2-30-2: DUTIES:
The Citizens Police Oversight Committee shall be an advisory committee to the President and Board of Trustees and is hereby authorized as follows:
   A.   To receive and to then refer complaints from citizens in accordance with the procedures to be promulgated pursuant to section 2-30-3 of this article, and thereafter to monitor and evaluate the processing of all citizen complaints in regard to police misconduct, including, but not limited to, allegations of discriminatory conduct and/or treatment and the use of excessive force.
   B.   To monitor and evaluate Village efforts in the Police Department in regard to racial and cultural diversity in such areas as training, recruitment, promotions and interpersonal relations.
   C.   To meet with and provide written reports to the Village Board or such standing or ad hoc committee of the Village Board as the Village Board may designate, on a semiannual basis, concerning the Committee's activities and any information and analysis of such information which the Committee may have compiled as a result of its activities during the preceding six (6) months. In addition to the required semiannual meetings and reports, the Committee may report to the Village Board on special items of concern within its purview at any time or with any degree of frequency which the Committee deems appropriate or necessary. (Ord. 16-073, 6-6-2016)
Within forty five (45) days of the enactment of this article, the Village Manager shall submit to the President and Board of Trustees, for their concurrence by resolution, as submitted or as the Village Board may amend, a set of operating procedures to be followed by the Village and Police Department staffs and the members of the Citizens Police Oversight Committee in regard to the intake, referral and processing of citizen and Department member complaints, and the reporting of information from the Police Department to the Citizens Police Oversight Committee and, then, from the Citizens Police Oversight Committee to the Village Board in such a manner and to such a degree as to enable the President and Board of Trustees to have a complete, accurate and current picture of Department member internal relations, Department/community relations and the functioning of the Department complaint processing system on a semiannual basis.
The operating procedures shall include, but shall not be limited to, procedures which provide for: a) a variety of citizen access points to the Village complaint filing process, b) a sufficient breadth and frequency of Police Department information reporting to the Committee to ensure thorough and comprehensive reporting by the Committee to the Village Board on at least a semiannual basis, c) a regularized departmental complaint investigation process which establishes time frames within which specified procedures must be accomplished, thereby assuring timely responses to complaints, d) a mechanism for initiating an outside complaint investigation process under extraordinary circumstances, e) a process for the Committee's receipt and review of any citizen's expressed dissatisfaction with the Police Department's processing of the citizen's complaint and for the referral of the citizen's expressed dissatisfaction to the Village Board, along with the recommendation of the Committee based upon its review of same, f) clear standards requiring the safeguarding of the anonymity of police officers and complainants under certain circumstances, and the full disclosure of the identities of police officers and complainants under other circumstances, and g) a system capable of maintaining anonymity while alerting the Committee to multiple complaints against individual officers. (Ord. 16-073, 6-6-2016)
Members of the Citizens Police Oversight Committee shall abide by the terms and provisions of this article and the operating procedures established hereunder. In particular, the members of the Committee are bound to protect the confidentiality of Village and Police Department records and the anonymity of the members of the Police Department, complainants and witnesses in strict conformity with this article and the operating procedures established hereunder. (Ord. 16-073, 6-6-2016)