MANUFACTURED HOME: A transportable factory built housing unit constructed on or after June 15, 1976, according to the Federal Home Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (HUD Code), in one or more sections, which, in the traveling mode, is eight (8) body feet or more in width or forty (40) body feet or more in length, or when erected on site, is four hundred (400) or more square feet, and which is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and electrical systems.
MANUFACTURED HOME PARK: A parcel of land, either held and operated in single ownership or developed as a condominium subdivision, which has been planned and improved for the placement of manufactured homes for residential use as a single- family dwelling without a permanent foundation. A manufactured home park may include as an accessory use an area designated as a recreational coach park. Accessory buildings or structures for park management or park resident use not exceeding two (2) stories or twenty four feet (24') in height shall be permitted as part of such park. A mobile home park approved prior to May 27, 1997, shall be considered to be a manufactured home park.
MANUFACTURED HOME SPACE: A plot of ground within a manufactured home park designed for the accommodation of one manufactured home, including accessory structures and yard spaces. A manufactured home space shall not be considered to be a lot or other subdivided parcel for purposes of separate ownership; provided, that if the park is approved as a condominium subdivision in accordance with the requirements of title 14 of this Code, a space may be considered to be a unit under the Utah Condominium Ownership Act.
MANUFACTURED HOME STAND: That part of an individual manufactured home space which has been reserved for the placement of the manufactured home.
A. 1. Acquires or intends to acquire:
a. Cannabis in a medicinal dosage form or a cannabis product in a medicinal dosage form from a cannabis processing facility; or
b. A medical cannabis device; or
2. Possesses cannabis in a medicinal dosage form, a cannabis product in a medicinal dosage form, or a medical cannabis device; and
B. Sells or intends to sell cannabis in a medicinal dosage form, a cannabis product in a medicinal dosage form, or a medical cannabis device to a medical cannabis cardholder.
MOBILE FOOD TRAILER: A business that serves only food, which may include nonalcoholic beverages, from an enclosed self-contained trailer. The term "mobile food trailer" does not include a sidewalk vendor cart, a mobile food truck or mobile ice cream vendor.
MOBILE FOOD TRUCK: A business that serves only food, which may include nonalcoholic beverages, from an enclosed self-contained motorized vehicle. The term "mobile food truck" does not include a sidewalk vendor cart, mobile food trailer or mobile ice cream vendor.
MOBILE HOME: A transportable factory built housing unit built prior to June 15, 1976, in accordance with a State Mobile Home Code which existed prior to the Federal Manufactured Housing and Safety Standards Act (HUD Code).
MOBILE HOME PARK: A parcel of land, approved prior to May 27, 1997, which was planned and improved for the placement of mobile homes for residential use.
MOBILE ICE CREAM VENDOR: A business that serves only ice cream or frozen novelties from which a vendor makes sales by traveling through a residential area and signaling the vendor's presence in the area, including by playing music, and that primarily makes sales by stopping at the signal of a patron.
MOTEL: Any building or group of buildings providing, for a fee, sleeping accommodations and customary lodging service for the traveling or business public who have primary residence at another location. Such building is designed with independent exterior access to the room from the parking area. It is not intended to be a residence or residential facility.
MULCH: The use of nonliving natural materials such as shredded bark, wood chips, rock or gravel loosely applied but covers the ground in adequate depths to help soil to retain moisture to the root zones of plants and helps to control weed growth.
MURAL: A hand-produced work of visual art that is tiled or painted by hand directly upon or affixed directly to an exterior wall of a building, excluding any sign.
(Ord. 2017-38, 8-22-2017; amd. Ord. 2019-46, 10-22-2019; Ord. 2022-34, 7-5-2022; Ord. 2023-16, 4-11-2023)
NATURAL WATERWAYS: Those areas, varying in width, along streams, creeks, gullies, springs or washes, which are natural drainage channels as determined by the chief building official and in which areas no buildings shall be constructed.
NONCONFORMING BUILDING, NONCOMPLYING STRUCTURE: A structure that legally existed before its current land use designation, and because of one or more subsequent changes to the zoning ordinance, or other land use ordinance, does not conform to the setback, height restrictions, or other regulations now governing the use of land.
NONCONFORMING USE: A use of land that legally existed before its current land use designation, has been maintained continuously since the time the land use ordinance governing the land changed, and because of one or more subsequent changes to the zoning ordinance, or other land use ordinance, does not conform to the regulations that now govern the use of the land.
