2. The length of stacking spaces shall be twenty feet (20').
B. Stacking Space Schedule:
Use | Minimum Number Of Stacking Spaces | Measured From |
Use | Minimum Number Of Stacking Spaces | Measured From |
Attended parking lot or structure | 3 | Attendant |
Automated pay for parking lot or structure | 3 | Ticket disbursement machine |
Automated teller machine | 3 | Teller |
Bank teller lane | 4 | Teller or window |
Car wash stall, automatic | 6 | Entrance |
Car wash stall, self- service | 3 | Entrance |
Gasoline pump | 3 | Each end of pump island |
Restaurant drive-through | 8 (may be split between multiple order boxes) | Order box |
Other | Determined by the city of Ogden's community and economic development director | |
(Ord. 99-38, 10-19-1999; amd. Ord. 2001-32, 6-5-2001; Ord. 2016-17, 3-15-2016)
A. Overlapping Parking: The use of one parking stall for two (2) uses on separate lots in a commercial or manufacturing zone is allowed if:
1. Both uses are nonresidential.
2. Either use is no further than five hundred feet (500') from the parking area measured from property line to property line.
3. It can be established the uses characteristically result in peak accumulations of parked vehicles at different hours, days or seasons.
4. Appropriate signage is posted in the parking lot and building which states the location of the parking.
5. All participating parties enter into a signed written agreement which shall be recorded with the participating properties at the Weber County Recorder's Office and copy of such recorded document filed with the Community Development Department. The document shall state the hours of operation for each use, and the number and location of stalls which will overlap. If at any time the agreement lapses, the businesses shall provide sufficient individual parking to meet the ordinance requirements.
6. In addition to the preceding provisions, schools, churches and public buildings in residential zones may allow shared parking arrangements, as a permitted use, with commercial or manufacturing uses in another zone provided that such uses either face across the street or are adjacent to the use which is sharing the parking.
B. Shared Parking: Shared parking (the use of 1 stall for more than 2 uses on the same lot as the parking space) in a commercial or manufacturing zone is allowed if it can be established the uses characteristically result in peak accumulations of parked vehicles at different hours, days or seasons.
C. Parking Reduction: Parking reduction of ten percent (10%) of the required parking for more than two (2) uses on the same lot is allowed if it can be shown that there are mixed parking demand uses, (e.g., residential and retail, office and retail, residential and office, restaurant and office) or the number of commercial uses exceeds ten (10) individual businesses on the lot.
(Ord. 99-38, 10-19-1999)
A. Location: Parking spaces shall be on the same lot with the main building, or in case of buildings and parking in commercial or manufacturing zones, the parking may be located no further than five hundred feet (500') from the building for which it provides parking.
B. Hard Surface: All required commercial and manufacturing stalls and residential developments over two (2) units shall have the parking stalls delineated on the hard surface.
C. Streets, Ways And Alleys: Public streets, ways, or alleys shall not be used for vehicle storage or for providing the required parking spaces.
D. Design: The parking area for all uses except single-family residential or duplexes shall be designed so those vehicles do not back out into the public right-of-way or use the public right-of-way for their parking maneuvers. The parking area shall be designed so that vehicle backing and turning movements will not conflict or obstruct public sidewalks or public streets.
E. Orientation Of Drive Aisles: Potential conflicts with on-site pedestrian circulation shall be minimized by orienting drive aisles perpendicular to the destination use.
F. Yards: For all uses, none of the required front yard or side yard facing street on corner lot setback area of the respective zones shall be used for parking, but shall be completely landscaped, except access across and over the required front yard or side yard facing street on corner lot setback is allowed to the side or rear yards. In the case of multiple-family dwellings and nonresidential uses in a residential zone, not more than fifty percent (50%) of the required side and rear yards shall be used for parking or vehicular access lanes. Commercial and manufacturing zones may use the side and rear yard building setbacks for parking or access unless the property line is next to a residential zone and then the required setback on that side which adjoins the residential zone shall not be used for parking or access but shall be landscaped and meet the screening requirements of subsection 15-4-5F of this title.
G. Parking Space And Driveway Surface: Driveways and parking spaces required by this title shall be developed and maintained according to the following standards:
1. Any vehicle driveway or accessway that leads from property onto a public street shall be paved with the materials described in this subsection G.
