In this Article, the following words have the meanings indicated:
ASTM means the American Society for Testing and Materials.
B20 means a biodiesel blend of 20% biodiesel and 80% petroleum diesel fuels.
Biodiesel means any biomass-based diesel fuel certified by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Biodiesel blend means a blend of biodiesel fuel, designated BXX, where XX represents the volume percentage of biodiesel fuel in the blend.
Car share program means a program that allows County employees to conduct County business using motor vehicles which:
(1) are owned or leased by the County; and
(2) County residents and businesses can lease when they are not being used for County business.
County fleet means all passenger vehicles and light trucks owned or leased by the County.
County vehicle means any motor vehicle owned or leased by the County.
Department means the Department of General Services.
Diesel fuel means a distillate fuel for use in diesel engines.
Director means the Director of the Department or the Director’s designee.
Fuel economy means the federal Environmental Protection Agency’s combined (city and highway) fuel economy estimate for a vehicle.
Light truck means a motor vehicle with a gross vehicle weight of less than 8,500 pounds which is:
(1) designed primarily for transporting property;
(2) designed primarily for transporting persons and has a capacity of more than 12 persons; or
(3) available with special features that enable off-road operation or use.
Miles per gallon means the distance traveled in a vehicle powered by one gallon of fuel.
Office of Energy and Sustainability or Office means the Office of Energy and Sustainability in the Department of General Services created in Section 18A-14.
Passenger vehicle means a motor vehicle, except a light truck or motorcycle, designed to carry no more than 12 persons.
Public safety vehicle means a motor vehicle whose primary purpose is patrol, transport, emergency response, or another purpose that requires specialized equipment or capabilities, which is used by:
(1) the Department of Police;
(2) the Fire and Rescue Service;
(3) the Department of Correction and Rehabilitation; or
(a) Standard. A County vehicle with a diesel engine must use a biodiesel blend of B20 or higher unless the Director finds that there is a compelling reason to use:
(1) a different biodiesel or other biofuel blend; or
(2) another fuel that achieves greater greenhouse gas reductions.
(b) Applicability. This Section does not apply to any County vehicle for which mechanical failure due to use of biodiesel fuel would void the manufacturer’s warranty for that vehicle.
(c) The Director may waive the requirements of this subsection for up to 1 year if the Director finds that compliance is not feasible for a certain type of vehicle. (2008 L.M.C., ch. 6, § 2.)