SENIOR MULTIPLE-FAMILY DWELLING: | A multiple family dwelling designated to be occupied exclusively by persons 55 years of age or older. |
SENSITIVE AREA: | Lands containing environmentally and geologically sensitive elements which, if encroached upon by unsuspecting urban land development such as utilities, housing, streets, and/or public facilities, could be damaged beyond reparability or could cause severe damage to such urban development or cause complete destruction thereof or cause the loss of life or bodily harm. Such sensitive areas could include active earthquake faults, potential landslide areas, steep unstable terrain, or areas of potential rockfall. |
SENSITIVE VEGETATION: | Vegetative cover which can be harmed by compaction from overuse, urban development or altering of the hydrologic cycle in such a manner as to create an environmental imbalance causing a severe retardation of growth or elimination of a particular variety of vegetative species. |
SENSITIVE WILDLIFE HABITAT: | Wildlife habitat which provides an environmental biosphere critical to the well being and perpetuation of certain species of wildlife, particularly if encroached upon by urban related development. It is specifically related to the elimination of a limited habitat and its related wildlife. |
SEXUALLY ORIENTED BUSINESSES: | An inclusive term used to describe collectively those businesses for which a sexually oriented business license is required, pursuant to Title 5, Chapter 15, which include for purposes of this title the following: outcall services, adult entertainment dancing agencies, adult businesses (an inclusive term including adult motion picture theaters, adult bookstores or adult video stores), and adult live entertainment businesses. This collective term does not describe a specific land use and shall not be considered a single use category for purposes of this title. |
SHELTER FOR THE HOMELESS: | Charitable lodgings or sleeping rooms provided on a temporary basis (usually on a daily basis), to those members of society lacking other safe, sanitary or affordable shelter. May also include kitchen and cafeteria. |
SHELTERED WORKSHOP: | An on site supervised educational or vocational training facility for persons with a disability that does not provide any residential facilities. |
SHORT TERM LOAN BUSINESS: | A. An establishment engaged in extending credit to individuals (regardless of whether the debt is secured or unsecured or in the form of a loan, advance or other credit intermediation service) that: |
1. generally charges an annual percentage rate of 30% or higher as calculated under the federal Truth in Lending Act (15 USC Sec. 1601 et seq.) or the rules or regulations adopted pursuant to the Truth in Lending Act; or 2. extends credit in amounts generally less than$10,000. B. This definition specifically includes businesses such as check cashers, deferred deposit lenders and title lenders, but does not include establishments whose primary activity is: 1. selling real estate or financing real estate transactions; 2. making retail or food sales or financing retail or food sales made on the installment plan; 3. selling vehicles or financing purchase money vehicle loans; 4. making repairs or improvements to real or personal property; 5. acting as a pawnbroker under the provisions of Title 5, Chapter 12, Article A; 6. providing professional, medical, dental, insurance or educational services; 7. acting as a charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or as a community development entity that has been certified by the U.S. Department of the Treasury Community Development Financial Institutions Fund; or 8. providing deposit banking as a depository institution or depository institution holding company as defined in Utah Code Section 7-1-103, as amended. C. In determining the primary activity of a business, the value of any goods sold or services rendered compared with the amount of credit extended shall be taken into account. D. A short term loan business may offer more than one type of credit intermediation service if it meets the licensing requirements for each service and operates from a single storefront. | |
SHORT-TERM RENTAL: | A dwelling unit or any portion of a dwelling unit that the owner of record or the lessee of the dwelling unit offers for occupancy for fewer than thirty (30) consecutive days. "Short-term rental" excludes a facility licensed by Ogden City as a bed and breakfast inn, hotel, motel, boarding house, or lodging house. |
SIDEWALK VENDOR: | Any person or persons licensed under Title 5, Chapter 13, Article B as a sidewalk vendor who sells, or offers to sell at retail, food, nonalcoholic beverages, balloons, or cut flowers on a public sidewalk. |
SINGLE ROOM OCCUPANCY: | A residential facility with six or more sleeping units created from a building that was formerly used as a hotel or motel, where the facility has common sanitation facilities, kitchen facilities, or both, and where the majority of sleeping units have only one sleeping room. |
SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: | Established regulations concerning lot areas, yard setbacks, building height, lot coverage, open green space and any other special regulations deemed necessary to accomplish the purpose of this title. |
SLEEPING UNIT: | A single unit that provides rooms or spaces for one or more persons, includes permanent provisions for sleeping and can include provisions for living, eating and either sanitation or kitchen facilities but not both. Such rooms and spaces that are also part of a dwelling unit are not sleeping units. |
SOCIAL HALL: | A for profit privately owned, multiuse indoor space that provides for a variety of private and public functions such as banquets, parties, games, social gatherings, entertainment, lectures and receptions. |