2. Materials used for driveway and parking areas for manufacturing, commercial or multi-family residential uses are limited to the following:
a. Concrete: Minimum four inch (4") depth that covers the entire area used for access, maneuvering, and parking;
b. Asphalt: Minimum two and one-half inch (21/2") depth that covers the entire area used for access, maneuvering, and parking; or
c. Masonry or stone pavers rated for vehicle weight that cover the entire area used for access, maneuvering, and parking.
3. Materials used for driveway and parking areas for any single family or duplex use are limited to the following:
a. Concrete;
b. Asphalt;
c. Sod block; or
d. Masonry or stone pavers rated for vehicle weight.

4. Driveway and parking spaces for single family and duplex uses can be formed as continuous pad or as drive strips of the same materials listed in subsection G3 of this section and designed to accommodate the wheels of the vehicle.
a. Each drive strip should be between sixteen inches (16") and twenty four inches (24") wide.
b. The interior space between the drive strips may be filled with landscaping or gravel, but not dirt or road base.
c. Road-base, crushed concrete, gravel, or similar materials are not allowed for required parking pads, driveways or drive strips.

5. Materials used for driveway and parking areas in the Open Space Zone are limited to the following:
a. Concrete: Minimum four inch (4") depth that covers the entire area used for access, maneuvering, and parking.
b. Asphalt: Minimum two and one-half inch (21/2") depth that covers the entire area used for access, maneuvering, and parking.
c. Masonry or stone pavers rated for vehicle weight; or
d. Permeable materials such as gravel, crushed concrete, or stone; provided that compacted soil or road-base alone are not considered allowed permeable surfaces.
6. Parking spaces shall have appropriate bumper guards or curbs where necessary as determined by the site plan review, to protect adjoining property owners or persons using a sidewalk.
7. Paved areas may not drain onto adjacent properties nor is surface drainage allowable to cross the public sidewalk.
8. When parking islands or landscaped setbacks are used in low impact development, the curb shall include openings designed to allow the flow of storm water into the landscaped area.
H. Parking Stall Design And Maintenance: Parking stall design and maintenance of required off-street parking shall be subject to the following requirements:
1. Parking Space Size: Unless specifically designated for small car parking, each ninety degree (90°) space shall encompass not less than one hundred fifty three (153) square feet of net area. Each space shall be not less than 8.5 feet wide and eighteen feet (18') long. Small car ninety degree (90°) spaces shall be not less than one hundred twenty eight (128) square feet of net area. Minimum width of a designated small car space shall be not less than eight feet (8') in length and not less than sixteen feet (16') long. Parking spaces for grocery, supermarket or convenience stores shall not be less than nine feet (9') wide.
2. Small Car Parking: A maximum of thirty percent (30%) of required spaces may be compact car size in lots containing twenty (20) or more spaces, provided such spaces are clearly marked.
3. Parking Modules: Parking lot designs shall have the following minimum dimensions:

A | B | C | D | E | F | ||
Stall Width Parallel To Aisle | Stall Depth To Wall | Stall Depth To Interlock | Aisle Width | Wall To Wall | Interlock To Interlock |
A | B | C | D | E | F | ||