NURSERY FOR CHILDREN: A building or structure where six (6) or more children are regularly cared for during the day for compensation.
NURSING HOME: An intermediate care/nursing facility or a skilled nursing facility, licensed by the State of Utah, for the care of individuals who, due to illness, advanced age, disability, or impairment, require assistance and/or supervision on a twenty four (24) hour per day basis. Such facility does not include an adult daycare facility or adult daycare provided in conjunction with a residential facility for elderly persons or a residential facility for persons with a disability.
(Ord. 2011-2, 1-4-2011)
OFFICE, BUSINESS: | A place intended for the conduct of administration or services by a business enterprise. Includes insurance agencies, real estate agencies, stockbrokers, and other persons who operate or conduct offices in which no goods or merchandise are stored, displayed or sold; does not include personal service businesses such as barbers, beauty operators, cosmetologists, nor does it include embalmers or morticians. |
OFFICE, PROFESSIONAL: | A place intended for the conduct of a recognized learned profession. Such uses include offices and clinics devoted to treatment and care of human illness or injury (medical, dental, chiropractic offices and similar uses), but not including facilities for inpatient care. Other professions so defined would include, but not be limited to, accountants, architects, engineers and lawyers. |
OPEN SPACE OR OPEN GREEN SPACE: | A planned outdoor landscaped area outside the required zone setbacks that is designed and installed or retained and enhanced for use by the residents of the property for gatherings, activities or visual enjoyment. |
OPEN SPACE EASEMENT: | An easement granted to the city by the owner/developer on or over land in that development which provides and guarantees that the designated common open space and recreation land is permanently reserved for and can be used only for open space and recreation purposes in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the planning commission and mayor at the time of approval of the development. |
OUTDOOR ACTIVITY AREA: | Any open area, exclusive of parking and vehicular accessways, which is part of the main use or accessory to the main use and is used for outdoor activities such as, but not limited to, playgrounds, picnic grounds, dining, receptions, pedestrian walkways, recreation, or work areas. |
(Ord. 2011-2, 1-4-2011; amd. Ord. 2020-62, 12-15-2020)
PARKING LOT: An open area, other than a street, used for parking of more than four (4) automobiles and available for public use, whether free, for compensation, or as an accommodation for clients or customers.
PARKING SPACE: Space within a building, lot, or parking lot for parking or storage of one automobile.
PAYING GUEST: Any person hiring a room in a dwelling unit for living, eating or sleeping purposes.
PERSONAL SERVICE BUSINESS: A business that provides physical aesthetic services, nonmedical treatment, repair or cleaning of small personal items, mailing, copying, or similar services largely to individuals who come to the site for the service or to drop off or pick up items. If not specified otherwise, personal service businesses are limited to hairdressers, barbers, manicurists, dry cleaning pick up stations, and tailoring and alteration of garments.
PERSONAL STORAGE UNITS: A business that provides storage areas for a fee to residents who reside off premises for their personal effects, household goods, or private personal vehicles, including storage areas that are accessed or located indoors or outdoors and businesses serving both business and residential customers. Personal storage units exclude the use of such space as workshops, hobby shops, manufacturing or commercial activity.
PHOTO STUDIO: A business that creates, processes, displays, and sells photographs, often with customers coming to the site for portraits.
PIGEON LOFT: Any structure in which pigeons are housed and which complies with the provisions of this title, as well as the Weber- Morgan district health department's rules and regulations governing the keeping of homing pigeons.
PIGEON, RACING: Only such pigeons which are maintained and housed by the owner thereof in a pigeon loft, and which may be identified by means of a leg band, including "homing pigeons", "Antwerp messengers" and "carrier pigeons". These pigeons are not to be identified or classified as fowl when raised and used in the sport and hobby of racing carrier pigeons.
PLANNED RESIDENTIAL UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PRUD): A residential development planned as a whole, single complex, incorporating a definite development theme which includes the elements of usable open spaces, diversity of lot design or residential use, amenities, a well planned circulation system, and attractive entrances as part of the design.
PLANNING COMMISSION: The planning commission of Ogden City, Utah, as established in title 3, chapter 3 of this code.
PRECIOUS METAL PURCHASING: A business that purchases precious metals in any form from the general public, whether or not the metal is part of a finished product or in pure form; except that a precious metal purchaser may not purchase coins or commercial grade precious metals. For the purpose of this title, a business whose principal business includes the sale of the same types of forms of precious metal items that it buys is not considered precious metal purchasing.
