E106.4.9 Signs.
Public TTYs shall be identified by the International Symbol of TTY complying with Section 703.6.3.2 (International Symbol of TTY) of ICC A117.1. Directional signs indicating the location of the nearest public TTY shall be provided at banks of public pay telephones not containing a public TTY. Additionally, where signs provide direction to public pay telephones, they shall also provide direction to public TTYs. Such signs shall comply with visual signage requirements in ICC A117.1, including Section 703.2 (Visual Characters) and shall include the International Symbol of TTY.
E106.5 Shelves for portable TTYs.
Where a bank of telephones in the interior of a building consists of three or more public pay telephones, at least one public pay telephone at the bank shall be provided with a shelf and an electrical outlet in accordance with Section 704.6 (TTY Shelf) of ICC A117.1.
1. In secured areas of detention and correctional facilities, if shelves and outlets are prohibited for purposes of security or safety shelves and outlets for TTYs are not required to be provided.
2. The shelf and electrical outlet shall not be required at a bank of telephones with a TTY.
E107.1 Signs.
Required accessible portable toilets and bathing facilities shall be identified by the dynamic accessibility symbol, in accordance with Figure 1111.1.
E107.2 Designations.
Interior and exterior signs identifying permanent rooms and spaces shall have visual characters, raised characters and braille complying with ICC A117.1. Where pictograms are provided as designations of interior rooms and spaces, the pictograms shall have visual characters, raised characters and braille complying with Sections 703.2 through 703.5 of ICC A117.1.
1. Exterior signs that are not located at the door to the space they serve are not required to comply.
2. Building directories, menus, seat and row designations in assembly areas, occupant names, building addresses and company names and logos are not required to comply.
3. Signs in parking facilities are not required to comply.
4. Temporary (seven days or less) signs are not required to comply.
5. In detention and correctional facilities, signs not located in public areas are not required to comply.
E107.3 Directional and informational signs.
Signs that provide direction to, or information about, permanent interior spaces of the site and facilities shall contain visual characters complying with Section 703.2 (Visual Characters) of ICC A117.1.
Exception: Building directories, personnel names, company or occupant names and logos, menus and temporary (seven days or less) signs are not required to comply with ICC A117.1.