Stall Width Parallel To Aisle | Stall Depth To Wall | Stall Depth To Interlock | Aisle Width | Wall To Wall | Interlock To Interlock | ||
45 degrees: | |||||||
81/2' stall | 12.0 | 17.0 | 15.0 | 13.0 | 47.0 | 43.0 | |
9' stall | 12.7 | 17.0 | 15.0 | 12.0 | 46.0 | 42.0 | |
60 degrees: | |||||||
81/2' stall | 9.8 | 18.5 | 17.0 | 17.0 | 55.0 | 52.0 | |
9' stall | 10.4 | 18.5 | 17.0 | 16.0 | 54.0 | 51.0 | |
75 degrees: | |||||||
81/2' stall | 8.8 | 19.0 | 18.0 | 23.0 | 61.0 | 59.0 | |
9' stall | 9.3 | 19.0 | 18.0 | 22.0 | 60.0 | 58.0 | |
90 degrees: | |||||||
81/2' stall | 8.5 | 18.0 | 18.0 | 25.0 | 61.0 | 61.0 | |
9' stall | 9.0 | 18.0 | 18.0 | 24.0 | 60.0 | 60.0 | |
A | B | C | D | E | F | ||
Stall Width Parallel To Aisle | Stall Depth To Wall | Stall Depth To Interlock | Aisle Width | Wall To Wall | Interlock To Interlock |
A | B | C | D | E | F | ||
Stall Width Parallel To Aisle | Stall Depth To Wall | Stall Depth To Interlock | Aisle Width | Wall To Wall | Interlock To Interlock | ||
45 degrees: | |||||||
9.0' stall | 11.3 | 15.5 | 13.5 | 13.0 | 44.0 | 40.0 | |
60 degrees: | |||||||
8.0' stall | 9.2 | 16.8 | 15.3 | 14.0 | 48.0 | 45.0 | |
75 degrees: | |||||||
8.0' stall | 8.3 | 17.0 | 16.3 | 17.0 | 51.0 | 50.0 | |
90 degrees: | |||||||
8.0' stall | 8.0 | 16.0 | 16.0 | 20.0 | 52.0 | 52.0 | |
(Ord. 2018-28, 10-16-2018; amd. Ord. 2020-55, 11-10-2020; Ord. 2023-57, 10-10-2023)
A. Landscaping And Screening: Whenever parking spaces for five (5) or more cars and their associated access driveways are located in or adjacent to a residential use or vacant land in a residential zone, screening is required to protect residential properties from potential impacts of lights, noise, increased pedestrian and automobile traffic, invasions of privacy and physical intrusions on property. Based on the applicant's site plan, the department will determine the potential impacts resulting from location, site design and layout as they relate to the areas of concern identified in Table 15-12-9.1. The nature of surrounding topography may be considered in determining whether impacts exist. The applicant may then choose from among those screening options in Table 15-12-9.1 that will mitigate all of the identified impacts. The specified standard for each option is identified in Table 15-12-9.2. Determinations may be appealed to the Planning Commission. If there are no potential impacts as determined by the Planning Director, screening is not required. The fencing and landscaping required under this section shall be maintained and replaced by the owner as needed in order to provide an effective screen. Whenever a fence abuts parking, bumper guards shall be required, set back a minimum of two and one-half feet (2½') from the fence, in order to protect the fence from traffic. Landscaping shall be protected from automobile overhang.
Area Of Concern | Lights | Noise | Privacy | Objectionable Views | Access Restriction |
Properties in the Downtown Zones (C-MU, C-ENT, H25, C-9, R-MFV, AND R-MFH) | C1, D2, E2, or H1 | C1, E2, or H1 | C1, D2, E2 or H1 | C1, D2, E2, or H1 | D2, E2, H or I |
Properties in all other Zones | C1, D, E, or H1 | C1, E, or H1 | C1, D, E, or H1 | C1, D, E, G or H1 | D, E, F, G, H, or I |
1. This is an option only when abutting residentially zoned property is vacant or has substantial existing vegetation. In either instance the time needed for growth of vegetation will not be detrimental to the buffering needs.
2. Chainlink is not permitted facing and visible from the street in the Downtown zones (C-MU, C-ENT, H25, C-9, R-MFH, R-MFV).
