(a) Notice when gas is shut off. Any person shutting off gas to any building or structure shall promptly notify the company supplying such gas.
(b) Shut off valves to be accessible; curb keys. No person shall make gas shut off valves inaccessible for use. The local gas utility shall, upon request, furnish appropriate curb keys to the department. (1975 L.M.C., ch. 23, § 1.)
(a) All oxygen-fuel gas systems for welding and cutting shall be installed and operated in accordance with National Fire Protection Association Standard for the Installation and Operation of Oxygen-fuel Gas Systems for Welding and Cutting, NFPA #51.
(b) All cutting and welding processes shall be conducted in accordance with National Fire Protection Association Standard for Fire Prevention in Use of Cutting and Welding Processes, NFPA #51-B. (1975 L.M.C., ch. 23, § 1.)
(a) All users of medical oxygen shall be provided by the supplier, written instructions for preventing accidents and reducing or eliminating the danger of fire. The instructions shall be either a copy of the Manual for the Home Use of Respiratory Therapy, NFPA #56-HM, or an instructional pamphlet approved by the Director. Any person who shall sell, distribute, deliver or cause to be delivered medical oxygen without the required instructions shall be subject to the penalty clause of the chapter.
(b) The provisions of this section shall not apply to the use of oxygen in licensed health care facilities. (1975 L.M.C., ch. 23, § 1.)
(a) Defined. Pyroxylin plastic (cellulose nitrate) shall mean any plastic substance, material or compound other than explosives covered by section 22-71, having cellulose nitrate as a base, by whatever name known, when in the form of blocks, slabs, sheets, tubes or fabricated shapes.
(b) Permit required for storage. All retailers, jobbers and wholesalers storing or handling more than twenty-five (25) pounds of pyroxylin plastic shall obtain a permit from the Director.
(c) Permit required for manufacture. A permit shall be required for the manufacture of articles of pyroxylin plastic, which shall include the use of pyroxylin in the manufacture or assembly of other articles.
(d) Storage of picture film. No person shall store, keep or have on hand more than twenty- five (25) pounds (for 35 mm film about 5,000 feet) or cellulose nitrate motion picture film without a permit from the Director. Film having a cellulose acetate or other approved slow burning base, marked safety film, is exempt from this provision. (1975 L.M.C., ch. 23, § 1.)
(a) Wholesale storage generally.
(1) At wholesale establishments and wherever matches exceeding sixty (60) matchmens’s gross (14,400 matches each gross) are stored, shipping containers containing matches shall be arranged in piles not exceeding ten (10) feet in height nor one thousand five hundred (1,500) cubic feet in volume with aisles at least four (4) feet wide.
(2) Where other materials or commodities are stored on the same floor with matches, a portion of the room shall be devoted to match storage exclusively, and a clear space of not less than four (4) feet maintained between match storage and such other materials or commodities.
(b) Storage not to be near vertical openings. No matches shall be stored within ten (10) feet of any open elevator shaft, elevator shaft opening, open stairway or other vertical opening.
(c) Match bins required for broken containers. Where shipping containers containing matches are opened, the contents of such broken containers shall be removed and stored in metal or metal-lined bins equipped with self-closing metal or metal-lined covers.
(d) Storage by retailers. Where matches are sold at retail, original sealed packages may be stored on shelves. When such packages are broken, individual boxes shall be stored in metal-lined bins as described above. (1975 L.M.C., ch. 23, § 1.)
(a) Defined. Scrap, waste and junkyards and collection stations shall include all buildings or areas where wastepaper, rags or other combustible materials are handled or stored or where old motor vehicles or other old machinery are dismantled, stored, handled, sold or exchanged.
(b) Construction and protection requirements. Buildings housing combustible junk or materials shall have windows or other openings for access for fire fighting and clear aisles tributary to them shall be provided. No materials shall be located in a yard nor shall any yard be operated in a manner to expose adjoining properties to a fire hazard.
(c) Fire extinguishers. One approved Class A fire extinguisher of suitable size shall be provided for each two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet or fraction thereof of the junkyard.
