1814.12 Special inspection.
The installation of helical piles shall be subject to the special inspection requirements in Section 1705.7 and the following requirements:
1. The special inspector shall prepare a report of special inspections of helical piles and submit such report to the department in a manner acceptable to the commissioner. In addition to the requirements of Section 1705.7, this report shall also include, at a minimum, the following:
1.1 Helical pile type and product specification sheet for each helical pile installed as published by the manufacturer.
1.2 Make and model of the equipment used for installation.
1.3 Make and model number of the torque indicator used to measure installation torque.
1.4 Calibration records for the torque indicators used to install the helical piles.
1.5 The installation speed (rpm) of the helical pile.
1.6 From axial load tests and the site specific torque to capacity relationship, the minimum torque required to achieve the allowable load of the helical pile in tension or compression.
1.7 For each helical pile, the installation torque for each foot of depth and the final torque in the helice's soil-bearing zone. The shaft advancement shall equal or exceed 85 percent of helix pitch per revolution at time of final torque measurement.
2. Field welds performed in the installation of a helical pile foundation system shall additionally be subject to the special inspection requirements of Section 1705.2.
1815.1 General.
Rock and soil anchors discussed in this document are cement grouted, prestressed tendons (bars or strands) that are installed in soil or rock. Permanent prestressed rock and soil anchors shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Sections 1815.2 through 1815.8 and PTI DC35.1.