The use of charcoal burning, other fuel burning or electric cooking equipment outside of any multi-family dwelling shall be prohibited unless such cooking equipment is at least twenty (20) feet from every part of the building. The provisions of this section shall not apply to townhouses, row houses or other multi-family dwellings where all dwelling units are side by side and none are superimposed above another. (1975 L.M.C., ch. 23, § 1.)
The use in buildings, trailers and other confined areas of charcoal fired stoves or grills shall be prohibited, except where such stove is provided with an approved system to vent gaseous combustion products directly to the outside. (1975 L.M.C., ch. 23, § 1.)
Portable heaters shall be designed and located so that they cannot be easily overturned. The Director may prohibit use of portable heaters in occupancies or situations in which such use or operation would present an undue danger to life or the property of others. (1975 L.M.C., ch. 23, § 1.)
(a) Any person using a torch or other flame-producing device for removing paint from any building or structure shall provide one approved fire extinguisher or water hose connected to a water supply in the area where such burning is done. In all cases, a fire watcher shall remain on the premises for one (1) hour after the torch or flame-producing device has been used.
(b) Any person using a torch or other flame-producing device for sweating pipe joints in any building or structure shall have available in the immediate vicinity where the sweating is done one (1) approved fire extinguisher or water hose connected to a water supply. Combustible material in the close proximity of flame shall be protected against ignition by shielding, wetting or other approved means. In all cases, a fire watcher shall remain in the vicinity of the sweating operation for one-half hour after the torch or flame-producing device has been used. (1975 L.M.C., ch. 23, § 1.)
(a) Designated areas where smoking prohibited. Where conditions are such as to make smoking a hazard in any areas of piers, wharves, warehouses, stores, industrial plants, institutions, schools, places of assembly and in open spaces where combustible materials are stored or handled, the Director is empowered and authorized to order the owner or occupant in writing to post “No Smoking” signs in each building, structure, room or place in which smoking shall be prohibited. Such signs shall be conspicuously and suitably located. The Director shall designate specific safe locations, if necessary, in any building, structure or place in which smoking may be permitted.
(b) Form of “No Smoking” signs. The lettering, size, color and location of legally required “No Smoking” signs shall be subject to the approval of the Director.
(c) Removal of signs prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove or mutilate or destroy any legally required “No Smoking” sign.
(d) Compliance with “No Smoking signs.” It shall be unlawful for any person to smoke or throw or deposit any lighted or smoldering substance in any place where “No Smoking” signs are posted or in any other place where smoking would occasion or constitute a fire or life hazard.
(e) Stables. No person shall carry or use a lighted candle, lighted lamp or any other open flame nor smoke or carry any lighted cigar, cigarette or pipe nor light any matches in any public stable. (1975 L.M.C., ch. 23, § 1.)
No person shall deposit hot ashes or cinders, or smoldering coals, or greasy or oily substances liable to spontaneous ignition, into any combustible receptacle, or place the same within ten (10) feet of any combustible materials, except in metal or other noncombustible, covered receptacles. Such receptacles, unless resting on a noncombustible floor or on the ground outside the building, shall be placed on noncombustible stands and in every case shall be kept at least two (2) feet from any combustible wall or partition, or exterior window opening. (1975 L.M.C., ch. 23, § 1.)
(a) Generally. All chimneys, smokestacks or similar devices for conveying smoke or hot gases to the outer air and the stoves, furnaces, incinerators, water heaters, fire boxes or boilers to which they are connected shall be constructed and maintained in such a manner as not to create a hazardous condition.
(b) Spark arresters. All chimneys, stacks and flues including incinerator stacks which may emit sparks that create a fire hazard shall be equipped and maintained with a spark arrester. Such spark arrester shall be of approved construction. (1975 L.M.C., ch. 23, § 1.)