(d) Access to area. No motor vehicle, or any part thereof, junk or other waste material shall be stored, displayed or kept in such a manner as to unnecessarily hinder or endanger fire fighting operations. Aisles, driveways or passageways suitable for fire apparatus shall be provided to permit reasonable access to all parts of the yard for fire fighting operations. (1975 L.M.C., ch. 23, § 1.)
(a) Definitions.
Combustible fibres: The phrase "combustible fibres" means and includes readily ignitable and free burning fibres, such as cotton, sisal, henequen, ixtle, jute, hemp, tow, cocoa fibres, oakum, rags, waste, cloth, wastepaper, kapok, hay, straw, Spanish moss, excelsior and other like materials.
Combustible fibre storage bins: The phrase "combustible fibre storage bins" means metal, or metal-lined containers with a capacity not exceeding one hundred (100) cubic feet, and equipped with a self-closing cover.
Combustible fibre storage rooms: The phrase "combustible fibre storage rooms" means rooms with a capacity not exceeding five hundred (500) cubic feet separated from the remainder of the building by a one-hour occupancy separation constructed as specified in the building code.
Protected combustible fibre storage vault: The phrase "protected combustible fibre storage vault" means a room with a capacity exceeding one thousand (1,000) cubic feet, separated from the remainder of the building by a two-hour occupancy separation constructed as specified in the building code and provided with an approved automatic extinguishing system.
Unprotected combustible fibre storage vault: The phrase "unprotected combustible fibre storage vault" means a room with a capacity not exceeding one thousand (1,000) cubic feet separated from the remainder of the building by a two-hour occupancy separation constructed as specified in the building code and provided with approved safety vents to the outside.
(b) Permit required. No person shall store or handle combustible fibres in quantities in excess of one hundred (100) cubic feet without a permit.
(c) Loose storage. Loose combustible fibres (not in suitable bales or packages), shall be stored as shown in the following table:
Cu. Ft. Mtls. | Method of Storage
| |
0 - 100 | Comb. Fibre Storage Bin | |
101 - 500 | Comb. Fibre Storage Room | |
501-1000 | Unprotected | Comb. Fibre Storage Vaule |
1000 - up | Protected | Comb. Fibre Storage Vault |
Up to twenty-five hundred (2500) cubic feet of loose fibres may be stored in a detached "loose house" suitable located, with opening properly protected against entrance of sparks. The loose house shall be used for no other purpose.
(d) Baled storage. No single block or pile shall contain more than twenty-five thousand (25,000) cubic feet of fibre exclusive of aisles or clearances. Blocks or piles of baled fibre shall be separate from adjacent storage by aisles not less than five (5) feet wide, or by flash fire barriers consisting of continuous sheets of noncombustible material extending from floor to a height of at least one (1) foot above the highest point of piles and projecting at least one (1) foot beyond the sides of the piles.
(e) Storage of sisal, etc. Sisal and other fibres in bales bound with combustible tie ropes, also jute and other fibres liable to swell when wet, shall be stored to allow for expansion in any direction without endangering building walls, floors, ceilings or columns. Not less than three-foot clearance shall be left between walls and sides of piles; except, that if storage compartment is not more than thirty (30) feet in width, eighteen-inch clearance at side walls will be sufficient, provided a center aisle not less than five (5) feet is maintained.
(f) Clearance between sprinkler heads and piles. Not less than three-foot clearance shall be maintained between sprinkler heads and tops of piles.
(g) Dust collecting system. Equipment or machinery within a building which generates or emits combustible fibres shall be provided with an approved dust collecting and exhaust system.
(h) Agricultural storage. Unlimited quantities of hay, straw and other agricultural products may be stored in or near farm buildings located outside closely built area. (1975 L.M.C., ch. 23, § 1.)
(a) The equipment, processes and operation of automobile tire rebuilding and recapping plans shall comply with the applicable requirements of this code and the detail provisions of this section.
(b) A permit shall be obtained from the Director to conduct or maintain any tire recapping or rebuilding plant.
(c) The layout, arrangement and construction of buildings and structures used for tire rebuilding or recapping shall comply with the applicable requirements of the building code for the appropriate occupancy use group classification, and shall be provided with fire protection and fire extinguishment as required by that code. Buildings and structures and their service equipment shall be maintained in safe and sound condition as required by this code.