Option | Screening Type | Purpose And Standards |
Option | Screening Type | Purpose And Standards |
A | 4' berm | Screens vehicles in parking lot and decreases asphalt appearance, except when difference in topography offsets screening. Any berm shall have a minimum height of 4' and a stabilized side slope of no greater than 3 to 1 ratio of run to rise. Berms shall be a minimum width of 12'. |
B | Berm with shrub landscaping sufficient to achieve a 4' high screen | Screens parking lot and buffers building. Evergreen shrubs shall be of a locally adapted species such as pyracantha, yew, juniper or evergreen euonymus. Shrubs shall be a minimum of 5 gallons when planted and shall be expected to reach a height of at least 4' within 5 years of planting. Shrubs shall be planted at a maximum of 5' on center. The berm shall have a stabilized side slope no greater than 3 to 1 ratio of run to rise. |
C | Evergreen hedge with an ultimate height of at least 5' | Screens parking lot except when difference in topography offsets screening and buffers building which is close to property line. Shrubs shall be of a locally adapted evergreen species such as arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis or orientalis), juniper (Juniperus virginiana or chinensis), pyracantha, yew (Taxus media), or evergreen euonymus (Euonymus japonica), with a 5 gallon minimum planted size, and shall be expected to reach a height of at least 5' within 5 years of planting. Shrubs shall be planted at a minimum of 5' on center. |
D | A 6' tall solid fence of either wood, vinyl or chain link with interlocking opaque vinyl or a 6' tall decorative masonry wall with textured surfacing facing residential use | Screens ground level lights, noise, objectionable views, provides privacy and access restriction, and texturing provides aesthetic relief. "Decorative masonry" shall include split-face block or brick, brick, fluted block, or masonry wall with stucco finish, but shall not include openings in the wall surface below a height of 6'. Bumper guards set back a minimum of 21/2' from the fence shall be required when fence abuts parking. |
E | A 6' wide landscaped strip and either a 6' tall solid fence of either wood, vinyl or chain link with interlocking opaque vinyl, or a 6' tall decorative masonry wall with textured surfacing facing residential use | Screens ground level lights, higher level lights, noise, objectionable views; provides privacy, access restriction and additional noise mitigation. Trees shall be a minimum of 2" caliper in size, spaced at a minimum of 20' on center. |
F | 6' chainlink fence | Provides security and access restriction. Used only when these are the major impacts. Bumper guards, set back a minimum of 21/2' from the fence, shall be required when fence abuts parking. |
G | 6' chainlink fence with inserts in the fence fabric | Provides security and access restriction. Inserts help screen objectionable views. Inserts shall be of a durable opaque material and shall be kept in good repair. Bumper guards, set back a minimum of 21/2' from the fence, shall be required when fence abuts parking. |
H | 6' open fence with evergreen trees and shrubs | Screens ground level and higher level lights, provides security and access restriction. Vegetative screen provides additional noise mitigation and screens objectionable views. Trees and shrubs shall be of a locally adapted evergreen species such as arborvitae, juniper, pyracantha, evergreen euonymus, pines or spruces, with a planted size of at least 15 gallons for trees and 5 gallons for shrubs, and shall be expected to reach a height of at least 5' within 5 years of planting. Trees shall be planted at 20' on center and shrubs at 5' on center. |
I | Ornamental wrought iron fence or other decorative see through fencing | Provides some access restriction. Used when this is the only impact from the proposed development. Bumper guards, set back a minimum of 21/2' from the fence, shall be required when fence abuts parking. |
B. Parking Lot Perimeter Landscaping: Parking lots with four (4) or more spaces shall be buffered from public streets. At least seventy percent (70%) of the length of the parking lot fronting the street shall be screened to a height of thirty six inches (36"). To screen the parking area, the landscaped area may either be bermed and planted and planted with only shrubs, planted with shrubs or evergreen trees, or be a decorative masonry wall of three feet (3') in height.
C. Parking Lot Interior Landscaping:
1. Water-wise landscaped islands in required parking areas shall be installed in each of the following conditions:
a. The end of each row of parking stalls if the row exceeds ten (10) stalls in length;
b. Except as provided in subsection C.2., between every twenty (20) parking stalls if a row or parking has over twenty (20) stalls;
c. To define parking lot entrances; and
d. To define the main interior circulation road pattern.

2. Instead of separate islands being placed between every twenty (20) parking stalls, a single large island:
a. May be placed:
(1) In manufacturing zones, if the parking is located behind the building and is not in public view from the street; or
(2) In the DDR zone along 600 West from 2nd Street to 300 North, 700 West from 1st Street to 300 North, 800 West from 1st Street to 400 North, 930 West from 2nd Street to 200 North, 1000 West from 2nd Street to 200 North and 1070 West from 2nd Street to 200 North;
b. Shall have an area equal to or greater than the cumulative square footage of the separate islands that would otherwise be required; and
c. Shall be located at the entrance to the row of parking which is most visible from the public street.
3. Landscaped Islands:
a. Shall not be placed over asphalt or concrete; and
b. Shall be a minimum width of nine feet (9') and extend the length of the parking stalls it abuts.
