Persons exempted from examination under either 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/10-2.1-7 or 5/10-2.1-7.1 shall not fall within the jurisdiction of the Entry Level Appointment Committee but shall rather fall within the jurisdiction of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners with regard to appointment. (Ord. 1993-0-89, 10-18-93; amd. Ord. 1997-0-32, 8-4-97)
The Committee shall prepare and keep a register of persons whose general average standing, upon examination, is not less than the minimum fixed by the rules of the Committee and who are otherwise eligible. These persons shall take rank upon the register as candidates in the order of their relative excellence as determined by examination, without reference to priority of time of examination.
Within sixty (60) days after each examination and after certification of the list by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, an eligibility list shall be posted by the Committee which shall show the final grades of the candidates without reference to priority of time of examination.
The eligibility list for original appointment shall be in force for a period of two (2) years from the date of posting, provided that the eligibility list for entry level firefighters/paramedics, which was posted on August 1, 2002, shall be in force for a period of forty eight (48) months from the date of posting. (Ord. 2005-0-33, 8-1-05)
The Human Resources Director for the Village of Oak Park shall perform the following functions in relation to the Entry Level Appointment Committee:
A. Solicit proposals, interview vendors and recommend the award of contracts to the President and Board of Trustees with regard to any and all contractual services required by the Entry Level Appointment Committee in the performance of their duties.
B. Conduct all recruiting on behalf of the Village for entry level positions in the Fire and Police Departments, and perform all services and take all actions incidental thereto. (Ord. 1993-0-89, 10-18-93; amd. Ord. 1997-0-32, 8-4-97)
C. Participate in the Police and Fire Department entry level appointment process as a member of the Entry Level Appointment Committee, comprised of the Human Resources Director, the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners and either the Fire Chief or the Chief of Police, as the case may be, which shall include conducting the oral interview of entry level recruits in accordance with the rules of the Entry Level Appointment Committee and the scoring of each recruit orally interviewed in accordance with the procedures set forth in subsection 2-28-1D of this Chapter. (Ord. 1994-0-11, 2-22-94; amd. Ord. 1997-0-32, 8-4-97)
D. Be the secretary to the Entry Level Appointment Committee. The secretary: 1) shall be responsible for providing clerical support to the Committee for the taking and transcribing of minutes for all of the Committee's proceedings and for performing all other duties which the Committee prescribes; 2) shall keep the minutes of the Committee's proceedings; 3) shall be the custodian of all records pertaining to the business of the Committee; and 4) shall keep a record of all examinations held. (Ord. 1993-0-89, 10-18-93; amd. Ord. 1997-0-32, 8-4-97)