PRECIOUS METALS: Refined metals with high economic value which can be used in the makeup of items such as commercial grade precious metals, coins, jewelry or other items and which also have investment value. For the purposes of this title precious metals are limited to gold, silver, palladium and the platinum group of metals.
PRESCHOOL: Home occupation furnishing teaching for no more than eight (8) children between the ages of three (3) and six (6), where teaching of these children is carried out in a structured format for not more than four (4) hours per session during normal daytime working hours and not on weekends. No child in a preschool shall be taught more than one session per day.
PRISON: A place of incarceration operated by or operated under a contract with the state of Utah that is either a public prison or a private prison.
PRIVATE JAIL: A place of incarceration established or operated under a contract with the county.
PRIVATE PRISON: A correctional facility established or operated under a contract with the state of Utah under the provisions of the private correctional facilities act, title 64, chapter 13D, Utah Code Annotated, as amended.
PROFESSIONAL, BUSINESS OR CIVIC ASSOCIATION HALL: A place intended for conducting the business of a recognized professional, business or civic association. Such activities include planning, training, recordkeeping, social assembly, exercise and relaxation and general meetings. This use specifically does not include the issuance of beer, liquor, drinking establishment, cabaret or restaurant licenses.
A. Operated, licensed or contracted by a governmental entity, or
B. Operated by a charitable, nonprofit organization, where, for no compensation, temporary, protective housing is provided to:
1. Abused or neglected children awaiting placement in foster care;
2. Pregnant or parenting teens;
3. Victims of sexual abuse; or
4. Victims of domestic abuse.
PUBLIC JAIL: A place of incarceration owned and operated by the County.
PUBLIC PRISON: A place of incarceration owned and operated by the state of Utah.
A. Transition Zones: The portion of the public right-of-way or private property that addresses the area directly adjacent to the building. This zone provides a buffer and a refuge where window shoppers, restaurant patrons and lingering pedestrians can escape the flow of pedestrian traffic in the sidewalk zone.
B. Sidewalk Zones: A portion of the public right-of-way that is intended to be unencumbered by fixed objects to allow for clear pedestrian movement.
C. Amenity Zones: A portion of the public right-of-way, adjacent to the sidewalk, but outside of the pedestrian walking area, which includes streetscape elements, street furniture, landscaping and/ or trees.

PUNCHED OPENINGS: An opening in the building façade that is setback at least two inches (2") to allow for a window. Punched openings must be rectangular or square in shape and viewed as individual windows with expressed lintels and sills. These windows look like they have been individually punched or stamped into the side of a building.

(Ord. 2012-5, 1-24-2012; amd. Ord. 2020-24, 6-23-2020; Ord. 2020-39, 9-1-2020; Ord. 2022-55, 11-15-2022; Ord. 2023-16, 4-11-2023)
REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION: | A change in a rule, policy, practice, or service necessary to afford a person with a disability equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling. As used in this definition: |
Equal Opportunity: | Achieving equal results as between a person with a disability and a nondisabled person. |
Necessary: | The applicant must show that, but for the accommodation, one or more persons with a disability likely will be denied an equal opportunity to enjoy housing of their choice. |
Reasonable: | A requested accommodation will not undermine the legitimate purposes of existing zoning regulations notwithstanding the benefit that the accommodation would provide to a person with a disability. |
RECREATIONAL COACH: | A vehicle such as a recreational trailer, tent camper trailer, truck camper, travel trailer, camp car or other vehicle with or without motive power, designed and/or constructed to travel on the public thoroughfare in accordance with the provisions of the Utah Motor Vehicle Code, and designed for the use of temporary human habitation. |
RECREATIONAL COACH PARK: | Any area or tract of land or a separate designated section within a manufactured home park where one or more spaces are rented or held out for rent to owners or users of recreational coaches for a temporary time not to exceed two (2) weeks. |
RECREATIONAL COACH SPACE: | A plot of ground within a manufactured home park designated and intended for the accommodation of one recreational coach. |
RECYCLABLE MATERIALS: | Reusable material, including, but not limited to, glass, plastics and synthetic materials, paper products such as newspaper, stationery, scrap paper, computer paper and corrugated cardboard, rubber, batteries, ferrous and nonferrous metals, concrete, asphalt, wood, building materials, or any “junk or salvage material”, as defined herein, which are intended for reuse, remanufacture, or reconstitution for the purpose of using in altered form. Recyclable material does not include refuse or hazardous materials nor does it include coins, precious metals or commercial grade precious metals if they are the sole recyclable material. |