(d) Fire doors or other opening protectives to exitway or elevator enclosures or similar shaft enclosures required by the building code shall be kept closed except when the opening is in actual use.
(e) When tire rebuilding plants are required to be separated from other occupancies in the building by the building code, such separation shall be maintained in good condition and shall not be pierced or broken in any manner. When a sprinkler system is required by the building code in an automobile tire rebuilding plant it shall be maintained in proper and continuous working order.
(f) Buffing machines shall be located in a room separated from the remainder of the plant as required by the building code, and fire doors in such separations shall be maintained free of all obstructions at all times. Each machine shall be connected to an ample dust collecting system in conformity with NFPA Standard #91, Standard for the Installation of Blower and Exhaust Systems for Dust, Stock, Vapor Removal or Conveying.
(g) Each room where rubber cement is used or mixed, or flammable or combustible solvents are applied, shall be equipped with effective mechanical or natural ventilation. (1975 L.M.C., ch. 23, § 1.)
(a) Permit required. No person shall store in excess of one hundred thousand (100,000) board feet of lumber without a permit.
(b) Storage area. The area for storage of each lumber pile, whether in the open or under cover shall not exceed four thousand (4,000) square feet. Such areas shall be so arranged that all lumber storage piles are separated either by a distance of fifteen (15) feet, a fire wall, storage of noncombustible material or any other approved fire break. No lumber pile shall be higher than its clear distance from the nearest adjoining property line, and the maximum height of piles shall be fifteen (15) feet.
(c) Fencing. Permanent lumber storage yards exceeding four thousand (4,000) square feet in area shall have a substantial six-foot masonry, metal, wire or wood fence designed to prevent entry of unauthorized persons onto the premises, unless the storage is within fully enclosed buildings.
(d) Auto storage. No automotive trucks or automobiles shall be allowed to remain closer than fifteen (15) feet to a lumber storage shed overnight unless housed within a noncombustible garage.
(e) Burning of shavings, refuse, etc. When approved the burning of shavings, sawdust and refuse materials shall be permitted only under boilers, in furnaces or in incinerators or refuse burners safely constructed and located. Stacks shall be provided with approved spark arresters having openings which will eliminate the danger from sparks such as an expansion chamber, baffle walls or other effective arrangement. At boiler or other points where sawdust or shavings are used as fuel, a storage bin of noncombustible construction with raised sill, shall be provided.
(f) Smoking. Smoking shall be prohibited except in specified safe locations in buildings. "No Smoking" signs shall be painted on exterior building walls and on signs, erected at driveways’ edges. "No Smoking" signs shall be posted throughout all buildings except in specific locations designated as safe for smoking purposes.
(g) Weeds. Weeds shall be kept down throughout the entire year and shall be sprayed as often as needed with a satisfactory weed killer or cut or grubbed out. Dead weeds shall be removed.
(h) Debris; housekeeping. Debris such as sawdust, chips and shorts shall be removed regularly. Proper housekeeping shall be maintained at all times.
(i) First aid fire extinguishing equipment in open yards and buildings. Portable fire extinguishers suitable for the hazard involved or water barrels shall be provided at convenient, conspicuously accessible locations. The extinguishers or barrels shall be placed so that the maximum travel distance to the nearest unit shall not exceed seventy-five (75) feet. Water barrels if used shall be provided with three (3) pails each and shall contain at least forty (40) gallons of water. First aid fire extinguishers shall be provided in all buildings in accordance with the provisions of NFPA Standard #10, Portable Fire Extinguishers.
(j) Refuse removal systems for sawmills, etc. Sawmills, planing mills and other woodworking plants shall be equipped with refuse removal systems which will collect and remove sawdust and shavings as produced.
(k) Fire fighting equipment near machines producing shavings, etc. Fire fighting equipment, either first aid fire appliances or hose supplied from a suitable water system, shall be provided within reach of any machine producing shavings or sawdust. Extinguishers shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of NFPA Standard #10, Portable Fire Extinguishers. (1975 L.M.C., ch. 23, § 1.)