SOUP KITCHEN, CHARITABLE: | A not for profit establishment devoted exclusively to feeding the poor. Such establishment may provide one or more meals per day, at no monetary charge to the hungered. |
STABLE, PRIVATE: | A detached, accessory building for the keeping of horses owned by the occupants of the premises, and not kept for remuneration, hire or sale. |
STABLE, PUBLIC: | A stable other than a private stable. |
STACKED UNITS (duplex, triplex, fourplex): | A multiple-family dwelling containing two (duplex), three (triplex), or four (fourplex) dwelling units where each dwelling unit is above or below a dwelling unit on another floor. |
STOREFRONT AREA, GROUND FLOOR: | An area on the ground floor of a building that extends from the front or side street side of the building to a minimum depth of 60 feet within the building. |
STORY: | The space within a building, other than a cellar, included between the surface of any floor area and the surface of the ceiling next above. |
STORY, HALF: | A story with at least two of its sides situated in a sloping roof, the floor area of which does not exceed two-thirds of the floor immediately below it. |
STREET: | A public thoroughfare, dedicated, abandoned or condemned for public use prior to the initial enactment of the zoning ordinance, which affords the principal means of access of abutting property and is more than 26 feet wide, and any public thoroughfare dedicated to the public and accepted by proper public authority or condemned for public use after said date. |
STREET, PRIVATE: | A private right-of-way that is 26 feet wide or wider, that accesses the lots, other than footprint lots, within a PRUD, group dwelling, or similar development, and that otherwise functions much like a public street. |
STRUCTURAL ALTERATIONS: | Any change in supporting members of a building, such as bearing walls, columns, beams or girders. |
STRUCTURE: | Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires location on the ground, or attachment to something having location on the ground. |
SWAP MEET: | A business operated entirely within an enclosed building where, under direction of a swap meet proprietor, individual sellers occupy a designated area where goods are sold or exchanged. |
SWIMMING POOL: | Any artificial or semiartificial container, whether indoors or outdoors, and whether above or below the surface of the ground, or both, used or intended to be used to contain a body of water for swimming by any person or persons, together with all permanent structures, equipment, appliances and other facilities used or intended for use in and about the operation, maintenance and use of such pool. |
SWIMMING POOL, FAMILY: | A swimming pool used and intended to be used solely by the owner, operator or lessee thereof and his family and by friends invited to use it without payment of any fee or consideration. |
(Ord. 2013-13, 3-26-2013; amd. Ord. 2023-7, 2-7-2023; Ord. 2023-16, 4-11-2023; Ord. 2024-4, 2-20-2024; Ord. 2024-12, 5-7-2024; Ord. 2024-28, 10-15-2024)
TEMPORARY AUTOMOTIVE SUMMER SALES IN COMMERCIAL PARKING LOTS: | The occasional sale of automobiles, trucks or RVs on a shopping center or large store parking lot in the C-2 or C-3 zones, so long as: A. The sale takes place from March 1 to and including September 30; B. The space used must not exceed twenty five percent (25%) of the available parking at that location; C. The person engaging in the sale must have a permanent retail location within Weber County and show that such person is a dealer licensed by the state; and D. Any sale shall not last longer than fourteen (14) days; provided, that no dealer may conduct more than one 14-day sale or two (2) 7-day sales per calendar year, per location. |
TEMPORARY BUSINESS: | A permitted wholesale or retail business conducted on a lot without a permanent building or on a lot with a permanent building but disassociated with any business located within said building. |
THEATER, INDOOR PICTURE: | A building or part of a building devoted to the showing of moving pictures on a paid admission basis. |
THEATER, OUTDOOR DRIVE-IN: | An open lot or part thereof, with its appurtenant facilities devoted primarily to the showing of moving pictures, on a paid admission basis, to patrons seated in automobiles. |
TITLE LENDER: | A person engaged in the business of making loans or transactions that are: A. Secured by the title to a: 1. Motor vehicle, as defined in Utah code section 41-6a-102; 2. Mobile home, as defined in Utah code section 41-6a-102; or 3. Motorboat, as defined in Utah code section 73-18-2. B. “Title loan” includes a title loan extended at the same premises on which any of the following are sold: 1. A motor vehicle, as defined in Utah code section 41-6a-102; 2. A mobile home, as defined in Utah code section 41-6a-102; or 3. A motorboat, as defined in Utah code section 73-18-2. |
“Title loan” does not include: 1. A purchase money loan; 2. A loan made in connection with the sale of a motor vehicle, as defined in Utah code section 41-6a-102; a mobile home, as defined in Utah code section 41-6a-102; or a motorboat, as defined in Utah code section 73-18-2; or 3. A loan extended by an institution listed in Utah code section 7-24-305. | |
TOWING OR IMPOUND LOT: | A secure facility where a licensed tow truck operator temporarily stores vehicles, belonging to another, which have been damaged, disabled, abandoned, seized, or impounded. |
TRADE OR VOCATIONAL SCHOOL: | A post-high school educational or vocational training facility. |
