E107.3 Directional and informational signs.
Signs that provide direction to, or information about, permanent interior spaces of the site and facilities shall contain visual characters complying with Section 703.2 (Visual Characters) of ICC A117.1.
Exception: Building directories, personnel names, company or occupant names and logos, menus and temporary (seven days or less) signs are not required to comply with ICC A117.1.
E107.4 Other signs.
Signage indicating special accessibility provisions shall be provided at fixed facilities and stations, signage must be provided in accordance with Sections E109.2.2 through E109.2.2.3.
E109.1 General.
Fixed transportation facilities and stations shall comply with the applicable provisions of Section E109.2.
E109.2 New construction.
New stations in rapid rail, light rail, commuter rail, intercity rail, high speed rail and other fixed guideway systems shall comply with Sections E109.2.1 through E109.2.8.
E109.2.1 Station entrances.
Where different entrances to a station serve different transportation fixed routes or groups of fixed routes, all entrance serving each group or route shall comply with Section 1104 and ICC A117.1, including Section 404 (Doors and Doorways).