Article 1. Energy.
§ 18A-1. Findings and statement of purpose.
§ 18A-2. Energy Policy—Purposes; preparation; contents; action plan; annual review.
§ 18A-3. Public hearing; modifications; approval; effective date.
§ 18A-4. Amendments.
§ 18A-5. Climate, Energy, and Air Quality Advisory Committee; establishment; terms of office; ex-officio members.
§ 18A-6. Meetings; quorum; voting.
§ 18A-7. Subcommittees.
§ 18A-8. Duties and responsibilities.
§ 18A-8A. Advocacy.
§ 18A-9. Interagency Group on Energy and Utility Management-Establishment; membership; meetings.
§ 18A-10. Administrative arrangements; support and organizational duties and functions of County government.
§ 18A-11. Clean Energy Rewards Program.
§ 18A-11A. Renewable energy.
Article 2. Climate Protection.
§ 18A-12. Definitions.
§ 18A-13. Department of Environmental Protection – Office of Sustainability.
§ 18A-14. Department of General Services – Office of Energy and Sustainability.
§ 18A-15. Climate Protection Plan.
§ 18A-16. Reserved.
§ 18A-16A. Social cost of carbon assessment.
Article 3. Climate Protection - Motor Vehicles - County Fleet.
§ 18A-17. Definitions.
§ 18A-18. Biodiesel fuel standards.
§ 18A-19. Sport utility vehicles.
§ 18A-20. Fuel economy standards.
§ 18A-21. Emergency Vehicles Inventory.
§ 18A-22. Car share program.
§ 18A-23. Annual report.
Article 4. Home Energy Loan Program.
§ 18A-24. Definitions.
§ 18A-25. Established; purpose.
§ 18A-26. Eligibility; use of funds.
§ 18A-27. Home energy audit.
§ 18A-28. Repayment of funds; lien.
§ 18A-29. Regulations.
§ 18A-30. Revolving loan fund.
§ 18A-31. Annual report.
§ 18A-32. Third party contract.
Article 5. Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy Program.
§ 18A-33. Definitions.
§ 18A-34. Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy Program - established.
§ 18A-35. Eligibility.
§ 18A-36. Payment of surcharge; lien.
§ 18A-37. Regulations; annual report.
Article 6. Building Energy Use Benchmarking and Performance Standards.
§ 18A-38. Intent.
§ 18A-38A. Definitions.
§ 18A-38B. Applicability.
§ 18A-39. Energy use benchmarking.
§ 18A-40. Data verification.
§ 18A-41. Solicitation of compliance information from tenants.
§ 18A-42. Establishment of building energy performance standards.
§ 18A-42A. Building Performance Improvement Board.
§ 18A-42B. Building performance improvement plans.
§ 18A-42C. Extensions and adjustments.
§ 18A-43. Annual report; disclosure of benchmarking and energy performance information.
§ 18A-43A. Regulations.
§ 18A-43B. Penalties; enforcement.
Article 7. Montgomery County Green Bank.
§ 18A-44. Purpose.
§ 18A-45. Definitions.
§ 18A-46. Designation.
§ 18A-47. Board of Directors.
§ 18A-48. Status; incorporation; bylaws.
§ 18A-49. Work program; staff; support from County Government.
§ 18A-50. Report.
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(a) In the interest of maintaining an adequate and reliable energy supply at reasonable cost, the County government recognizes the need to institutionalize through legislation an energy policy and energy planning program. In addition, the efficient use of energy directly benefits air quality and climate, demonstrating the linkages necessary to achieve essential environmental goals. For this reason, the responsibilities of the Advisory Committee on Climate, Energy, and Air Quality includes an advisory function with respect to air quality and climate change.
(b) The intent of this Article is to provide the initiative for County government to address energy issues and plan for a future which may be energy resource-constrained. It establishes the means to formulate ongoing policies, plans, programs and activities designed to foster energy conservation and to promote cost-effective alternatives to existing sources of energy and patterns of energy consumption while maintaining efforts to meet environmental goals.
(c) This Article is intended to serve as a vehicle for the promotion of energy consciousness throughout all segments of the community and for the development and implementation of immediate and long-range cooperative energy planning efforts in both the public and private sectors. (1976 L.M.C., ch. 13, § 1; 1995 L.M.C., ch. 24, § 1; 2008 L.M.C., ch. 6, § 1; 2008 L.M.C., ch. 9; § 1; 2020 L.M.C., ch. 21, §1.)
(a) The County Executive must develop and submit to the County Council for approval an energy policy which establishes both short and long-term energy efficiency objectives, promotes immediate and long-range energy consciousness, identifies potential strategies for leadership at the County level to help secure the County's energy future, and stresses the link between energy and the environment. The Executive must review the energy policy annually and report to the Council by October 31 on its continuing appropriateness, and may with Council approval amend it from time to time.
(b) To further the objectives of the energy policy, the Executive must annually develop an energy work program of activities which can be accomplished in 12 to 24 months. The Executive must review the work program each year, may add new initiatives when action is completed on previous years' activities, and may modify or end existing activities as appropriate. The Executive must also propose a long-range plan of public and private actions to accomplish those objectives. (1976 L.M.C., ch. 13, § 1; 1995 L.M.C., ch. 24, § 1.)