RECYCLABLE MATERIALS, LIMITED: | Aluminum cans, plastic, or scrap paper such as newspapers, stationery, computer paper, or magazines, but not including cardboard materials or boxes. |
RECYCLING COLLECTION CENTER: | A facility located in an enclosed building for the acceptance by donation, redemption, or purchase, of recyclable materials, which have been source separated by type by the person who last used the material. Such facility may allow limited compacting or crushing of recyclable materials and may allow temporary outdoor storage of such recyclable materials if stored in weather resistant containers. |
RECYCLING DROP OFF STATION: | A facility maintained in connection with another use consisting of reverse vending machines or unattended weather resistant containers that are provided for collection of limited recyclable materials which have been source separated by type by the person who last used the material. A recycling drop off station shall not include weather resistant containers located on a residential, commercial or manufacturing designated parcel used solely for the collection of recyclable material generated on the parcel. |
RECYCLING PROCESSING CENTER: | A facility that accepts, stores or processes recyclable materials, whether or not maintained in connection with another business. Processing includes baling, briquetting, crushing, compacting, grinding, shredding, sawing, shearing, and sorting of recyclable materials and the heat reduction or melting of such materials. Recycling processing center includes junk or salvage yards where processing of recyclable material is included, but does not include recycling drop off stations or recycling collection stations. |
REHABILITATION/ TREATMENT FACILITY: | A facility licensed by or contracted by the State of Utah to provide temporary occupancy and supervision of individuals (adults/juveniles) in order to provide rehabilitation, treatment, or counseling services. Without limitation, such services may include rehabilitation, treatment, counseling, or assessment and evaluation services related to delinquent behavior, alcohol and drug abuse, sex offenders, sexual abuse, or mental health. Associated education services may also be provided to juvenile occupants. |
RESIDENCE, RESIDENTIAL FACILITY: | Any building or portion thereof where an individual is actually living at a given point in time and intends to remain, and not a place of temporary sojourn or transient visit. |
RESIDENTIAL CHICKEN: | A female domesticated fowl of the genus Gallus, commonly referred to as a hen chicken. |
RESIDENTIAL FACILITY FOR ELDERLY PERSONS: | A dwelling unit that is either owned by one of the residents or by an immediate family member of one of the residents, or is a facility for which the title has been placed in trust for a resident; and is occupied on a twenty four (24) hour per day basis by eight (8) or fewer elderly persons in a family type arrangement, together with any incidental domestic staff. A “residential facility for elderly persons” shall not include any facility: A. Which is operated as a business; provided, that such facility may not be considered to be operated as a business solely because a fee is charged for food or for actual and necessary costs of operation and maintenance of the facility; |
B. Where persons being treated for alcoholism or drug abuse are placed; C. Where placement is not on a strictly voluntary basis or where placement is part of, or in lieu of, confinement, rehabilitation, or treatment in a correctional institution; D. Which is a healthcare facility as defined by Utah Code 26B-2-201(13), as amended; or E. Which is a residential facility for persons with a disability. | |
RESIDENTIAL FACILITY FOR PERSONS WITH A DISABILITY: | A residence in which more than one person with a disability resides, together with any incidental domestic staff, and which is licensed or certified by the Department of Health and Human Services under Utah Code 26B-2, as amended. |
RESIDENTIAL GARAGE SALES OR YARD SALES: | The occasional sale of surplus household goods or furnishings as a use accessory to a dwelling. Sales held more frequently than three (3) days in any one calendar quarter shall be considered a retail use and not “occasional” in nature, nor a use accessory to a dwelling. A residential garage sale or yard sale shall not include goods or property: A. Acquired for the purpose of resale, barter or exchange; or B. Manufactured or repaired for the purpose of sale as part of a home occupation. |
RESTAURANT: | A place of business where food and beverages are prepared, served and sold for human consumption. A restaurant does not include a business: A. Engaged in the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages unless licensed by the city and the State of Utah; B. That provides entertainment for its patrons unless zoned for and licensed as a cabaret or adult live entertainment business; or C. Where the annual revenue from the sale of food is less than the annual revenue from the sale of alcoholic beverages. |
