The Human Resources Director for the Village of Oak Park shall perform the following functions in relation to the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners:
A. Solicit proposals, interview vendors and recommend the award of contracts to the President and Board of Trustees with regard to any and all contractual services required by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners in the performance of their duties.
B. Conduct all recruiting on behalf of the Village for entry level positions in the Fire and Police Departments, and to perform all services and take all actions incidental thereto. (Ord. 1993-0-89, 10-18-1993; amd. Ord. 1997-0-32, 8-4-1997)
C. Participate in the Police and Fire Department entry level appointment process as a member of the Entry Level Appointment Committee, comprised of the Human Resources Director, the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners and either the Fire Chief or the Chief of Police, as the case may be, which shall include conducting the oral interview of entry level recruits in accordance with the rules of the Entry Level Appointment Committee and the scoring of each recruit orally interviewed in such a manner as to create a final composite score, based upon the combined equally weighted scores of the participating Committee members, for each orally interviewed recruit. The Human Resources Director shall serve in this capacity at the discretion of the Village Manager, who may designate himself or herself or some other administrative or human resources employee of the Village to serve in this capacity. (Ord. 2006-0-48, 7-17-2006)
D. Be the secretary to the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners. The secretary: 1) shall be responsible for providing clerical support to the Board for the taking and transcribing of minutes for all of the Board's proceedings and for performing all other duties which the Board prescribes, 2) shall keep the minutes of the Board's proceedings, 3) shall be the custodian of all records pertaining to the business of the Board, 4) shall keep a record of all examinations held, and 5) shall be custodian of the seal of the Board, if one is adopted, and the Board is hereby authorized to adopt an official seal and to prescribe the form thereof by resolution of the Board. (Ord. 1993-0-89, 10-18-1993; amd. Ord. 1997-0-32, 8-4-1997)
2-29-1: Creation
2-29-2: Duties
2-29-3: Promulgation Of Rules
2-29-4: Examination Of Applicants
2-29-5: Criminal History; Applicants
2-29-6: Fingerprints To Be Furnished
2-29-7: Criminal History Record Information
2-29-8: Persons Exempt From Examination
2-29-9: Register Of Eligibles
2-29-10: Military Credits
2-29-11: Duties Of Human Resources Director
There is hereby established the Entry Level Appointment Committee which shall consist of five (5) members, including the three (3) members of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners; the Fire Chief or Chief of Police, depending upon whether fire or police entry level positions are being considered; and the Director of Human Resources or such other administrative or human resources employee as the Village Manager may designate. The chairperson of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners shall serve as the chairperson of the Committee; and the Director of Human Resources, or the Village Manager's designee, shall serve as the secretary to the Committee. In matters which require the Committee members to vote, each member of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, the Fire Chief or Chief of Police, as the case may be, and the Director of Human Resources, or other designee of the Village Manager, shall each have a vote equal to one full vote. In matters which require the Committee members to vote and which impact both the Fire and Police Departments, either the Fire Chief or the Chief of Police, or both, may participate as members of the Committee. If only the Fire Chief or Chief of Police votes on such matters, then the vote of either the Fire Chief or Chief of Police shall be equal to one full vote. If, however, both the Fire Chief and Chief of Police vote on a matter impacting both the Fire and Police Departments and requiring the Committee members to vote, the vote of the Fire Chief and Chief of Police shall each be equal to one-half (1/2) of one full vote. (Ord. 2006-0-48, 7-17-06)
The Entry Level Appointment Committee shall appoint all entry level members of the Fire and Police Departments. The Committee shall establish an entry level eligibility list for the Police and Fire Departments. Each list shall require certification by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners that each list has been established in accordance with the ordinances, rules and policies of the Village prior to posting by the Committee.
The establishment of an entry level eligibility list shall include, but not be limited to, a written examination, a psychological examination, a background check and an oral interview process and shall conform with all other provisions set forth hereinbelow.
The Entry Level Appointment Committee shall authorize the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners to issue and the Board shall issue, at the direction of the Committee, certificates of appointment for all appointments made to entry level positions in the Fire and Police Departments. The certificate of appointment shall be signed by the chairperson and secretary, respectively, of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners. (Ord. 1993-0-89, 10-18-93; amd. Ord. 1997-0-32, 8-4-97)
The Committee shall promulgate rules consistent with the provisions of this article for the appointment of members to the entry level positions within the Fire and Police Departments. All rules shall require the approval of the Village Manager prior to becoming effective. The Committee, from time to time, may make changes in these rules with the approval of the Village Manager.
All rules and changes therein, adopted in accordance with the procedures set forth in this section, shall be printed immediately for distribution. The Committee shall give notice: a) of the places where the printed rules may be obtained and b) of the date, not less than ten (10) days subsequent to the time of publication, when the rules or changes therein shall go into operation. This notice shall be published in one or more newspapers published in the Municipality, or, if no newspaper is published therein, then in one or more newspapers with a general circulation within the Municipality.
The rules of the Committee shall apply only to the conduct of examinations for original appointments. No such rule shall be made by the Committee to govern the operation of the Police or Fire Department or the conduct of its members.
The Committee shall not make or enforce any rule which will in any way inhibit or prohibit any employee from exercising the employee's full political rights to engage in political activities, including the right to petition, make speeches, campaign door to door, and to run for public office, so long as the employee does not use the employee's official position to coerce or influence others and does not engage in these activities while the employee is at work on duty. (Ord. 1994-0-11, 2-22-94; amd. Ord. 1997-0-32, 8-4-97)
All applicants for an entry level position in either the Fire Department or the Police Department shall be subject to an examination and shall be at least twenty one (21) years of age at the time of such examination. The examination shall be public, competitive and open to all applicants, and shall be subject to reasonable limitations as to health, habits and moral character. The Village may charge and collect fee from applicants to offset Village costs associated with the examination process. The examinations shall be practical in character and relate to those matters which will fairly test the capacity of the persons examined to discharge the duties of the position to which they seek appointments.
No person shall be eligible to take the Fire Department entry level examination unless such person possesses a high school diploma or an equivalent high school education. Only persons possessing sixty (60) or more semester hours of college credit at a fully accredited college or university, which hours are consistent with a valid degree plan at such college or university, and also possessing a minimum grade average of "C", are eligible to take the Police Department appointment examination. (Ord. 1994-0-11, 2-22-94; amd. Ord. 1997-0-32, 8-4-97)