E104.4 Partitions.
Solid partitions or security glazing that separates visitors from detainees in Group I-3 occupancies shall provide a method to facilitate voice communication. Such methods are permitted to include, but are not limited to, grilles, slats, talk-through baffles, intercoms or telephone handset devices. The method of communication shall be accessible to individuals who use wheelchairs and individuals who have difficulty bending or stooping. Hand-operable communication devices, if provided, shall comply with Section E106.3.
E105.1 Portable toilets and bathing rooms.
Where multiple single-user portable toilet or bathing units are clustered at a single location, at least 5 percent, but not less than one toilet unit or bathing unit at each cluster, shall be accessible and comply with ICC A117.1, including Section 603 (Toilet and Bathing Rooms). Signs containing the dynamic accessibility symbol and complying with Section 703 (Signs) of ICC A117.1 shall identify accessible portable toilets and bathing units.
Exception: Portable toilet units provided for use exclusively by construction personnel on a construction site.
E105.2 Laundry equipment.
Where provided in spaces required to be accessible, washing machines and clothes dryers shall comply with this section. Where laundry equipment is provided within a dwelling or sleeping unit, not for public use or common use, such equipment shall comply with Section 1107.2.8.