RETAIL TOBACCO SPECIALTY BUSINESS: | A commercial establishment in which: A. The sale of tobacco products accounts for more than thirty five percent (35%) of the total annual gross receipts for the establishment; B. Food and beverage products excluding gasoline sales, is less than forty five percent (45%) of the total annual gross receipts for the establishment; and C. The establishment is not licensed as a pharmacy under Title 58, Chapter 17B, Pharmacy Practice Act of the Utah Code. |
Tobacco products for sale in a retail specialty business are defined as: A. Any cigar, cigarette or electronic cigarette as defined in Utah Code 76-10-101, as amended; B. A tobacco product as defined in Utah Code Section 59-14-102, as amended, including chewing tobacco or any substitute for a tobacco product including flavoring or additives to tobacco; C. Tobacco paraphernalia as defined in Utah Code 76-10-104.1, as amended; D. Liquid for producing vapor in electronic cigarettes, regardless of whether such liquid contains nicotine. | |
RETIREMENT HOME: | A residential facility designed, occupied and intended for residents fifty (50) years of age or older, where common facilities for cooking and dining are available to all residents and independent facilities are provided for living, sleeping and sanitation. |
REVERSE VENDING MACHINE: | An automated mechanical device, maintained in connection with another use, which accepts at least one or more types of limited recyclable materials and issues a cash refund or a redeemable credit slip. A reverse vending machine may sort and process containers mechanically; provided, that the entire process is enclosed within the machine. |
(Ord. 2017-50, 12-19-2017; amd. Ord. 2020-24, 6-23-2020; Ord. 2024-12, 5-7-2024)
SENIOR MULTIPLE-FAMILY DWELLING: | A multiple family dwelling designated to be occupied exclusively by persons 55 years of age or older. |
SENSITIVE AREA: | Lands containing environmentally and geologically sensitive elements which, if encroached upon by unsuspecting urban land development such as utilities, housing, streets, and/or public facilities, could be damaged beyond reparability or could cause severe damage to such urban development or cause complete destruction thereof or cause the loss of life or bodily harm. Such sensitive areas could include active earthquake faults, potential landslide areas, steep unstable terrain, or areas of potential rockfall. |
SENSITIVE VEGETATION: | Vegetative cover which can be harmed by compaction from overuse, urban development or altering of the hydrologic cycle in such a manner as to create an environmental imbalance causing a severe retardation of growth or elimination of a particular variety of vegetative species. |
SENSITIVE WILDLIFE HABITAT: | Wildlife habitat which provides an environmental biosphere critical to the well being and perpetuation of certain species of wildlife, particularly if encroached upon by urban related development. It is specifically related to the elimination of a limited habitat and its related wildlife. |
SEXUALLY ORIENTED BUSINESSES: | An inclusive term used to describe collectively those businesses for which a sexually oriented business license is required, pursuant to Title 5, Chapter 15, which include for purposes of this title the following: outcall services, adult entertainment dancing agencies, adult businesses (an inclusive term including adult motion picture theaters, adult bookstores or adult video stores), and adult live entertainment businesses. This collective term does not describe a specific land use and shall not be considered a single use category for purposes of this title. |
SHELTER FOR THE HOMELESS: | Charitable lodgings or sleeping rooms provided on a temporary basis (usually on a daily basis), to those members of society lacking other safe, sanitary or affordable shelter. May also include kitchen and cafeteria. |
SHELTERED WORKSHOP: | An on site supervised educational or vocational training facility for persons with a disability that does not provide any residential facilities. |
SHORT TERM LOAN BUSINESS: | A. An establishment engaged in extending credit to individuals (regardless of whether the debt is secured or unsecured or in the form of a loan, advance or other credit intermediation service) that: |
1. generally charges an annual percentage rate of 30% or higher as calculated under the federal Truth in Lending Act (15 USC Sec. 1601 et seq.) or the rules or regulations adopted pursuant to the Truth in Lending Act; or 2. extends credit in amounts generally less than$10,000. B. This definition specifically includes businesses such as check cashers, deferred deposit lenders and title lenders, but does not include establishments whose primary activity is: 1. selling real estate or financing real estate transactions; 2. making retail or food sales or financing retail or food sales made on the installment plan; 3. selling vehicles or financing purchase money vehicle loans; 4. making repairs or improvements to real or personal property; 5. acting as a pawnbroker under the provisions of Title 5, Chapter 12, Article A; 6. providing professional, medical, dental, insurance or educational services; 7. acting as a charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or as a community development entity that has been certified by the U.S. Department of the Treasury Community Development Financial Institutions Fund; or 8. providing deposit banking as a depository institution or depository institution holding company as defined in Utah Code Section 7-1-103, as amended. C. In determining the primary activity of a business, the value of any goods sold or services rendered compared with the amount of credit extended shall be taken into account. D. A short term loan business may offer more than one type of credit intermediation service if it meets the licensing requirements for each service and operates from a single storefront. | |