TRANSITIONAL HOUSING FACILITY: | A facility owned, operated or contracted by a governmental entity or a charitable, nonprofit organization, where, for no compensation, temporary housing (for usually 3 to 24 months, but in no event less than 30 days) is provided to homeless persons, while they obtain work, job skills, or otherwise take steps to stabilize their circumstances. A transitional housing facility shall not include a shelter for the homeless. A dwelling unit provided to a family for their exclusive use as part of a transitional housing program, for more than thirty (30) days, shall not be considered to be a transitional housing facility. |
TREE, LARGE, MEDIUM, OR SMALL: | A tree designated by the city urban forester or in the city arboricultural regulations as being of a particular size. |
TREE, SIGNIFICANT: | An existing tree in healthy condition and having a minimum caliper of four inches (4") or greater as measured by industry standards and that is any of the following: A. A naturally occurring (not planted) Utah native species; B. Designated or defined in the general plan or by the city urban forester as significant; C. Within the public right-of-way; D. Within a sensitive overlay; E. Within an area of ground instability as determined by the city engineer; or F. On the site of a historic resource or resource listed on the National Register of Historic Places, unless determined by the landmarks commission to be not character defining. |
TURF GRASS: | A surface layer of earth containing grass species with a full root structure that create a uniform ground cover and serve an ornamental and high foot traffic function and are maintained by regular mowing. |
(Ord. 2016-12, 3-1-2016; amd. Ord. 2020-24, 6-23-2020; Ord. 2022-34, 7-5-2022; Ord. 2023-16, 4-11-2023)
UNLICENSED REHABILITATION/ TREATMENT FACILITY: | A facility providing temporary occupancy for individuals (adult/juvenile) in order to provide rehabilitation, treatment, or counseling services, which facility either does not require licensure by the state of Utah or does not operate under contract with the state of Utah. Without limitation, such services may include rehabilitation, treatment, or counseling services, related to delinquent behavior, alcohol and drug abuse, sex offenders, sexual abuse, or mental health. |
USABLE OPEN SPACE REQUIRED: | Usable open space shall be provided as prescribed by the provisions contained in each zone. “Usable open space” shall be defined as the aggregate area of side, rear and front yards, patios, and balconies and decks having a minimum horizontal dimension of not less than five feet (5'), on a building site or building, which is available and accessible to the occupants of the building for purposes of active or passive outdoor recreation. Upon determination by the planning commission, permanent recreational areas within the building may be considered for the purposes of contributing to the open space provisions contained in each zone. Usable open space does not include driveways, areas for off street parking and off street services, roofs of buildings, or other structures except as determined by the planning commission when substantial landscaping and/or recreation area is provided thereon; ground level areas with a width of five feet (5') or less; and a ground level area width of eight feet (8') or less, if over seventy five percent (75%) of the area is hard surfaced. |
USE: | The specified purpose for which land or a building is designed, arranged, intended, or for which it is or may be occupied or maintained. |
USE, ACCESSORY: | A subordinate use customarily incidental to and located upon the same lot occupied by the main use and devoted exclusively to the main use of the premises. |
USE, CONDITIONAL: | A use or occupancy of a building, or use of land, permitted only when authorized upon issuance of a conditional use permit and subject to the limitations and conditions specified therein, as provided in chapter 7 of this title, intended to allow compatible integration of uses which may be suitable only in certain locations within a particular zone, or only upon certain conditions and/or design criteria being achieved. |
USE, PERMITTED: | Any use lawfully occupying land or buildings as authorized in the zone regulations and for which no conditional use permit is required. |
USED AND REBUILDABLE CAR LOTS: | A facility where non-operable vehicles are sold and displayed for sale in whole by a licensed dealer, excluding any junk or salvage yard. |
USED CAR LOTS: | A facility where operable, used vehicles are sold and displayed for sale by a licensed dealer. |
(Ord. 2011-2, 1-4-2011; amd. Ord. 2023-55, 10-10-2023)
WAREHOUSE, WAREHOUSING, WAREHOUSE STORAGE: | An enclosed building for the reception and storage of commercial or industrial products or parts with the intent of storing product supply or shipping stored products to final destinations or using materials stored for creation of a final product for shipping to final destinations. This definition is to apply to stand alone land uses and not intended to limit warehousing as an accessory use to a main permitted use. |
WASTE TRANSFER STATION: | The use of any lot, portion of a lot, or tract of land for the receiving, processing and immediate off site disposal of solid waste to a permanent disposal site. This may include the temporary collection of recyclable materials and household hazardous waste as an accessory use. |
WATER-WISE LANDSCAPE: | The use of plants that have lower supplemental water needs and are adapted to the climate and available water conditions of the region. The term water-wise can also include drought resistant plants and plants that are native to arid conditions and temperature conditions of the region. |
WIDTH OF LOT: | The distance between the side lot lines at the distance back from the front line required for the depth of the front yard. |
(Ord. 2011-2, 1-4-2011; amd. Ord. 2020-39, 9-1-2020; Ord. 2022-34, 7-5-2022)