UNLICENSED REHABILITATION/ TREATMENT FACILITY: | A facility providing temporary occupancy for individuals (adult/juvenile) in order to provide rehabilitation, treatment, or counseling services, which facility either does not require licensure by the state of Utah or does not operate under contract with the state of Utah. Without limitation, such services may include rehabilitation, treatment, or counseling services, related to delinquent behavior, alcohol and drug abuse, sex offenders, sexual abuse, or mental health. |
USABLE OPEN SPACE REQUIRED: | Usable open space shall be provided as prescribed by the provisions contained in each zone. “Usable open space” shall be defined as the aggregate area of side, rear and front yards, patios, and balconies and decks having a minimum horizontal dimension of not less than five feet (5'), on a building site or building, which is available and accessible to the occupants of the building for purposes of active or passive outdoor recreation. Upon determination by the planning commission, permanent recreational areas within the building may be considered for the purposes of contributing to the open space provisions contained in each zone. Usable open space does not include driveways, areas for off street parking and off street services, roofs of buildings, or other structures except as determined by the planning commission when substantial landscaping and/or recreation area is provided thereon; ground level areas with a width of five feet (5') or less; and a ground level area width of eight feet (8') or less, if over seventy five percent (75%) of the area is hard surfaced. |
USE: | The specified purpose for which land or a building is designed, arranged, intended, or for which it is or may be occupied or maintained. |
USE, ACCESSORY: | A subordinate use customarily incidental to and located upon the same lot occupied by the main use and devoted exclusively to the main use of the premises. |
USE, CONDITIONAL: | A use or occupancy of a building, or use of land, permitted only when authorized upon issuance of a conditional use permit and subject to the limitations and conditions specified therein, as provided in chapter 7 of this title, intended to allow compatible integration of uses which may be suitable only in certain locations within a particular zone, or only upon certain conditions and/or design criteria being achieved. |
USE, PERMITTED: | Any use lawfully occupying land or buildings as authorized in the zone regulations and for which no conditional use permit is required. |
USED AND REBUILDABLE CAR LOTS: | A facility where non-operable vehicles are sold and displayed for sale in whole by a licensed dealer, excluding any junk or salvage yard. |
USED CAR LOTS: | A facility where operable, used vehicles are sold and displayed for sale by a licensed dealer. |
(Ord. 2011-2, 1-4-2011; amd. Ord. 2023-55, 10-10-2023)
WAREHOUSE, WAREHOUSING, WAREHOUSE STORAGE: | An enclosed building for the reception and storage of commercial or industrial products or parts with the intent of storing product supply or shipping stored products to final destinations or using materials stored for creation of a final product for shipping to final destinations. This definition is to apply to stand alone land uses and not intended to limit warehousing as an accessory use to a main permitted use. |
WASTE TRANSFER STATION: | The use of any lot, portion of a lot, or tract of land for the receiving, processing and immediate off site disposal of solid waste to a permanent disposal site. This may include the temporary collection of recyclable materials and household hazardous waste as an accessory use. |
WATER-WISE LANDSCAPE: | The use of plants that have lower supplemental water needs and are adapted to the climate and available water conditions of the region. The term water-wise can also include drought resistant plants and plants that are native to arid conditions and temperature conditions of the region. |
WIDTH OF LOT: | The distance between the side lot lines at the distance back from the front line required for the depth of the front yard. |
(Ord. 2011-2, 1-4-2011; amd. Ord. 2020-39, 9-1-2020; Ord. 2022-34, 7-5-2022)
YARD: | An open space on a lot, other than a court, unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward by buildings, except as otherwise provided herein. |
YARD, FRONT: | A yard on the same lot with a building between the front line of the building (exclusive of steps) and the front lot line and extending across the full width of the lot. The “depth” of the front yard is the minimum distance between the front lot line and the front line of the building. |
YARD, REAR: | A yard on the same lot with a building between the rear line of the building (exclusive of steps) and the rear lot line and extending the full width of the lot. On side yards facing street on corner lot, the rear yard does not extend the full width, but extends to the side line of the building facing the street. |
YARD, REAR ON THROUGH LOT: | A yard on the same lot with a building, between the rear line of the building (exclusive of steps) and the rear street lot line, extending the full width of the lot. |
YARD, SIDE: | A yard on the same lot with a building, between the side line of the building (exclusive of steps) and the side lot line extending from the front yard to the rear yard. |
YARD, SIDE FACING STREET ON CORNER LOT: | An open, unoccupied space on the same lot with a building between the side line of the building (exclusive of steps) and the street side lot line, extending from the front yard to the rear property line, and including a rear yard on through lot. |
(Ord. 2011-2, 1-4-2011; amd. Ord. 2023-16, 4-11-2023)
ZONE: | The geographical area of the city within which the zoning regulations are uniform. |
ZONING MAP: | The zoning map of Ogden City describing the location and boundaries of the various zoning districts established by this title. |
ZONING ORDINANCES: | The zoning ordinances of Ogden City, Utah. |
(Ord. 2011-2, 1-4-2011)