1804.6 Compacted fill material.
Where foundations will bear on compacted fill material, the compacted fill shall comply with the provisions of a geotechnical report prepared, signed and sealed by the engineer, which shall contain the following:
1. Specifications for the preparation of the site prior to placement of compacted fill material.
2. Specifications for material to be used as compacted fill.
3. Test method(s) to be used to determine the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of the material to be used as compacted fill.
4. Maximum allowable thickness of each lift of compacted fill material.
5. Field test method(s) for determining the in-place dry density of the compacted fill.
6. Minimum acceptable in-place dry density expressed as a percentage of the maximum dry density determined in accordance with Item 3.
7. Number and frequency of field tests required to determine compliance with Item 6.
8. Acceptable types of compaction equipment for the specified fill materials.
1804.7 Controlled low-strength material (CLSM).
Where footings will bear on controlled low-strength material (CLSM), the CLSM shall comply with the provisions of a geotechnical report prepared, signed and sealed by the engineer, which shall contain the following:
1. Specifications for the preparation of the site prior to placement of the CLSM.
2. Specifications for the CLSM.
3. Laboratory or field test method(s) to be used to determine the compressive strength or bearing capacity of the CLSM.
4. Test methods for determining the acceptance of the CLSM in the field.
5. Number and frequency of field tests required to determine compliance with Item 4.
1805.1 Where required.
Walls or portions thereof that retain soil or rock and enclose interior spaces and floors below grade shall be waterproofed or dampproofed in accordance with this section, with the exception of those spaces containing occupancy groups other than residential and institutional where such omission is not detrimental to the building or occupancy. Ventilation for crawl spaces shall comply with Section 1203.3.
1805.1.1 Flood hazard areas.
Buildings and structures in areas of special flood hazard shall comply with Appendix G.