4. Landscaped islands and all interior roadways are required to have raised concrete curbing to prevent vehicular intrusion into landscape areas.
a. Curb design may vary depending on requirements for low impact development which may include curb cuts to allow storm water drainage to enter the system.
b. When curb cuts are utilized, curb designs shall provide an adequate physical height barrier to protect landscaped areas where LID standards are satisfied, or not specifically necessary to meet LID standards.
5. When landscaped islands are required:
a. A minimum of one deciduous tree shall be planted in each island. This tree requirement is in addition to the number of trees required on the remainder of the lot.
b. The surface of the island shall be planted with either water-wise landscape plantings or covered with mulch. Turf grass is not permitted in the islands. If shrubs are used they shall be planted in such a manner that as a minimum, fifty percent (50%) of the ground surface area shall be covered by the water-wise plants at mature growth. The coverage does not include the area covered by any deciduous tree canopy above the ground. Plantings shall be maintained at a height not to exceed three feet (3'). Mulch shall be placed to cover the ground to a depth of four inches (4") for wood bark or chips and at a depth of twice the size of any gravel or small stone mulch but in no case less than three inches (3") thick.
6. Required public and employee parking areas over two hundred (200) stalls shall be divided by a minimum ten foot (10') wide landscaped planting island perpendicular to the parking stalls. The planting island shall be placed along every fourth row of parking. Trees shall be planted in the island at forty feet (40') on center and shall be a minimum two foot (2') caliper size.

7. A minimum of six percent (6%) of the interior space (as measured by drawing a rectangular shaped area around the maximum extent of each parking area) of all parking lots with less than one hundred (100) spaces, and ten percent (10%) of all parking lots with one hundred (100) or more spaces shall be water-wise landscape areas.
D. Parking Lot Landscape Requirements For Downtown Districts: The purpose of these standards is to provide a set of requirements for the landscaping of downtown parking that reflect the pedestrian nature of the downtown. These standards are intended to support a vibrant landscape environment within parking areas that positively contribute to the public realm and character of Downtown Ogden. These standards shall apply to the C-MU, C-ENT, H25, C-9, R-MFV, and R-MFH zones.
1. Landscape areas shall consist of planter islands, planter strips, or peninsula types. In order to count toward the off-street parking landscape requirements, a planter island, planter strip, or peninsula shall have a minimum area of one hundred twenty-six (126) square feet with a minimum width of nine feet (9') (hereafter referred to as contributing landscape areas).
2. Peninsulas may be designed within or adjacent to the interior parking area. The square footage of each planter island, planter strip or peninsula within the parking lot must be shown; all contributing landscape areas must be designated on the landscape plan by shading or otherwise differentiated from any non-contributing landscape area.
3. Landscaping immediately adjacent to building (also known as foundation landscaping) shall not be considered interior parking area landscaping.
4. The city has adopted tree species requirements which are listed in policy 10-1900-5 of the Ogden Administrative Manual. The city urban forester shall review the species mix for canopy trees for shading of parking lots and streets if located within the public right-of-way.
5. At intersections tree species can change to break up the visual landscape character.
(Ord. 99-38, 10-19-1999; amd. Ord. 2001-31, 5-22-2001; Ord. 2001-32, 6-5-2001; Ord. 2003-60, 11-18-2003; Ord. 2020-55, 11-10-2020; Ord. 2022-34, 7-5-2022; Ord. 2023-16, 4-11-2023)
A. A designated, paved, pedestrian pathway shall connect customer parking to any general office or space devoted for customer use. A paved walkway shall be provided in the right-of-way of all public streets that the property abuts. Installation of the sidewalk in the public right-of-way may be deferred according to recommendations and conditions established in the Ogden City Engineering Division.

B. Where it is necessary for the primary pedestrian access to cross drive aisles or internal roadways, the material and layout of the walkway shall be continuous as it crosses the driveway, with a break in continuity of the driveway paving and not the pedestrian walkway. Crossings shall be well marked, with priority placed on pedestrian circulation.
