All applicants for an entry level position in either the Fire Department or the Police Department shall be subject to an examination and shall be at least twenty one (21) years of age at the time of such examination. The examination shall be public, competitive and open to all applicants, and shall be subject to reasonable limitations as to health, habits and moral character. The Village may charge and collect fee from applicants to offset Village costs associated with the examination process. The examinations shall be practical in character and relate to those matters which will fairly test the capacity of the persons examined to discharge the duties of the position to which they seek appointments.
No person shall be eligible to take the Fire Department entry level examination unless such person possesses a high school diploma or an equivalent high school education. Only persons possessing sixty (60) or more semester hours of college credit at a fully accredited college or university, which hours are consistent with a valid degree plan at such college or university, and also possessing a minimum grade average of "C", are eligible to take the Police Department appointment examination. (Ord. 1994-0-11, 2-22-94; amd. Ord. 1997-0-32, 8-4-97)
All applicants for the Police and/or Fire Department shall be subject to any investigation determined by the Entry Level Appointment Committee to be necessary to establish their good character. The Committee may require all applicants to be fingerprinted and/or sign consents for the release of personal information. Any applicant for firefighter who has a record of any felony conviction or has a record of misdemeanor conviction(s) including, but not limited to, the following areas:
A. Hate crime
B. Indecent solicitation of a child
C. Public indecency
D. Prostitution
E. Soliciting for a prostitute
F. Keeping a place of prostitution
G. Keeping a place of juvenile prostitution
H. Patronizing a prostitute
I. Pimping
J. Aggravated assault
K. Criminal sexual abuse
L. Violation of an order of protection
M. Theft
N. Unlawful possession of firearms and firearm ammunition
O. Defacing identification marks on firearms
P. Mob action
Q. Keeping a gambling place
R. Resisting or obstructing a police officer
S. Escape
T. Aiding escape
U. Compounding a crime
V. Unlawful use of weapons
W. Battery
X. Domestic battery
may be disqualified on grounds of failure to have good character, and the conviction may be considered by the Committee in assessing the applicant's character.
Any applicant for police officer who has been convicted of a felony shall be disqualified from appointment to the Police Department. Any applicant for police officer who has a record of misdemeanor conviction(s), including, but not limited to, the above listed areas, may be disqualified on grounds of failure to have good character, and the conviction may be considered by the Committee in assessing the applicant's character. (Ord. 1993-0-89, 10-18-93; amd. Ord. 1997-0-32, 8-4-97)
The Committee shall cause a classified set of fingerprints of every person who is now employed, or who hereafter becomes employed, as a full time member of a regular Fire or Police Department of the Village to be furnished to the Illinois Department of State Police and to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. (Ord. 1993-0-89, 10-18-93; amd. Ord. 1997-0-32, 8-4-97)
The Committee shall obtain criminal history record information on all applicants for entry level positions in the Fire and Police Departments by requesting such information from the Department of State Police, paying fees in conformance with the requirements of subsection 22 of section 55a of "The Civil Administration Code of Illinois" and by producing positive identification. (Ord. 1993-0-89, 10-18-93; amd. Ord. 1997-0-32, 8-4-97)