1817.9 Monitoring.
When excavation, foundation construction, underpinning, or an alternate method of support is required, adjacent structures and properties shall be monitored in accordance with a plan prepared by the engineer. The engineer shall develop the scope of the monitoring program, including location and type of instruments, frequency and duration of readings, frequency of reporting, maximum allowable time to report readings (timely reporting), reporting requirements, and permissible movement and vibration criteria. This scope shall take into account the buildings or property to be monitored and the conditions thereof. The monitoring program shall include necessary actions to address exceedances. These actions shall include notification of the commissioner. Monitoring of historic and landmarked structures shall be subject to special requirements as determined by the department. Where the building to be monitored is subject to underpinning or alternate methods of support, the monitoring plan shall be determined by the engineer designing such work.
1817.10 Special inspection.
Special inspection shall be conducted in accordance with Chapter 17.
(Am. L.L. 2023/077, 6/11/2023, eff. 6/11/2023)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2023/077.
1818.1 General.
The provisions of this section specify where geotechnical peer review is required, how and by whom it is to be performed.
1818.2 Where required.
A geotechnical peer review shall be performed and a report shall be required in the following instances:
1. Where structural peer review is required pursuant to Section 1618.
2. For structures of Risk Category III or IV where the seismic site class is Site Class F.
3. Where performance based foundation design is utilized.
4. As required by the commissioner.