(Ord. 99-38, 10-19-1999)
The City shall review and approve the size, number and location of vehicular accesses to the properties. No changes to the approved accesses shall be allowed without the required review and approval. The City shall permit vehicular access to public streets if the access meets the following criteria:
A. Driveway Width:
1. Residential Zones:
a. Single-family and duplex lots:
(1) Shall have a minimum drive approach and driveway width of nine feet (9') and a maximum width of thirty two feet (32') for each driveway allowed, except that in no case may the combined width of all driveways cover more than fifty percent (50%) of the lot width; and
(2) May not have more than fifty percent (50%) of the front yard area covered by hard surface material.
b. Three (3) to four (4) units on a lot shall have a minimum access and driveway width of sixteen feet (16') and a maximum of thirty two feet (32') or fifty percent (50%) of the lot width, whichever is less.
c. More than four (4) units on a lot shall have a minimum access and driveway width of twenty four feet (24') and a maximum of thirty five feet (35').
2. Commercial And Manufacturing Zones:
a. The minimum access and driveway width shall be twenty-four feet (24') wide with a maximum of thirty-five feet (35').
b. For entrances designed to be used solely for or in combination with tractor trailers the minimum width shall be thirty-five feet (35') and maximum width fifty feet (50').
c. The driveway width on State administered highways may be wider or limited as required by the Utah State Department of Transportation.
d. In downtown commercial zones, the driveway width shall be the minimum width allowed above that still will provide safe access.
B. Number Of Accessways:
1. Single-family or duplex lots shall be allowed one accessway onto the public street for each lot.
a. One additional access may be permitted for single-family homes if it is used to service a circular driveway or an accessory vehicle parking slab.
b. For corner lots with more than two hundred fifty feet (250') of combined street frontage a third access for circular drives is allowed.
c. A circular driveway allowed under this section must meet the following requirements:
(1) Circular driveways shall not be used to satisfy the required parking;
(2) The arched portion of the driveway closest to the street shall be set back at least twenty feet (20') from the front property line at the mid-point of its arch;
(3) Each driveway connection to the street shall be no more than fourteen feet (14') in width;
(4) The area between the driveway and the property line shall be landscaped at a minimum with shrubs, trees, and approved ground covers; and
(5) The total pavement area between the front of the house and the public right-of-way may not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the front yard.
2. All other uses shall have not more than one accessway to a public street per one hundred feet (100') of street frontage (i.e., less than 100 feet frontage - 1 approach, 100 feet - 199 feet frontage - 2 approaches, etc.).
3. No more than two (2) driveways will be permitted per parcel fronting on any collector or arterial street as defined on the adopted street plan for the City.
a. In parcels accommodating twenty (20) or more parking spaces, driveways must be separated by at least two hundred fifty feet (250').
b. In parcels with less than twenty (20) parking spaces, driveways must be separated by at least one hundred feet (100').
4. A minimum twenty foot (20') wide separation is required between access drives for all developments except single-family homes. Driveways for all uses except single-family homes shall not be closer than eight feet (8') to an adjacent interior property line and shall be set back a minimum of eighty feet (80') from the intersection of two (2) arterial streets and fifty feet (50') from any other street classification intersection.
5. Lots are encouraged to have a shared access guaranteed by a recorded reciprocal access easement. If shared access occurs, the driveway width maximum may be increased by ten feet (10') in commercial and manufacturing zones, and the ten foot (10') setback from the interior property line is waived on the side the shared access exists in all zones.
6. In addition to the requirements above, driveway accesses in downtown zones shall meet the requirements in Table 15-12-11.1
Table 15-12-11.1: Access Requirements in Downtown Zones | ||||||
C-MU | C-ENT | H25 | C-9 | R-MFV | R-MFH | |
Maximum Number of Driveways per Block Frontage | 2 See Graphic 15-12-11.1A | None on 25th Street, 2 on side streets. See Graphic 15-12-11 .1B | 2 See Graphic 15-12-11.1A |
Table 15-12-11.1: Access Requirements in Downtown Zones (cont.) | |||
C-MU | C-ENT | H25 | |
Maximum Number of Driveways per Lot Frontage | 1, except 2 where lot extends full block length | None on 25th Street, 1 on side streets | 1, except 2 where lot extends full block length |
Minimum Separation Between Driveways | 100 feet along Washington Blvd., 20 feet elsewhere | No driveways shall be permitted on 25th Street. 100 feet along all side streets. See Graphic 15-12-11.1B | 20 feet |

C. Exceptions: The city engineer may approve exceptions to the above standards as provided in chapter 6 of title 7.
(Ord. 2018-28, 10-16-201 8; amd. Ord. 2023-16, 4-11-2023)