SHORT-TERM RENTAL: | A dwelling unit or any portion of a dwelling unit that the owner of record or the lessee of the dwelling unit offers for occupancy for fewer than thirty (30) consecutive days. "Short-term rental" excludes a facility licensed by Ogden City as a bed and breakfast inn, hotel, motel, boarding house, or lodging house. |
SIDEWALK VENDOR: | Any person or persons licensed under Title 5, Chapter 13, Article B as a sidewalk vendor who sells, or offers to sell at retail, food, nonalcoholic beverages, balloons, or cut flowers on a public sidewalk. |
SINGLE ROOM OCCUPANCY: | A residential facility with six or more sleeping units created from a building that was formerly used as a hotel or motel, where the facility has common sanitation facilities, kitchen facilities, or both, and where the majority of sleeping units have only one sleeping room. |
SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: | Established regulations concerning lot areas, yard setbacks, building height, lot coverage, open green space and any other special regulations deemed necessary to accomplish the purpose of this title. |
SLEEPING UNIT: | A single unit that provides rooms or spaces for one or more persons, includes permanent provisions for sleeping and can include provisions for living, eating and either sanitation or kitchen facilities but not both. Such rooms and spaces that are also part of a dwelling unit are not sleeping units. |
SOCIAL HALL: | A for profit privately owned, multiuse indoor space that provides for a variety of private and public functions such as banquets, parties, games, social gatherings, entertainment, lectures and receptions. |
SOUP KITCHEN, CHARITABLE: | A not for profit establishment devoted exclusively to feeding the poor. Such establishment may provide one or more meals per day, at no monetary charge to the hungered. |
STABLE, PRIVATE: | A detached, accessory building for the keeping of horses owned by the occupants of the premises, and not kept for remuneration, hire or sale. |
STABLE, PUBLIC: | A stable other than a private stable. |
STACKED UNITS (duplex, triplex, fourplex): | A multiple-family dwelling containing two (duplex), three (triplex), or four (fourplex) dwelling units where each dwelling unit is above or below a dwelling unit on another floor. |
STOREFRONT AREA, GROUND FLOOR: | An area on the ground floor of a building that extends from the front or side street side of the building to a minimum depth of 60 feet within the building. |
STORY: | The space within a building, other than a cellar, included between the surface of any floor area and the surface of the ceiling next above. |
STORY, HALF: | A story with at least two of its sides situated in a sloping roof, the floor area of which does not exceed two-thirds of the floor immediately below it. |
STREET: | A public thoroughfare, dedicated, abandoned or condemned for public use prior to the initial enactment of the zoning ordinance, which affords the principal means of access of abutting property and is more than 26 feet wide, and any public thoroughfare dedicated to the public and accepted by proper public authority or condemned for public use after said date. |
STREET, PRIVATE: | A private right-of-way that is 26 feet wide or wider, that accesses the lots, other than footprint lots, within a PRUD, group dwelling, or similar development, and that otherwise functions much like a public street. |
STRUCTURAL ALTERATIONS: | Any change in supporting members of a building, such as bearing walls, columns, beams or girders. |
STRUCTURE: | Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires location on the ground, or attachment to something having location on the ground. |
SWAP MEET: | A business operated entirely within an enclosed building where, under direction of a swap meet proprietor, individual sellers occupy a designated area where goods are sold or exchanged. |
SWIMMING POOL: | Any artificial or semiartificial container, whether indoors or outdoors, and whether above or below the surface of the ground, or both, used or intended to be used to contain a body of water for swimming by any person or persons, together with all permanent structures, equipment, appliances and other facilities used or intended for use in and about the operation, maintenance and use of such pool. |
SWIMMING POOL, FAMILY: | A swimming pool used and intended to be used solely by the owner, operator or lessee thereof and his family and by friends invited to use it without payment of any fee or consideration. |
(Ord. 2013-13, 3-26-2013; amd. Ord. 2023-7, 2-7-2023; Ord. 2023-16, 4-11-2023; Ord. 2024-4, 2-20-2024; Ord. 2024-12, 5-7-2024; Ord. 2024-28, 10-15-2024)